Bradley Benner – Outsource KingpinHere’s What You Are About To Receive With YourPremium Outsource Kingpin MembershipModule 1: OverviewTo The Point – Get started fast.When To Start – Find out when and WHY you should be outsourcing.Resources – Tons of resources to get your outsourcing work accomplished fast.Module 2: UpdatesFast Turn Around – As changes to the processes occur, we’ll add content to help you stay on top – fast.Single Location – Easily find updated information and revisions.Module 3: Hiring FunnelDetailed Outline – Exact steps need to replicate our funnel steps.Over The Shoulder – See exactly how it works.and why! Then implement yourself.Module 4: InterviewingSave Time – Speed up the interview process at all points to find the best candidatesGet The Best Outsourcers – Learn how you should be onboarding your newly hired outsources to get the most bang for your buck.Module 5: TrainingBest Practices – How to train your outsourcers effectively and quickly.Ensuring Output – How to monitor progress through the entire processStaying The Course – Find out how to effectively guide your new outsources and ensure success.Module 6: ManagingBest practices – Learn how to best manage your outsourcing team.Promotions – See how to promote from within to use trained leaders to accomplish even more while saving even more of YOUR TIME.Module 7: ScalingScaling Process – How to take your current processes and grow fast.Creating Managers – Learn how to take your outsources and create project managers and team leaders who will take your previous role.meaning you can work ON your business.And So Much More.And These Incredible Bonuses!Bonus 1: Outsource Kingpin Quickstart GuideInstant – Get the quick start guide when you purchaseImportant Reference Tool – Helpful for quickly getting your outsourcing team goingAnd So Much More.Bonus 2: Outsource ArbitrageNothing Else Needed – Even if you don’t have a business, this alone can help you start generating revenue and pay for the course many times over, in a short period of time!Great Addition Work Option For Your Team – Don’t have enough work to keep your team busy? Set up with Oursource Arbitrage and have them earning YOU money while not working on your projects!Save $$$ – This training alone would cost $197 or more in other courses.And So Much More.Bonus 3: Urgent UpworkAdditional Revenue Opportunity – Even more ways to turn your outsourcing team into revenue machines.Over The Shoulder – You’ll see exactly how this work and how to implement.And So Much More.