Boss Project – Your Biz on Autopilot


(This course is available for immediate delivery) Take a deep breath, we’re about to put you back in charge. No longer will your business be running you, you will be running it! Let’s give you back some time, conserve a little energy and turn that extra space into profit.

Boss Project – Your Biz on Autopilot


Your Biz on Autopilot
It’s about time to get some automation all up in your biz.
How do they do it?
If you sit there wondering how other small biz owners are able to be active multiple times a day on their social media channels, send out a blog post more than once a week, quickly process orders or client inquiries all while not pulling their hair out we have some big news for you.
Those small biz owners are in on a little secret. They have put their biz on autopilot and it’s time for you to do the same.
Things like posting on Instagram, scheduling meetings and getting to inbox zero do not have to steal hours from your day any longer. Many of these things can be done in minutes and some, heck, you’ll never have to do them again. They’ll just start happening automatically.

Sound magical?
You too can have your life back.
Take a deep breath, we’re about to put you back in charge. No longer will your business be running you, you will be running it! Let’s give you back some time, conserve a little energy and turn that extra space into profit.
If you want to truly uplevel your business (i.e. bring in more moolah with less work), then you need to take some stuff off your plate.
We’ll walk you through every single aspect of our business and show you how we cut the time it took us to do tasks in half (or more).

And guess what our precious little biz baby? Guess how much we love you?
A whole helluva lot. That’s how much.
We not only gathered these time saving techniques (that we use to make sure our multi 6-figure business runs smoothly), but we’re giving them to you.
The Best News? It’s freaking $11.

Like eleven dollars – no zeros, no commas, just $11.
As in an epic deal, so ridiculous it’s practically free.
As in you don’t have to finance it or take out a loan, you can just get it all right now – for $11.
It’s like that one time the person at Starbucks didn’t charge you for all those extra shots. #KnightInEspressoArmor

Here’s what you can expect to get from Your Biz on Autopilot:
? Step 1: Skip the Endless Search
Learn the apps, softwares, programs and tools we use to have our business run on autopilot so you don’t have to go digging around the internet to trial and error the trillions of options that are out there
⏰ Step 2: Save Countless Hours Every Week
Steal the time saving techniques we use to cut business workflows in half (or more) so you can stop hating whenever a new client or customer reaches out or you have to post on Instagram (don’t lie, we know you’ve done this)
? Step 3: Implement New Strategies at Home
Find out the ways in which we’ve been able to put our life on autopilot so you can not only save time in your business, but after you leave the office too
Get immediately download Boss Project – Your Biz on Autopilot
? Step 4: Stop Doing Shit You Hate
Unlock the secrets to automating key aspects of our business like social media, email, blogging, and productivity so you no longer have to spend time on things you hate
? Step 5: Learn to Run Your Business from Anywhere
Learn the super automated way we run our biz on-the-go, because we all know that running a biz from your iPhone is nice in theory, but not that easy #ThumbCramps
? Step 6: Steal Our Process
You’ll get the exact script we use to respond to clients, customers, students and robots when they reach out to us in places we’d rather them not (i.e. the ole Facebook Messenger), plus how to get them to not to that

Course Curriculum

Are You Ready?

Are you ready for this? (0:20)
Welcome! (1:29)
Join Our Community

Get ed

Why Automate? (1:48)
Give Yourself a Break (1:20)
You’re Convinced this is the Best it Will Ever Be (3:57)
Mental Blocks (2:50)
Create Whitespace (4:26)

Automate #AllTheThings

Productivity (8:11)
Profit (6:16)
Blogging (4:37)
Social Media (12:40)
Email (9:05)
Graphics (4:24)
Client Communication (3:41)
Life (11:22)

This is Gonna Change Your Life

Save Time on the Go (4:30)
Save Time Online (7:36)


All Our Favorite Systems & Resources
22 Keyboard Shortcuts for Trello & Mac Users
Here’s How Biz on Autopilot Changed My Life

Your Instructors

Boss Project

Running a business is probably the craziest decision you ever made. You love it, but are overwhelmed with all the nitty gritty details. How on earth are you supposed to be head of every department for your business while also running your business? Well, friend, we’ve got you.
Consider yourself home here at Boss Project. We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. We’ve got happy and hustling students from all over the world who are both brand spankin’ new and a little bit seasoned in their business. At Think Creative Collective we strive to pivot the creative community from keepers of secrets to givers of tactics and strategies. When we unlock something (anything) we’re ready to turn around and deliver it right to you so you can get to kicking business booty. Because here’s the beef:

We believe you have dreams that are worth achieving.
We believe you should wake up every day empowered to do and be your best.
We believe your branding and marketing should attract your ideal client or customer in every way.
We believe you are 100% capable.
We want you to go after a business and life that you will love.

Get immediately download Boss Project – Your Biz on Autopilot

You think because this course is $11 that we wouldn’t give you bonuses?
You’re silly.
To unlock these bonuses you just need to send a one-time payment of zero dollars. Woot!
Our All Time Favorite Resources for Automation
We go over these resources one by one inside the program so instead of making you jot them down as they get brought up we’re giving them to you all together. In one giant PDF. With links. That you can click. To get the resources yourself. It’s almost like we wanted to save you time or something.
22 Time Saving Keyboard Shortcuts for Trello & Mac
Using keyboard shortcuts is kinda like when you tell yourself you’re gonna stop eating Chipotle every week for dinner. In theory you think they’ll save you time and help you be healthier, but in reality you find yourself heading out in the cold to spend 40 minutes stuffing your face with a burrito bigger than your small dog. It seems like no one can ever remember what the shortcut is so we decided to make a handy dandy notebook PDF that you can print out and pull out whenever you need it.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Boss Project – Your Biz on Autopilot