Boris Gotz – Under Cupid’s Wing – Real Bootcamp Transformations


✓ Get access to 3 live bootcamp training footages

✓ Hours of high quality content with exercises and tips

✓ 17 videos with infield demonstrations and breakdown

✓ Learn how to quickly handle common sticking points

✓ Get inspired to take immediate action by seeing regular guys like you transform in minutes
Minh’s Bootcamp: How to Open

✓ Learn the one line you need to use to get a girl’s attention

✓ Discover what it takes to relieve the pressure when approaching

✓ Learn what the best thing is to say when talking to hot girls

✓ Watch exercises Minh uses to get out of his head

✓ Learn the realities of pickup through Minh’s progress
Alex’s Bootcamp: How to Talk

✓ Learn how to handle girls who are busy or are in a rush

✓ Learn what a lot of guys say that you should avoid

✓ Discover how to save interactions and what to do if it fails

✓ Discover the KEY exercise I teach students to master how to talk

✓ Watch how Alex overcomes bad “pickup” habits most men learn
John’s Bootcamp: How to Close

✓ Learn the 3 different phases of night game (and what to do)

✓ Learn the truth of real game as John demonstrates flash vs boring

✓ Discover what it takes to not be like every other guy in the club

✓ Watch John’s infield clips as he successfully pulls two girls

✓ Listen to the breakdown of how John goes from open to close
Under Cupid’s Wing – Real Bootcamp Transformations Contents: Videos , Pdf