
Bonny Casel – Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences – School of Natural Medicine

Original price was: ₹40,350.00.Current price is: ₹6,391.00.



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Bonny Casel – Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences – School of Natural Medicine
quantum botanicals & flower essences independent study
The Quantum Botanical Online Certification Course offers a loving and mind-expanding exploration of the plant world, and the nature of consciousness and quantum physics. This pioneering one-of-a-kind course will open your heart and mind in profound ways that will change the way you perceive healing, personal evolution and your relationship with nature. Learn skills to release trauma held in the body, allowing for clearer perception and a more peaceful, present approach to life.
12 lessons – 440 pages
Quantum Botanicals
Course Topics

Mind Maps
What is Matter
Euclidian/Newtonian Science
Scientific Method/Planck/Einstein/Quantum
Physicias/Mandelbrot Set/Holographic Universe/Fractal Potential
How does matter communicate?
Electromagnetic Energy
How do cells communicate?
Self organisation & emergent behaviours
Left/Right brain hemisphere dynamics
Heart Math/Heart Brain Entrainment
Felt Sense
Metta Practice
Plant Consciousness
Darwin & Botany
History of Plants as Medicine
How Plants Communicate
Direct Perception Plant Communication
Physical and Subtle Bodies
Etheric Body
Emotional/Pain Body
Mental Body
Spiritual Body/Consciousness
Bulleted List Item
Sub-Conscious/Collective Unconscious
Relationship between Mind, Emotions and Physical Body
Candace Pert – the effect of emotions on molecular/cell behaviour
What is Vibrational Medicine
What is Health?
What is Disease?
Natural Laws
Early development of Homeopathy
Elemental energetics – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether
Why Water?
Ayurvedic Chakras & Emotions
Bach Flower Remedies
History of Dr. Edward Bach
Early development of the Bach Flower Remedies
Bach – 12 Healers
Bach – 4 + 3 Helpers
Bach – 19 Situation Remedies
Flower Essences in Practice
Patterns of Behaviour – mental/emotional imbalances play out through individual constitutional strenghts and weaknesses in disease creation
Flower Essences – Acute and Chronic approaches to treatment
Flower Essences and depression, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, trauma/PTSD, abuse, addiction, life direction, etc.
Developing empathy and compassion
Consultation skills
Observation and active listening
Choosing a remedy for yourself
Choosing a rememdy for others – conslutation, dousing, muscle testing
Case History skills
MYMOP patient questionnaires
Combining vibrational modalities
Polarity therapy and flower essences
Floral acupuncture and the Chinese meridians
Essential oils and flower essences
Herbal Medicine and Quantum Healing
Reiki and flower essences
Sound healing and flower essences
Colour therapy and flower essences
Vibrational essences
Nature Remedies & Tree Essences
Gem, Crystal and Star Elixers
Essence development
Product creation/storage/hygiene/carriers/labelling/packaging
Energy medicine chest
Practice development
Code of Conduct – Ethics