
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen – The Organ System, With Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

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Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen – The Organ System, With Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal histories. They support our tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.Embodying the organ system with sections on: explorations of the organs; releasing adhesions between organs; initiating breath, voice, movement and touch from the organs; analyzing imbalances in individual organs; techniques to balance the organs; and the embryological development of the organs.
DVD SET • Five discs; 7 hours, 50 min.

This DVD set contains the following chapters (click here for a printable list):
Disc 1: Embryology of the Organ System

Front Body and Back Body
Gut Tube (Digestive Tract)
Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Pancreas
Urogenital Organs
Connecting Stalk
Giving Thanks to Our Teachers

Disc 2: Organ System Part 1

Introduction to Embodying the Organs
Hyoid Bone
Digestive Organs
Releasing Adhesions between the Organs through Awareness

Disc 3: Organ System Part 2

Initiating Movement from the Heart, Lungs and Intestines
Countering the Heart and Lungs with the Intestines
Pectinate Line and Its Relationship to the Palate
Sounding into the Palate and Pectinate Line
Liver and Gallbladder
Finding the Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas in Movement
Finding the Diagonals of the Pancreas/Spleen and Stomach/Duodenum
Finding the Liver and Gallbladder to Support the Diagonals of the Spleen/Pancreas and Stomach/Duodenum
Urogenital System
Moving From the Urogenital System
Finding the embryological Kidneys to Support Movement
Finding the Midline, Lateral Line and Four Quadrants of the Abdomen

Disc 4: Organ System Part 3

Breathing and Sounding with the Spleen, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Liver
Breathing and Sounding with the Urogenital Organs
Breathing and Sounding Om From the Lung Bud
Excerpts on the Philosophy of Embodiment

Disc 5: Organ Roll

Organ Roll: Aligning the Organs in Sidelying Position
Organ Roll: Bonnie Working with a Student (1)
Organ Roll: Bonnie Working with a Student (2)


Exploring the Organs

The Heart

The Liver and Gallbladder

Finding the Liver and Gallbladder to Support the Diagonals of Spleen/Pancreas and Stomach/Duodenum