Bob proctor – Science of Getting Rich Package


Bob proctor – Science of Getting Rich PackageEnjoy More Abundance, Joy and Wealth Without Working Harder or Giving Up All of Your TimeGetting rich is as predictable and reliable as science – and when you understand it, you can create predictable success in your life!Do you ever think some people are just lucky?Like circumstances have unfolded perfectly for some individuals …And the Universe is so clearly on their side …But not you. You work (hard) for everything you have.Of course, everyone has an inner dialogue that has tried to convince them self of this from time-to-time.And it just isn’t true.You can be someone who’s always getting ‘lucky’ and has the universe rooting for you … forking up circumstances that make your life easier and more fun.IMAGINE IF YOUCould easily see the opportunity in every obstacle.Had the perception and knowledge to create ideal circumstances.Had a process to create success in your health, wealth and relationships that worked every time.Could eliminate stress and frustration from your life.Had peace of mind and confidence in your ability to achieve your goals.Really feel what that would be like and think, what do you really want?THIS ISN’T HOPING AND WISHING … THIS IS SCIENCEThe self-help industry can get a bad wrap because of all the information out there that doesn’t work.That’s because most people out there focus on the effect rather than the cause …If you want to create lasting results, go right for the foundation!And look no further for ‘how’ – this is it.THE RICH EQUATIONEverything in our lives is directly tied to our self image … that includes:The amount of joy we experienceThe amount of money we earnThe connections and relationships we enjoy in our livesHow we feel on a daily basisAnd the list goes on.The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change – improving your self image produces lasting results.Science of Getting RichThe Science of Getting Rich is quite possibly the most impactful personal development program. Many believe the Science of Getting Rich teaches the foundations of personal development, the law of attraction and achieving the life you really want.  .The Science of Getting Rich can teach you to execute and achieve any goal with the precision and accuracy of a medical laser. Never again go stepping through life in the dark, hoping you might get to where you’d really like to be.The Science of Getting Rich is covered in 17 sessions and a comprehensive workbook:Session 1: The Right to Be RichSession 2: The Science of Getting RichSession 3: Is Opportunity Monopolized?Session 4: The First PrincipleSession 5: Increasing LifeSession 6: How Riches Come to YouSession 7: GratitudeSession 8: Thinking in a Certain WaySession 9: How to Use the WillSession 10: Further Use of The WillSession 11: Acting In a Certain WaySession 12: Effective ActionSession 13: Getting Into The Right BusinessSession 14: The Impression of IncreaseSession 15: The Advancing PersonSession 16: Some Cautions and Concluding ObservationsSession 17: A Summary of the Science of Getting Rich There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.