Blueprint For Real Estate Success – Jared James


IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, JUST NEED A JUMPSTART OR KNOW THAT YOU NEVER REALLY LEARNED HOW TO RUN A PREDICTABLE BUSINESS, YOU NEED TO SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE. THIS 10-MODULE PROGRAM WILL TAKE YOU THROUGH EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO START GROWING A SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATEBUSINESS!There Are 10 Sections To The CoursePersonal BluePrintThis industry is not easy and it will take more than closings for you to prosper. The Personal Blueprint will help you to lay the foundation needed to get in the right state of mind daily and eliminate the junk in your life holding you back from your true potential.Financial BluePrintIn any line of business, finances are extremely important. In the Financial BluePrint you will become more aware of your finances and how to leverage them so you can always come from a position of strength. This section also includes several resources to help you track your money moving forward.Business Structure BluePrintEvery successful business needs a plan. In the Business Structure BluePrint you will learn how to reverse engineer your career and figure out exactly what you need each day to reach your goals.Networking BluePrintCreating and maintaining a strong network is a key element to business growth. The Networking BluePrint will teach you how to develop, grow, and continuously maintain your Core 100 to create over 350 transactions over the next 5-7 years.Open House BluePrintThis section will teach you the ins and outs of successful open houses. Learn everything from how many open houses you should be doing, how to get potential clients to them, what to do at the open house and how to follow up afterwards.Lead Creation BluePrintThe only way to create a more predictable business is to have many streams of business and leads coming in from a lot of different places. In the Lead Creation BluePrint you’ll learn how to execute modern marketing strategies to generate more leads daily and always know where your business is coming from. This includes old school strategies like prospecting expired listings and for sale by owners and new school strategies like direct targeted marketing and social advertising.Systems BluePrintWhat exactly is a system? This section will delve deeper into the types of systems that you need and the reasons why you should be utilizing systems, as well as helping you to create your own.Lead Conversion BluePrintCreating leads without knowing how to convert them is nothing more than a waste of time. This section will give you the step by step strategies to follow and words to use to convert a higher percentage of the leads you have now learned how to create.Listing Presentation BluePrintYou have landed the listing, now learn how to close. From the pre call to the follow-up, this section will walk you through the listing presentation from beginning to end to ensure that your signs end up in the front yard of more houses for sale.Daily BluePrintWhile all of the material taught throughout these sections is important, it is equally as important to not get overwhelmed and know what to do next. This section will help you to create a daily blueprint of what you should be doing everyday for the most success in your real estate business.Tag: “Blueprint For Real Estate Success – Jared James” Review. “Blueprint For Real Estate Success – Jared James” download. “Blueprint For Real Estate Success – Jared James” discount.