BlockDigest – Certified Ethereum Smart Contract Developer


BlockDigest – Certified Ethereum Smart Contract Developer
Become a Smart Contract Developer on Ethereum Blockchain
What You’ll Learn In Certified Ethereum Smart Contract Developer

Introduction to the Course
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Blockchain
Chapter 2 – Architecture and Components of Blockchain
Chapter 3 – Interfaces to Blockchain
Chapter 4 – Introduction to Ethereum
Introduction to the Rest of the Course
Chapter 5 – Installing Pre-requisites for Ethereum Development
Chapter 6 – Setting up Private Ethereum Node using Geth
Chapter 7 – Compiling and Deploying First Smart Contract without using Truffle
Chapter 8 – Compiling and Deploying First Smart Contract using Truffle
What is done and What is to be done
Chapter 9 – Initializing, Creating and Testing ERC20 Smart Contract
Chapter 10 – Introducing Mapping Variables
Chapter 11 – Adding and Testing Basic Properties to ERC20 Token
Chapter 12 – Implementing and Testing transfer() Method
Chapter 13 – Making ERC20 Token Exchange Ready
Chapter 14 – Testing ERC-20 methods via Truffle Console
Chapter 15 – Creating Crowd Sale (ICO) Smart Contract
Code of Complete Backend
Chapter 16 – Initializing Crowd Sale Front End Application
Chapter 17 – Setting up Generic Content in app.js
Chapter 18 – Fetching data from deployed Smart Contract
Chapter 19 – Setting up buyTokens() Functionality on Front End
Chapter 20 – Deploying and Testing Application on Private Geth node
Chapter 21 – Deploying and Testing Application on Rinkeby Test Network and Information on Main-net