Blockchain Trainer – Become a Ethereum/Smart contract & Solidity Developer in One Month


Blockchain Trainer – Become a Ethereum/Smart contract & Solidity Developer in One Month
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
What You’ll Learn In Become a Ethereum/Smart contract & Solidity Developer in One Month
Blockchain Introduction

What is Blockchain?
Types of Blockchain
Blockchain Usecase
Test your learning

Solidity and Ethereum

Test your learning
Development Environment Setup
Remix IDE
Ganache/Truffle framework
Petshop Decentralized app building
CRYPTOZOMBIES – Solidity Resource

Real world Projects

Creating a new CRYPTO CURRENCY Token
Crowd sale – Building a initial coin ering
Voting Decentralized App
Testing Smart Contract

Next Steps

Future of Blockchain/Ethereum
Smart Contract Security
More resources for you
SURVEY : Before you go…