Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts delineates the general laws governing the human biomechanics through an extensive review of martial arts techniques and references to fundamental theory. Using straightforward mathematics and physics, the book covers in depth the anatomical foundation of biomechanics, the biomechanical and physiological foundation of human motion, and the fundamentals of biomechanics.Divided into four parts, the book covers:The musculoskeletal anatomy of the major muscles, their functions, and the different roles of the muscles in human mechanicsThe biomechanical and physiological foundations of human motion, including the very basic conceptions about lever systems, center of gravity, kinematic chain systems, and Newton’s lawsKinematics and kinetics via complex examples from martial arts and their comparison to different sports techniquesThe biomechanical principles and analysis of the martial arts, including anatomical and physiological considerations, and the analysis of the physical properties of a range of techniquesFocusing on martial arts and sports activities, this book is designed to be used by undergraduate and graduate students of human movement science, physical education, and fitness, as well as college instructors and martial artists.Get Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts – Emeric Arus , Only Price $37Tag: Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts – Emeric Arus Review. Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts – Emeric Arus download. Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts – Emeric Arus discount
Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts – Emeric Arus