Bill Pettit – The Mind-Brain-Body Connection – Why an Understanding of MIND is Vital to our HEALTH


Bill Pettit – The Mind-Brain-Body Connection – Why an Understanding of MIND is Vital to our HEALTHThe Three Universal Principles (Mind, Consciousness, Thought) as the Essence of EverythingAll Living Creatures Also Utilize These Principles to Create their Personal and Unique Experience of Life One Thought at a TimeEvery Human Being has Mental Health Within Them NowPeople are Never Broken and Have Nothing LackingDiagnostic Labels are a description of WHERE a person is but never of WHO they AREThere is One Cause and One Cure to All Mental SufferingThere are Two Thought Systems: The Divine Thought System and The Personal Thought SystemUniversal Mind and personal mind are two ways of using the same mind.The Brain Functions as a Computer and is Powered and Informed by Mind Which is the Intelligent Energy of All ThingsOur Feeling Level is a Barometer of Our ThinkingThe Psyche (the individual site of Consciousness) and the Soma (the physical body) are the Same Energy in a Different DisguiseAs Humans We are What we Seek, and Thus Are Guided by Universal Mind at All Times, and Thus Will Be Okay ‘No Matter What’Absent a Sufficient Understanding of The Universal Principles, Humans are Prone to Get Caught in Giving Attention and Life to Insecure Thoughts in Reaction to Life’s Challenges Resulting in a State of Chronic Mental Stress (CMS)How CMS Chronically Activates the Body’s Emergency Stress Response Creating Progressive Dysregulation of Hormonal Systems, Neurotransmitter Systems, Neuro Circuitry, Immune Systems, Gene Regulation (Epigenetics)Psycho – Somatic Dysregulation is Experienced Internally Through Alterations in Mood and Tension, and Thought and PhysicallyThese Mental Stress Created Dysregulation Experiences (Often Labeled as Symptoms) are Actually Wisdom (Mind) Guided Information, if You Will, a Virus Detector or Metaphorical Geiger Counter Attempting to Protect Us From OurselvesScientific Findings, Seeing Simplicity and Clarity Where others See Complexity and UncertaintyAllostatic Load, Stress Resistance, Resilience, Chronic Systemic Inflammation, Epigenetics, NeuroplasticityThe Role of Forgiveness of Self and Others and Acceptance of Human Frailty in Self and Others in Experiencing Peace of MindThe Role of Peace of Mind in Experiencing Optimal Health in Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior, Relationships, Productivity, CreativityThe Myths and Grains of Truth Regarding the Causal Influence of Genes, Hormones, Environment, Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs), Traumatic Brain Injury and Variation In Brain ProcessorThat Peace of Mind is Possible Regardless of Past Adverse Experiences, Present Life Challenges, and the Reality of Future Uncertainty