Big Content Search – Dejan Murko


“Discover How To Get Access To Unlimited Content, Create Hundreds of Niche Websites Easily, Generate Tons of FREE Traffic and Watch Money Flood Your PayPal Account”So You Can Spend Less Time Online and More Time Enjoying The Internet Lifestyle!See Big Content Search in Action!Start Your 3-Day RISK-FREE Trial For Just $1Full Access$1 + $197 one timeFull FeaturesPay only onceDaily Download Limit: 15060-Day Money-Back GuaranteeYearly$1 + $127/yearFull FeaturesPay once per yearDaily Download Limit: 15060-Day Money-Back GuaranteeMonthly$1 + $37/monthFull FeaturesPay once per monthDaily Download Limit: 15060-Day Money-Back GuaranteeBig Content Search gives you unlimited content available at the click of a button.No more writing at 11PM on Sunday or editing gibberish from non-native speakers!You’re getting a searchable database of 125,000+ private label articles and 1,000+ private label ebooks. Plus 1-click spinner integration and you’re close to unlimited content you can use however you like!A powerful search engine, everything and anything is just one click away.Big Content Search Is What You Need ToLift Your Business To The Next LevelThis is a real game-changer, with that much content your business’ growth will explode.Just imagine what you could do with all this content …1. Build Money-Grabbing Niche WebsitesWith the main bottleneck (content!!) out of the way, you will be able to produce small niche websites at an astonishing pace. Just follow five easy steps: find a lucrative niche, create a blog, search for content, edit & publish content, build quality backlinks to your site. The last three steps are extremely easy and fast with Big Content Search.2. Create a New Info Product Every WeekWith that many eBooks available at your fingertips you can create a new info product every week – with a complete sales funnel that includes squeeze pages, autoresponder and upsells. And you could even create a blog and post to it every week.Just imagine how much money you could earn after just 6 months if you had 24 products in the marketplace! And this is easily achievable with Big Content Search – even if you’re just doing Internet Marketing part time at the moment!3. Easily Build Hundreds Of Quality BacklinksSearch engines are still one of the most important traffic sources for any website. But for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you need A LOT of content. With Big Content Search you have 128,000 articles available to be spun and sent directly to your favorite submitter.From the desk of the founderDear Fellow Marketer,I want to invite you to spend the next few minutes with me as I share with you how I’ve solved your need for fresh SEO content and almost eliminated the time you spend on this part of your business altogether.I’ve been doing SEO and software development for the last 7 years and I’ve learned a thing or two about automating a lot of our daily processes to maximize profits and reduce “work” time.Today, I employ a team of over 6 full-time and part-time programmers to develop tools and services that make my SEO business run smoother and more efficiently – without having to work more.At the end of the day that’s what we’re all striving for, right?Making more profit while working less… I know I am and I’m pretty sure you are too.But, it wasn’t always like that. See, I used to spend days on creating content for my sitesI used to write ALL my content manually. I spent hours upon HOURS writing and revising my content for each one of my sites… And that was just the homepage articles.Writing articles for SEO can be fun for some… until you need 50 of them. Researching skin care can be fun until you spend 3 hours browsing websites because you needed to write a short 10-page report yesterday.This used to eat up SOOO much of my time and money that could’ve been spent on more productive and profitable tasks.After a few weeks of the agonizing writing, I was starting to look like this:Does this sound familiar? Trust me, I feel your pain, I WAS THERE.And Then I Started Outsourcing… and WASTED thousands $$$Let’s not even talk about my outsourcing nightmares…I quickly found out that it was either WAAAYY too expensive to hire a quality writer ($17 per article?!?! And I need 10 just to START a website!) or I spent MORE time editing the gibberish that was sent to me:”Allways take your back pack whit you…”Oh come on… really?!I was better off writing it myself even as soul-sucking activity as it is.One day, a light bulb went on in my head and EVERYTHING ChangedThe idea that changed everything suddenly came to me.I thought to myself:”Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a ‘Google-Like’ search engine that would allow me to insert my target keyword, hit “search” and it would instantly deliver HUNDREDS of ready-to-publish content that I can use on my sites?””What if this search engine was online based, so that I can use it on a Mac or PC and access it from ANYWHERE in the world?””What if this same search engine allowed me to also preview the articles, AND download them either as-is OR in spintax format – just in case I wanted to use them across multiple sites?”I Got Up At 1AM And Created The Mockup For What I Called “Big Content Search” v0.1This is what I came up with:Such a simple idea! And that’s EXACTLY what I set out to build. And after a few gruelling months, sweat and tears, it was finally completed – along with a collection of articles and ebooks worth thousands of dollars.After I’ve DOUBLED my business and slashed my work hours BY 80%,, I’ve decided to share the tool with the world.Since then we’ve been growing exponentially – year after year – leaving a GIANT trail of happy users.Over 3500 VERY happy users to be exact… And together they’ve saved thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars.Big Content Search Fits Directly  Into Your Marketing ToolboxWe integrate and are integrated with other Internet Marketing tools, including article spinners, autoblogs and submitters.Unlimited content on click with 1-Click Article Spintax Download with your favorite article spinner,Content-filled Autoblogs created in minutes with your favorite autoblogging plugin,Automatic Submitting to article directories, Web 2.0s and Wikis with your favorite submitter.Not to mention the enormous amounts of time and money you’ll save with Big Content Search. If you create 1 info product per week for six months, you could:download 24 full ebooks for a product,download 24 short ebooks for optin,download 576 articles for blog posts (1 blog post per week for each product),download 1152 articles for backlinks (2 quality backlinks per week for each product).Want to know how much that’ll cost you if you bought them on the market?total value of $648 – just for the first 6 months – if you just stick to my plan of 1 info product per week. And I’m not even including the value of your time because you’ll save at least 120 hours in six months (4-5 hours per week). These are enormous savings on their own – especially if you value your (free) time.And the longer you stay the member, the better the calculation above is. Once you get a hang of it, you can outsource everything and just keep an eye on your ever increasing PayPal balance..Get Big Content Search – Dejan Murko, Only Price 39$Tag: Big Content Search – Dejan Murko Review.Big Content Search – Dejan Murko download. Big Content Search – Dejan Murko discount.