Bessel van der Kolk – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course


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 Bessel van der Kolk – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course

New Updates from ADA & AACE
Pharmacology Updates
Co-Morbidities & Treatment Recommendations
Minimizing Biomechanical Complications
Managing Acute Complications
Special Considerations for Special Populations

DIABETES…Alarming Increases, Devastating Costs, Crippling the Future of America! Every time you watch the news it confirms that you are caring for today’s most common and most complicated patients. The prevention and treatment guidelines seem to change constantly, the patients are getting younger and sicker and you are busier than ever! Are you left wondering how you can make a difference in your patients’ lives?
Expert Mary Ann Rosa works directly with the most challenging patients with diabetes and understands how difficult it is to manage this complex disease. Attend this seminar and increase your understanding of the latest treatment guidelines and pharmacologic interventions. Mary Ann will provide strategies to optimize patient outcomes and practical tips you can use to educate and empower your patients. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve the care you provide to patients with diabetes.
New Recommendations

American Diabetes Association (ADA)

All NEW 2015 Standards of Care

BMI Classifications

Immunization Recommendations
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)

Updates to the Comprehensive

Diabetes Algorithm
Reimbursement Strategies

Cardiometabolic Disease


New American College of Cardiology Guidelines
Recommended Treatment Based on Risk Factors

Critical Lab Values
Statin Therapy
Non-statin LDL-C-lowering Therapy
Omega 3

Modifications in Diagnostic Criteria
Calcium Channel Blockers
Low Dose vs. Aggressive Therapy

Biomechanical Complications

New Guidelines for Assessment
Foot Exam & Treatment Alterations
Skin Assessment

Strategies for Patient Compliance
Recurrence Prevention

Neurological Predisposition

Peripheral & Autonomic

Vascular Considerations

Microvascular changes
Challenges with Retinopathies

Non-Insulin Medications

AACE Profiles & Recommendations

Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors
DPP-4 Inhibitors
SGLT-2 Inhibitors

Blood Glucose Pattern Analysis

2015 Glycemic Targets
Adjusting Treatment
Utilizing CGM

Individualized Glycemic Treatment Goals

Dual Therapy
Benefit of Early, Aggressive Control

When to Transition to Insulin

Progressive B-cell Failure
Insulin Profiles
Basal Therapy
Intensifying Therapy
Benefits of Insulin Pump Therapy

New Options
Closed Loop Therapy

Management Strategies for Acute Complications

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Non-ketotic Syndrome (HHNK)
Surgery & Hospitalization

Addressing Special Populations

Type II in Children/Adolescents

Variations in Targets and Therapies


Impact of Co-Morbidities

Putting it All Together

AADE-7 Behavioral Goals
Strategies for Compliance
Motivating Change

Would you like to receive  Bessel van der Kolk – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course ?

Communicate the various pharmacologic treatment options for diabetes.
Breakdown effective new strategies to improve patient outcomes.
Formulate a plan of care for the patient with complications related to diabetes.
Integrate motivational interviewing strategies to facilitate patient behavioral changes.
Evaluate biomechanical treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes.
Assess the new recommendations for cardiometabolic disease.
Develop management strategies for the patient experiencing a diabetic emergency.

 Here’s What You’ll Get in Bessel van der Kolk – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course

Bessel van der Kolk – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course : Sample