Berry Trim Ad Breakdown – Gary Halbert


Ever feel like you wish you could crawl inside Gary Halbert‘s head and hear what he is thinking when he writes the ads which broke all sales records?As you know from the Boron Letters, our father started training Kevin and I to think like him at a very early age but what you may not know, is he discussed all of his work with us relentlessly.Throughout our entire lives Gary constantly talked about marketing and little else.Even when we discussed things like politics we did it from a marketing view. As teens, we were forced to drive him around in his own car so he could focus even more on his passion, copywriting.If Paul Harvy wasn’t on the radio, there was usually a lot of the conversation about killer offers, copywriting, hooks and the big idea. This of course, continued at dinner and while walking around etc.Now, we fully understood the value of the education we were getting but, we did not understand…. just how rare the explanation of all the little ity bity details of the copy really was until…..We took the time to explain every line in his hottest ads and sales letters.We put out two so far and just finished our third and each time we try to add something extra special.In fact, our latest breakdown holds the most value so far because…..We cover all the basics of AIDA and everything you would find in any decent ad breakdown…….. We also explained aspects nobody else knew about and take you behind the scenes but……….. for this latest edition………. we did something truly remarkable…..We made a point of using the different copy elements in this super successful promotion as a way to give you detailed step-by-step Gary Halbert copwyriting instructions. But…The hot new technique in using these ad breakdowns to start thinking and writing like Sir Gary of Halbert wasn’t actually discovered by Kevin or me.Get Berry Trim Ad Breakdown – Gary Halbert, only price $47In fact,…Here Is The Breakthrough I Only Wish We DiscoveredAfter seeing how many people who watched the first breakdown were ordering every other breakdown we come out with, we realized we were on to something, but it was one of those buyers who deserves the credit for this brilliant idea.If you study Gary Halbert material, you may know he recommends students hand write out his winning ads or sales letters and as strange as it seems, every one of his students who went on to be a great copywriter, did this exercise.Of course, writing out winning ads didn’t mean you were guaranteed to become a top copywriter but, if you skipped the exercise, it almost certainly meant you would never become one of the best.The explanation of why this process trains your brain to understand what it is like to write great copy is very lengthy so, without getting into all of that, let me say we accidentally found a way to put this technique for learning to write money generating ads on steroids.Back to our genius buyer.He explained to us that he was already in the process of writing out winning Gary Halbert ads but now he listens to the breakdowns as he writes out the Gary Halbert classic because it allows him to train his brain to think like history’s best copywriter and it works!It’s simple and pure genius but there is an even better reason to look into our latest ad breakdown of our father’s record-breaking promotion.Even if you already have the other two breakdowns, you will want to add this to your collection because in this particular promotion our father used a powerful technique he never used in any other ad… Get other products by  Gary Halbert right now!In this ad you can see how our father wrote from the perspective of four different people and how they are layered to build massive trust.Now before you think a diet ad is not in your wheelhouse, all you need to know is we thoroughly explain how you can translate these rarely used tactics into profit for you or your clients and to prove what you will learn….We asked a professional copywriter to review the material and describe the content so here is what someone who makes a living writing copy says you will find inside.How to get the reader to immediately associate your product with their happiness.Ordering your authorities for maximum impactSecrets of the 4 way guaranteeHow to subliminally associate one simple action with the deepest benefits your prospect desires – that gets them to happily buyHow to write complete sentences, but incomplete thoughts…Give the reader the illusion of choice – use this, and you win either way.Discover when, where and how often to bring the “ultimate” benefit into play3 Ways to get the testimonials you want!Underground tactics for fleshing out buyer objections before ever writing a word of copy… Subliminal tour de force…How to ensure the copy does NOT sound like an ad…until it’s too lateThe right time to introduce the name of the product, and what YOU must do once you have…How to “re-write” testimonials and still play by the FTC rulesSeveral methods to get your prospects to keep reading more…How to practically take over your reader’s thoughts and actions…sales come much easier using this one secretA meaningless term which will massively increases your reader’s securityGary’s method for tweaking a weak testimonial and greatly benefit the ad.Hidden “calls to action”Using “micro descriptions” adding vital elements to your copyThe picture trick which slides the reader into actionSee how to pepper copy with ideas to drive desire (seldom, if ever, talked about copywriting technique)…Three ways to make testimonials more powerfulThe connotation test for better word choice.ways to get testimonials you want and need — legally and ethicallyWho men and women prefer to look at (important when using pictures)How to gain credibility with a very unique tactic which is hardly ever usedWhen to switch tone, to add believability and credibility to your copyGary’s way to tap into the fads and concerns of the times to grab even more attention…Believability enhancement techniques..Kevin and Bond show how their father … answered questions in the reader’s mind before they ever askedPowerful punctuation tactic to nearly force the reader to continue reading.How and why to use “puffery”THE top questions your readers are asking themselves… that you need to know the answers to… when they are reading your promotionHow to turn even a “bad” testimonial into a great testimonialWhy (and how) to “reverse edit” a testimonial …and you can use many of these tactics to empower today’s latest trend: sales videos… Amazing “motivational” secrets…Gary’s special guarantee which helps readers decide to buySign off secrets to make sure your reader buys…How to build a connection to the reader without using the word “you”The 33% difference — how to state your priceA very unique P.S. technique that ramps up the writer’s credibilityHow to make readers feel safe picking up the phone and orderingWhen to and when not to use a middle initial or full name to add power.Guarantees that actually discourage buyers from using products…How to use technical jargon for credentials and not lose attentionHow to keep your readers glued to the page and moving briskly through you copy…How to choose testimonials to sway all types of readersIf you think you should always use “you”, see how Gary breaks this rule, and whyWhat buyers of weight loss products really NEED to hear in order to buy.The artful use of name dropping that significantly adds to credibility.what the FTC says about “re-writing” testimonialsThe “must have” post scripts (P.S.’s) – that appeal to the most readers likely to buy…How to leave nothing to chance when the reader is ready to buy…Something missing in your copy? You’ll see how to… borrow “authority” and pass the reader’s “sniff test”A specific formatting tactic which adds credibilityHow to give your reader reasons to believe (they want to, this technique pushes them over the edge)How and why you MUST use logic to “seal the deal”Gary’s Specialized language tactics …When qualifying words like “almost”, “nearly” and similar words actually improve copy? Yes they can and you’ll find out how and why!How to artfully use repetition — and say the same thing 3 times in a row so smoothly the reader barely notices — but definitely leaves an impactFormatting tricks that really grab attentionGary’s testing and tracking techniques…to ramp up your best campaignsWhich words best strike your prospect’s emotional chords getting them to buyHow to use different tones in one promotion for maximum impact…Gary Halbert’s way to repeat the EXACT same power words, three times in a row so your reader will barely notice3 better ways of introducing testimonials into your body copy without using that exact word…testimonialHow Gary used this ESSENTIAL ingredient in tracking sales.Using commas for conversational toneHow the art of “not saying” something can be more powerful than being explicitHow to transition copy…What to call that tracking number so your prospects will be sure to use it…When to suggest the idea of continuity to get more more sales from the same number of buyersThe secret of the right location — advantages and benefits that stimulate imagination and engage your readerHow to use the 3 principle powers of pictures to get your reader truly involved.How to format pictures for maximum effect on sales- why it’s vitally important — this takes the guesswork out!The art of promising, yet gently delaying them… Building the bulk of copy…“Dimensionalizing” — to stimulate your reader’s imagination for fun and profit…See how Gary fuels the desires for instant gratification with the product’s promised benefitsSpecial hidden bonus … Kevin’s cool tactic for getting video into an emailIf you need more proof we really deliver the goods, just look at what others say about our last breakdowns…John Carlton – “The most respected and ripped-off copywriter on Earth”… I never doubt their instincts in business, and I know first-hand that they sucked up every detail of marketing wisdom from their dad possible. They have the Halbert mojo.They possess an insider’s knowledge of how Gary worked that is unparalleled by any of the many writers and marketers who hovered around the edges of ‘Circus Halbert’. (That’s the name I came up with after my second year of seeing the wonderful chaos and unpredictable fun that Gary could produce in business.)These guys are a bubbling resource of insight and knowledge about the ‘behind the scenes’ thought, research and action that went into every Halbert ad. They watched Gary go through the routines of writing, participated in the back-and-forth arguments he looped through when perfecting his ideas, and lived the creative process with him, day after day, year after year.Get Berry Trim Ad Breakdown – Gary Halbert, only price $47Tag: Berry Trim Ad Breakdown Review. Berry Trim Ad Breakdown download. Berry Trim Ad Breakdown discount. best copywriters in the world. handwritten sales letter. halbert copywriting method. best sales copy ever written.