
Benny Lewis – Fluent in 3 Months Challenge

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Benny Lewis – Fluent in 3 Months Challenge
My unique system for speaking a new language is so powerful that I guarantee it will work for you — or I’ll give you your money back.
This system works even if you:

Have “no time” time to learn a language
Feel nervous about having real conversations with native speakers
Have tried and failed before to speak a new language
Struggle to stay motivated to learn
Have “no talent” for languages
Are a total beginner, a “false beginner” or an intermediate learner
Want to learn for a specific reason. For a trip, for your loved one, for work.
Want to learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese… or any other language

Following my system, you’ll learn any language to conversational level in 90 days.


The freedom to travel anywhere

The confidence to start a conversation with anyone

The adventure of speaking to people in their own language

Learning a new language stimulates your brain. It allows you to experience other cultures from the inside. And it gives you the confidence to start conversations with people you’d otherwise never have met.
Do you want to…

Have real, comfortable conversations in a new language
Live and work overseas
Open your mind to different cultures
Make new friends from other countries
Travel the world (freely and comfortably)
Develop deeper connection with your family
Talk to new people and create amazing connections

Introducing the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge: Have Confident Conversations in Your New Language

You can speak a new language in real conversations.
Not tomorrow. Not next year. Not when you’ve learned an entire dictionary and you’ve got perfect grammar.
Right now.
The Fluent in 3 Months Challenge is about speaking a new language now through having real conversations. I’ve found that this is the single most effective way to learn a language.
Time and again students tell us “I always wanted to learn a new language, and I tried a million different techniques, but it only actually happened when I tried the Fluent in 3 Months method.”
Now before I tell you more about what’s inside the course, there’s an important question I want to answer:

THE BIG QUESTION”Fluent in 3 Months — Really?!”

I run a course called the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge and a website called Fluent in 3 Months. Plus I’ve written a book with the same name.
So I’m often asked “is it really possible to become fluent in 3 months?”
The short answer is yes. I won’t go into details here. But if you’re dedicated to learning a language and that’s your main commitment every day for 3 months, then for many languages you will become fluent in that time.
What about if you’re learning a language as a side project, alongside a busy life? This is what most of our students do in the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge. Most of our students are working, raising kids or at college. They’ve got lots of commitments alongside the Challenge. They’re busy.
That’s why I want to show you what’s possible even if you’re busy and only have a few minutes a day to learn a language.
DATA ALERT!Here are the Crunchy Numbers
During the Challenge, you’ll be giving a handful of hours each week to language learning. Over 90 days, you’ll clock up 40-50 hours of learning time.
If you use the right techniques — and we’ll teach you the exact methods to use — then that’s plenty enough time to get to conversational level.
After 90 days, you’ll be ready for a 15 minute conversation in your new language.
In fact, we guarantee you’ll have a 15 minute conversation.
Put the work in, and you’ll have a 15 minute conversation by the end of the Challenge. Or I’ll give you your money back.


What Do You Want to Do When You’re Fluent?

Here are some of the things people tell me they want to do when they’re fluent:

Make friends around the world
Have real conversations with native speakers
Feel comfortable speaking their target language
Feel confident to travel to new places
Listen to music and podcasts
Watch TV and films
Read the news

When I hear these answers, I get stupidly excited! Why?
Because all things I just listed you can achieve in just 90 days. You don’t need full fluency to do these things.
And here’s the really exciting part…
Once you can do the above things in your new language, you’ll find it rewarding and exciting to use your new language skills. You’ll be ready to use your new language in the real world.
As a result, you’ll feel excited to keep learning, and you’ll reach fluency much faster than you otherwise would.

What isFluent in 3 Months Challenge?
The Fluent in 3 Months Challenge is a complete system for learning a new language to conversational level.
You’ll learn unique methods to learn your new language smarter and faster — and we’ll provide you with the support you need to put those methods into practice and actually start speaking your new language.
During the guided 90-day program I’ll show you step-by-step how to learn a new language. This is the most powerful part of the Fluent in 3 Months system – we’ve invested thousands of hours in creating a method for language learning that is results driven.

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge:
You’ll get a ton of course content inside the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge. Don’t worry about how much there is — I insisted on keeping my videos short (usually under 10 minutes) because I want to make sure you get straight to the good stuff. No fluff.

CORE COURSE The Complete Fluent in 3 Months Video Course_10 MODULES

Module 1: Where it All Begins
Module 2: How to Keep Coming Back to Language Learning
Module 3: Language Learner’s Dynamite
Module 4: My Most Powerful Language Hack
Module 5: The Roadtrip Mindset
Module 6: Your Language Learning Sweet Spot
Module 7: The Building Blocks of Conversation
Module 8: The Iceberg Effect
Module 9: Your Speaking “Muscle”
Module 10: Your 15-Minute Conversation

CONVERSATION COURSE The Complete Fluent in 3 Months Conversation Builder_5 MODULES

The Fluent in 3 Months Conversation Builder course takes a “speak it to learn it” approach. That means almost zero grammar. You’ll learn what you need to start speaking your new language with native speakers, right away.
Most language courses focus on words and phrases you’ll rarely use in real conversations, like “curtains” and “tall”. We’ll show you the power phrases you can start using right away in real conversations — and how to build a bank of your own power phrases that are relevant to you. These power phrases are the building blocks of almost every conversation you’ll have in your target language.
Over 5 in-depth modules, you’ll learn how to do the following in your target language:

Say “hello” and introduce yourself.
Talk about your work, your family, and where you’re from.
Explain why you’re learning your target language. You’ll be able to tell others what you like about it, and your reasons for wanting to speak the language.
Talk about the things that you enjoy doing in your free time.
Share about your favorite apps and resources for learning your target language.
Make sure your conversation partner speaks at a speed that’s right for you. You’ll also learn how to ask them to repeat things you don’t understand.
Ask questions so you can learn more about your conversation partners.

We teach specific techniques you can use so you can start speaking your target language even before you’ve built up your vocabulary. It’s a potent and effective way to start doing what most language learners want, right from day one: have real conversations with native speakers.

FOUNDATION COURSE The Fluent 3 in Months Challenge Starter Pack _5 MODULES

You’ll do even better in the Challenge if you’re well prepared! The Challenge Starter Pack gives you everything you need to get ready before the Challenge starts on October 7th.
It’s actually an incredibly valuable language course in itself, where you’ll discover the core principles of my language learning method.
Inside the Starter Pack, you’ll find:

Course Syllabus
Course Calendar
My 5-Module Challenge Starter Pack Video Course that shows you the core of my system, and what you’ll need to do for a successful challenge.
The top 4 language tools that our most successful challengers use in every challenge.
A step-by-step walkthrough for what you’ll be doing in the first few days of the Challenge.
Case Studies of some of our most successful Challengers
And if you’re really keen — bonus resources and extra reading.

Here’s what you get in the Starter Pack Video Course:

Starter Pack Module 1: Welcome! What You Need to Get Started
Starter Pack Module 2: How to “Unlock the Matrix” of Language Learning
Starter Pack Module 3: Mission Impossible
Starter Pack Module 4: How to Record and Share Your Challenge Videos
Starter Pack Module 5: TOP SECRET! In Case of Emergency, Watch This Video

BONUS COURSE My Speak from Day One Video Course


During the Challenge you’ll be speaking with native speakers right from the start. That’s why I’m giving away my Speak from Day One video course as a bonus for all challengers, to give you the framework you need to start speaking.
In this eight part video course, I reveal my top language hacks. I also show you how to use them as I initiate a conversation with a native Spanish speaker.

Module 1: Learn the Basics
Module 2: Rapid Vocab Expansion
Module 3: Your First Conversation
Module 4: “What Do I Say?”
Module 5: “I Don’t Know the Right Grammar!”
Module 6: What To Do When You Don’t Understand
Module 7: “What If I Forget The Word I Need?”
Module 8: No English!

Powerful Language Hacks You’ll Use Inside the Challenge

Here’s a glimpse into the new way of thinking about languages you’ll discover inside the Challenge. These hacks — and many others too — will become part of who you are and your mindset towards learning.
Most language courses tell you what to learn and how to learn it. They take a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s little wonder that many people leave school feeling “languages aren’t for me!” If you feel like that, it simply means the method of language teaching used at your school didn’t fit your learning style.
The truth is, we all learn differently. Depending on your learning style, different tools will work for you.
My language hacking approach is an incredibly flexible system. It offers you the opportunity to try out different methods, tools, and techniques to see what works for you. And because you’ll be doing this in my private community, you’ll get to see how others learn, try out what they’re doing, and ask for suggestions that fit in with your lifestyle.
You can be as unconventional as you like. My philosophy is that if it works for you, then do it!
Research from MIT shows that you work smarter and harder (and get better results) if you have deadlines — especially if you have lots of small deadlines that build up to a bigger deadline.
That’s why the Challenge always lasts just 90 days — and you’ll be aiming for a 15-minute conversation in your new language at the end of 90 days.
That’s a pretty tight deadline, so it will keep you focused on learning.
At the same time, you only have to keep up your learning for 90 days. So when the going gets tough, you’ll know that it won’t always be that way. After day 90, you can slack off as much as you want!
But you can slack off with a satisfying 15 minute conversation in your pocket.
You can be as unconventional as you like. My philosophy is that if it works for you, then do it!
At times when you’re learning a new language you’ll feel uncomfortable. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way when you’re meeting new people to chat with in a language you’re still learning.
So, as you speak your new language, you’ll be stepping outside your comfort zone.
Stepping outside your comfort zone — and feeling a little anxious — is good for learning. A small amount of anxiety helps you feel more focused, and perform better as you learn.
If you’re too relaxed, you’ll struggle to learn because you won’t have enough focus. The same is true if you’re too anxious. You’re aiming for what’s called “optimal arousal”.
In other words, it’s a good thing to take small steps outside your comfort zone. When you push yourself to feel a little anxious, you move up the arousal curve, and your performance improves.
Inside the Challenge I guide you through this process of taking small steps beyond what feels comfortable, all the way to having real conversations with native speakers.
We learn languages to connect with others, right? At least I do.
That’s why I always say the best way to learn a language is to speak from day one. The sooner you start speaking, the sooner you’ll start connecting with others.
Plus you’ll be practicing the skill you actually want to learn.
The Challenge is all about speaking a language. Sure, you can do listening, reading and writing as part of the challenge. But the goal is speaking.
I’ll show you what it takes to find the confidence to speak a new language — and have comfortable convesations with native speakers. You’ll unlock your love of languages and find the confidence to finally connect.
You’ve got to be here because you want to be here. Not because your grandma wants you to, your mom wants you to, or because you vaguely believe it’s a good idea to speak another language. If that’s you, then step away. The Challenge is only for people who are hungry to learn a language.
When you’re learning because you want to learn, you’ll perform better.
Wanting to be there is also called intrinsic motivation. And research shows that if you have this, you’re better at learning.

The #1 Myth About Language Acquisition…BUSTED!

In our 90 day challenges I’ve seen thousands of language learners become comfortable speaking a new language — real conversations with new friends they’ve made from around the world.

“I’ve been getting so many compliments on my Chinese… everyone is so surprised when I tell them a few months ago I only knew ‘hello’”
Aaron VenemaFi3M student

How is it that a reasonably priced, 90 day language program achieves something that many expensive university language courses (costing $10,000+, and taking years to complete) fail to do?
There’s a good reason so many language learners don’t speak their target language.
Many, many language learners are stuck because they’ve believed it.
If you’ve tried to learn a language before, you’ve probably experienced this:
For the first few days (or maybe weeks) you’re excited about your new language. You’re learning new things. You get the buzz of “I can do this”.
Then it starts to get overwhelming. The more you learn, the more you see how far you’ve got to go.
You feel you’ll never get to the stage where you can do what you want to do: use your new language skills in real conversations.
So you end up skipping a day. Then a couple days pass. After a week or so you tell yourself “I’m just not that good at languages”.
STOP! That’s the #1 myth about language learning. Happening, right there!
Here’s the myth in just 10 words: Some people are gifted at languages, and some aren’t.
Here’s how I know this is bunk. You’re reading this. You’ve got no issues with learning languages.
You’ve learned English to a level of fluency. Everyone learns their native language to fluency, without even really trying. Everyone is good at languages.
So how come the myth is so pervasive?
Most language courses focus on vocabulary, or grammar, or listening skills, or reading and writing. Don’t get me wrong. These are all important skills – and you will have to tackle them as a language learner. But they’re not the real obstacle to learning a language.
So people focus on these skills and they get stuck. It feels overwhelming.

“In this challenge I learned that it IS possible to be able to actually speak another language without years of study.”
Heather S.Fi3M student

The real obstacle to language learning? Your mindset. Your confidence. Your self-belief that you’ve got what it takes to speak another language, and use it in real conversations.
The myth that you’re not good at languages. This belief makes so many language learners just give up. And when you quit, you make that belief stronger.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]