Ben Hartley – SOLD: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography Pricing


Download available within 1-2 hours. How to turn PRICE SHOPPERS into VALUE SEEKERS (this increased my revenue by $30,000 the first year I implemented it) How to raise your prices (without losing clients)

Ben Hartley – SOLD: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography Pricing



When I first started my photography business I had no idea what to charge…
I would just look at my competitors and compare my work to theirs and adjust my prices based on what they were charging.
I was simply making it up as I went along without any strategy behind how I structured my packages and priced my services.
However, within three years I was able to take my average wedding sale from $1800 to over $7000 in 2014 and $9,000 in 2015.
What changed?
I learned how to use creative pricing to explode my profits…

There’s a lie that every photographer tells themselves that the quality of their work is the main factor in determining how much they can earn.
The voice in the back of your head that says you could never charge $10,000 for a wedding because you don’t have a certain lens, or so-and-so change $4000 and they are more “talented,” or because you didn’t go to photography school.

The list of reasons that your mind gives you for reasons why you can’t do something is endless.
It’s not your fault, those limiting beliefs are natural.
But they certainly aren’t true.
My name is Ben Hartley and in the last four years I’ve built one of the most successful photography studios in the country, and now I want to show you how you can do the same.


This 6+ Hour video course is designed to help you master your pricing and take your business to the next level. Discover the pricing and sales secrets that took me years of experimenting to learn so that you can create the life you want.

This video course will teach you…

How to compete with budget photographers (without lowering your rates)
The secret to charging premium rates
How to turn PRICE SHOPPERS into VALUE SEEKERS (this increased my revenue by $30,000 the first year I implemented it)
How to raise your prices (without losing clients)
How to use creative pricing to structure your packages + Explode your profits
The solution to selling digital files (no one else teaches this)
The EXACT scripts to use to combat common objections
What to do when a potential client says “We’ll think about it”
The #1 reason you’re NOT getting the sale
Why you should NEVER discount (and what to do instead)
The 3 “Growth Levers” you can pull to double your business
How to consistently sell $1,000+ albums (every single month)
The essential service you can’t afford NOT to be offering your clients

Get immediately download Ben Hartley – SOLD: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography Pricing
What’s Included

Sold Video Course

Here’s the breakdown of all the module’s you’ll be receiving when you purchase this course

Module 1 – Foundations

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: What To Charge When First Starting Out
Lesson 3: Quality Of Brand
Lesson 4: Understanding Your Self Worth
Lesson 5: How To Structure Your Packages
Lesson 6: The Secret To Charging Premium Prices
Lesson 7: How To Compete With Budget Photographers
Lesson 8: When To Reveal Your Pricing
Lesson 9: What To Charge To Go Full Time
Lesson 10: Discounts and Family
Lesson 11: Maximizing Profits With Prints

Module 2 – The Digital File Debate

Lesson 1: The Solution To Selling Digital Files
Lesson 2: Upfront Pricing
Lesson 3: How To Get High Resolution Files
Lesson 4: Tools
Lesson 5: How To Handle Common Objections

Module 3 – Mastering In-Person Sales

Lesson 1: In-Person Sales
Lesson 2: Principles of Persuasion
Lesson 3: How To Avoid Being Influenced
Lesson 4: Using Add Ons To Increase Revenue
Lesson 5: Album and Print Sales
Lesson 6: The #1 Thing You Can Do In A Sales Meeting
Lesson 7: How To Handle Common Objections
Lesson 8: How To Close The Sale

Module 4 – Scaling To Six Figures

Lesson 1: Scaling To Six Figures
Lesson 2: What To Do If Your Location Can’t Support Your Rates
Lesson 3: Diversifying Your Income
Lesson 4: Expansion
Lesson 5: Critical Components Of Achieving Six Figures

Get immediately download Ben Hartley – SOLD: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography Pricing
Earn $1000 Or Get A Full Refund

Learning how to price and sell your photography is the single greatest investment you can make in your business.
That’s why I want to make this a no-brainer and offer you an unbeatable guarantee…
If you watch the training, implement the strategies from the course in your business and don’t make at least $1,000 (more than double your investment) then i’ll issue you a full refund.
I’m literally making it impossible for you to lose money on this offer.
Are you happy with where you’re at with your photography business?

Follow up question…
What are you doing to change it?

If you’re still not sure if this is the right program for you, here’s what I want you to do…
Take a moment and think about where your photography business is RIGHT NOW and where you want it to be 3 months from now…
6 months from now…
A year from now….
Then ask yourself…
Do you have the tools you need to get there ON YOUR OWN or would you like a partner along the way?
Someone who has been where you are and knows WHAT WORKS and what doesn’t.
This course is a shortcut to learning what has taken me over 7 years of trial and error.
Mastering your pricing is the single greatest investment you can make in your business.