Ben Cummings & Manuel Suarez – Ninja Facebook and Messenger Tactics For AMAZON SELLERS


Become a Facebook Ninja Ninja Facebook and Messenger Tactics for AMAZON SELLERS Join Manuel Suarez as he takes you by the hand and SHOWS you HOW to EXPLODE your Amazon Brand with Facebook Thursday, Nov 8th at 12pm EST Everything Changes! In this Online TRAINING you will discover : How to build a brand as an Amazon seller using the power of Facebook! The Opportunities Available Now! The Money is in the List – Even for Amazon sellers! Learn How to Use it! Making Facebook do the Dirty Work! Zeroing in on your Audience for REAL Results on your Amazon Brand! Using Simple Facebook Ads to Launch your products on Amazon! BECOMING A FACEBOOK NINJA THE MOST THOROUGH COURSE ON FACEBOOK MARKETING YOU WILL FIND. No matter where you start out, or what you already know, you WILL become an Advanced Facebook Marketer, able to create winning strategies and launch effective Ad campaigns, using the full range of tools provided by the Facebook Marketing Platform. Look, Facebook advertising can produce results no other platform can, at costs none can match. How? Because of what they know. Facebook knows what pages you like and what you ignore. They know what you comment on and share, and what you barely glance at. They know your age, where you work, where you have worked, your education, and where you are geographically. They know your interests, what kind of movies you watch, the music you listen to, TV shows, hobbies, and the products you buy. They even know how likely you are to click on an ad, watch a video or send a message to a page. Imagine if YOU could use all this knowledge Facebook gathered, to get your message in front of the people you KNOW would be interested in your product? And for less than any other platform could offer? You CAN. Find out HOW. AN EXCERPT FROM THE FACEBOOK MASTERS COURSE From Module 11: Messenger Marketing Explored This is a lesson entitled What is Messenger Marketing? In this lesson Manuel describes what Messenger Marketing is, and why it’s such a powerful and effective tool in reaching audiences, with click-through rates far exceeding Email Marketing. THE MESSENGER MARKETING OPPORTUNITY Here is the lesson Introduction to Lesson 2 of Module 11: What is Messenger Marketing: In case you’re still unsure of what Messenger Marketing is, and how it’s different than email marketing, here’s some more information: “What Can You Do With Messenger Marketing? “The beauty of Messenger Marketing is that you can still do all the stuff you’re used to doing in your marketing efforts… “…it just makes everything easier and more effective. “When someone sends you a message they’ll be automatically added to your ManyChat subscriber list. From there you can add them to your email list and continue to follow up with them via email. “You can send them content, sell them products, ask for feedback, and more—all within the native messenger app. “The ability to add clickable call-to-action buttons in messenger gives you the freedom to customize messenger marketing for any business. “For example, look how easy it is to register someone for a webinar:… THE MONSTER 12 MODULES. 2OO LESSONS. 38 HOURS. YOUR ADVERTISING WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. GET READY. YOU CAN BE IN CONTROL TIME TO TAKE THE REINS Whether your business is online or brick and mortar — or if you just have a desire to create a business — you NEED to do this course. This is where you’ll learn the KNOWLEDGE necessary to make it in the Social Media jungle. It may sound cliche, but this really is an opportunity that won’t last. People are beginning to find out about the Facebook Marketing Platform and starting to learn it. As they do, costs WILL rise. Get in before they do. Don’t be a leaf blowing in the wind. Sign up for the Facebook Masters Course and find out what you’ve been missing. DID YOU MISS THE LAST FACEBOOK MASTERS LAUNCH? I understand how upsetting that could be. After all, who would want to miss that? And after everyone else made it in! Lucky for you, we’re launching again! And I’ve set it up so you can be notified as soon as we do! Join the wait-list here and be the first to know