Ben Adkins – Video Ad Blueprint


Your Step-By-Step-by-Step Guide to Using Facebook Video Advertisements
Sell Your Digital Products and Physical Products

Complete with Video Ad Templates to Make Creating Everything Fast.What’s Inside of the Social Video Ad Blueprint?

Ben Adkins – Video Ad Blueprint


Your Step-By-Step-by-Step Guide to Using Facebook Video Advertisements
Sell Your Digital Products and Physical Products

Complete with Video Ad Templates for Fast Creation

What’s Inside of the Social Video Ad Blueprint?

Value: $99.95

Section 1:

How to grab on to the Future Video Ad Opportunity

Inside This Session you’ll Learn:

Why Facebook Favors? Video Advertisements

Facebook has made major improvements to the way it displays videos in its newsfeed over recent months. If you understand the changes and how they work, you’ll have a big advantage. We’ll Explain exactly what has happened and how to use it to your Business’ Advantage inside.
What Kind of Video Advertising is the best way to sell digital products, software, or memberships

Facebook offers a special kind of Facebook Video Ad That you will need to create in order to sell digital-based software and products. We’ll go through the exact setup inside and give you access to the template to create this type of video ad yourself.
What Kind of Video Advertising is the best way to sell physical products to your target audience

Selling physical products using Video Ads are a whole different story. A specific type of video advertisement is required. We’ll talk you through how to structure this video and create it fast without having to use any special equipment.

Value: $499.95

Section 2

The Video Ad Lifter Method

Inside This Session you’ll Learn:

Video Ad Best Practices

In this section you’ll learn about the best way to time your videos, the 3 main things each video ad must do, as well as other best practices that you wouldn’t know unless you had experience running ads. This section can be skipped.
What is a lifter? Video

Facebook is not the right place to sell. You need to use something called a “Lifter Video” When you run video ads. In this section we’ll cover what that is and why it is so important when running videos ads on Facebook.
How to create a “Case Study” Lifter Video

This video is a very special type of video that can be used to sell digital products, software, memberships, and even physical products. In this section you’ll learn how to determine if this is the right video for your business and how to set it up from the ground up.
How to Make an Unboxing Lifter Video

This very special kind of video is highly effective in selling a physical product that doesn’t fit into the “problem solver” category. Inside this section you’ll learn about when to use this video and how to create it.
How to Use the Video Ad Slideshow Feature

Facebook has a special feature that allows you create a video from a collection of images. Inside this section you’ll learn when is the right time to use this and how to create the video easily (and keep it converting).

Value: $199.95

Section 3:

How to Target Your Clients Video Ads

Inside This Session you’ll Learn:

The Core Video Ad Targeting Method

You’ll Learn the key tactic to targeting your audience inside of Facebook’s Ad Manager. You’ll get a formula that you can use over and over to make sure your video ads get seen and end up connecting with your audience (and setting them up to become a buyer).
How to Recycle Videos For New Audiences

One of the most powerful features of video ads is the fast way you can use them to catch a person’s interest and bond with them. This Genius Tactic can help you ensure that multiple audiences are connected to your video.
Video Ad SMART Retargeting

A Facebook video ad that only shows a video to someone who has seen a specific page on the internet is one of the best ways to use Facebook video ads. We’ll walk through that tactic and make sure you are ready to take advantage of this killer method.
The 10 Second Budget Savings

You’ll get a quick insight as how one click can save you a ton on your Video Ads (it’s a small, hidden feature that can make a big difference.

Value: $299.95

Section 4:

How to Track Yours Video Ads Effectiveness

Inside This Session you’ll Learn:

Basic Video Ad Tracking

This video will give you an inside look at how we track everything to determine which ads are most effective and which ones need to be killed quickly. This One Section is well worth the entire cost. Video Ad Blueprints because of how much money you’ll save after you watch it.
Tracking Key Actions

You’ll learn how to track actions like optins and video watches throughout your funnel so that you can move people through your funnel intelligently and so that you can fix weak portions in your video ad funnels.
Tracking Multiple Sales

You’ll also Learn how to see which video ads are actually leading to sales. This is important since some videos may be getting tons of views and engagement but not resulting in actual sales. You’ll Learn how to Make sure that a Video Ad Campaign pays off.

Value: $299.95

Section 5
Cool Stuff that Didn’t Fit Anywhere Else

Inside This Session you’ll Learn:

How to Make Instagram Convert Well Video Ads for Your Business

How to instantly take everything you’ve learned inside of this course and use it to run high converting ads on Instagram.
How to Create Video Lead Ads

Lead ads are very popular because you can get someone to sign up to your list without them leaving Facebook. We’ll Show you how to set them up inside.

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