Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula


You See Paid Trials almost daily, but have you ever stopped to really think about why they work so well. In this Session we’ll talk about how well set up trials shoot conversions through the roof (especially with cold traffic) and how you can use them to your advantage in your business.Purchase Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula courses at here with PRICE $99.95 $24Ben Adkin – The Trial FormulaGet Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula at the CourseAvaiWhat’s Inside of “FunnelVision: The Trial Formula”?Value: $99.95Session 1:The Trial Game ChangerYou See Paid Trials almost daily, but have you ever stopped to really think about why they work so well. In this Session we’ll talk about how well set up trials shoot conversions through the roof (especially with cold traffic) and how you can use them to your advantage in your business.Inside This Session you’ll Learn:The Trial Game Changer (cold traffic is your friend)I’m going to reveal the accidental way that I stumbled onto making trials work in a big way and how everything grew outward from there.How Trials Increase Cold Traffic Conversions.We’ll walk through how to run cold traffic from any source and how to land them on a page that is friendly and converts using a trial. (WARNING: Live Example will be shown. No Theory Here. This is all working now)The Math Behind a 10k per month trial fueled business.I’ll give you the exact Money Map behind how you can build a 10k per month (profit) “Trial Fueled” Sales Funnel in Your Business using cold paid traffic)When you get through this short and powerful session you’ll know exactly why trials will be important in your unique business. You’ll now be ready to consume the rest of the training and put it into action quickly for big results.Get Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula at the CourseAvaiValue: $199.95Session 2:Trial Timing SecretsOne of the biggest mistakes that people make is messing up the timing when they use trials in their sales process. In this session I’m going to make sure that you don’t ever make that mistake again. I’ll show you the psychology of why trials work and how the timing of your trial affects the conversion and retention process.Inside This Session you’ll Learn:The Mindset of your Customer in a Trial.I’ll walk you through how a customer thinks as they are going through the trial fueled sales process and how you can use this to your advantage (and keep them happy).The Science of Creating the Perfect Trial Time.I’ll also show you the key considerations that you need to take into account when deciding how long or how short your products trial should be. This Formula is Key.The “Perfect Balance” Trial TimesOver the last year I’ve landed on what I fully believe to be the perfect trial time in 90% of the situations where we use trials. I’ll share this with you and explain exactly why it works so well. (this is all based on your product type and delivery method).By the time you’re through with this part of the training you’ll understand how to time your trials for maximum up front conversion as well as maximum retention (so you get paid in full or keep members longer).Value: $399.95Session 3:Trial Pricing StrategiesThis is our Secret. If you price too low, you instantly devalue your product. If you price too high, you won’t get anyone to take you’re trial. Inside I’m going to show you the math behind nailing down the right price and the various type of trials you can run to level up your sales.Inside This Session you’ll Learn:Where a Trial Works (and where it doesn’t)No matter how great trials are, sometimes they just don’t fit. Inside I’ll show you in exactly what situations you should use them and when you shouldn’t.How to Price a Trial for Max EffectivenessYou’ll learn the math behind an effective trial and what kind of trial you need to use based on your product, price point, and delivery method.The “Daylight” Trial.You’ll learn about the most common known trial and how to use it effectively for your individual business.The “Invisible” Trial.This special type of trial is something that you can use to explode your sales and give your customers a massive amount of value for very little risk.The “Gotcha” TrialThis trial is massively effective and most people don’t even realize that this is a type of trial when they sign up (but it works like crazy for companies like “Dollar Shave Club”)The “Pay Gap” TrialThis is another trial type that most people don’t realize is being used on them. The results behind this type of trial are absolutely astounding and I’ll show you exactly how to set it up in your business.By the time you’re through with this part of the course you’ll have the exact formulas to create intelligently priced trials and you’ll have several different type of trials that you can use. You’ll also know exactly what type to use in your Business for Maximum Results.Get Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula at the CourseAvaiValue: $399.95Session 4: Trial Funnels and Traffic ExplainedNow that we’ve talked about how to time and price trials, it’s time to dive into creating a funnel that is designed to work with trials.Inside This Session you’ll Learn:The 10,000 Foot OverviewI’ll show you the road map of a powerful trial based funnel (that you can copy) and use in your business based on everything you’ve learned so far.The “Fearless Trial Traffic” TechniqueI’ll show you the dead simple traffic tactic to send targeted buyers to your trial fueled funnel. (this has been tested like crazy so please don’t share it once I show you)The Instant Upsell Trial.We’ll go through a simple (but extremely effective) way to upsell into a trial once you’ve opened the doors with an “ice breaker”. You don’t have to structure your funnel with the trial as the upsell, but you’ll absolutely love the power behind this technique.The Instant Gratification PageThis is a special page which helps setup retention. This isn’t something many people talk about make sure you take note of exactly how this special page is setup.The “M Night Shyamalan” TechniqueThis “twist” is essential to keeping people happy and blowing them away as soon as they take your trial. I’ll walk you through the concept so you can implement it right away.By the time you’re through with this part of the course you’ll have the exact road map to build a trial based funnel that will work in your specific business.Value: $999.95Session 5:Trial Onboarding(Retention and Happiness)What good is a trial if your customer doesn’t follow through an pay in full or stay as a member? In this section I’ll show you the secrets to keeping your customers happy so that they pay in full or stick inside of your membership after the trial period. (this makes all the difference in your profit).Inside This Session you’ll Learn:Onboarding ExplainedI’ll explain what “onboarding” is and why doing it right is one of the most important skills you can learn in your business. I have onboarding to thank for Millions of Dollars in my business and I want to share that process with you.After Trial Retention SecretsThis is Sneaky but in a way that benefits your customers in a very powerful way. Inside of this section I’ll walk you through the ways you can keep your customers happy and feeling like they took advantage of you.Example OnboardingI’m not one for theory. Inside of this section I’ll show you exactly how we’re onboarding during a trial so you can go in and copy exactly what we’re doing.Long Term Retention TechniquesIf you’re running a membership program you’ll want to keep your customers in as long as possible. I’ll walk you through the process that we use to do just that.By the time you’re through with this part of the course you’ll have the exact formula to build out processes and be ready to actually hire an employee (this is how our employees make money for us almost right out of the gate).Get Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula at the CourseAvai Sale Page: Ben Adkin – The Trial Formula courses at here with PRICE $99.95 $24