
Belal Batrawy – The Mic Drop Cold Calling Masterclass

Original price was: ₹16,351.00.Current price is: ₹10,500.00.


Here’s What You’re Going to Get

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The “Mic Drop” Cold Calling Masterclass

The simple but powerful techniques I used to generate over $15M in revenue.
In just 2 hours, you’ll learn the skills that made me the #1 rep at 4 different companies with a pipeline built from cold calls.
Gain the amazing freedom that comes when you’re in control of your own results – not a victim of circumstance.
Never rely on marketing or even an SDR for your success (you can collaborate with them, but DO NOT RELY on them).
Earn the respect of buyers early by talking like an executive and saying what your buyers want to hear.
Gain the power of becoming immune to rejection.

Course Curriculum Breakdown

Intro & Mindset

The problem with regular cold calling and how to take back control.

Sales Psychology

The superpower of chunking and how to apply Prospect Theory to your advantage.

The Script

Permission, Problem, Provoke, Promise and how to put it all together.

Real Examples

TriNet, FullStory, Stratifi, and more.

Objection Handling

Why do prospects object, how to prevent them, and answers to common objections.


What you say matters. How you say it matters more. Learn to master your mindset, tone, pace, and volume.


Why and when to leave voicemails, and how to use them as an effective strategy.

Follow Up

Understanding the importance of compounding effect and how fortune is in the follow up.

Metrics & Sequencing

The 4 cold calling metrics that matter most plus a real outbound sequence you can steal that works!
And here’s the most encouraging part:
You don’t have to “master” this skill to make a huge impact on your pipeline!
If you just get a little bit better at a couple of key things …
You’re going to see asymmetrical results.
Here’s the truth:
If you’re not consistently generating significant pipeline with the phone …
You’re not selling as much as you could be.