Watch me write a $617,944 sales page  — right in front of  your eyesFor the first time ever, get a behind-the-scenes look at the secret playbook I’ve been using to quietly crank out 6- and 7-figure sales pages — for yearsLike this 16-page Finisher’s Formula sales page, which earned $344,523 in less than a week.I used the same playbook to write a crisp How to Talk to Anybody sales page, which 3 years after its release is still bringing in $19,070 a month.And my behemoth, 193,044-word sales page for Zero to Launch, which generated more than $5,000,000 in its first 5 days……and has netted well over $10,000,000 since we launched it.Over the past six years, I’ve used this secret playbook to write more than 20 sales pages, all of which pulled in over six figures in their initial launch.I’ve used it to write sales pages for products from $99 to $10,000+.I’ve used it to write sales pages across multiple categories, including:BusinessCareersSocial SkillsProductivityPsychologyFreelancingCookingEventsAnd not only does this secret playbook deliver winning sales pages, it delivers them fast and stress-free.Best of all, you can now watch along as I use this playbook to write a new sales page that generated over $600,000 in its first week.Today, I want to show you exactly how I do it.We recently launched a new product called Mental Mastery. Our sales page for that course pulled in $617,944 in just a week. And it did it off of a funnel without a hard sell, without a webinar, without affiliates, without Facebook ads or any other gimmicks. Just a few casual emails and this sales page:We captured on video every step of the process we went through to create this sales page — including our secret playbook we’ve never shared before.These videos cover the good, bad, and ugly of writing a sales page. We zoomed in on exactly how we overcame the most challenging parts of any sales page:Where do you start?How do you sell without sounding salesy?How do you write a sales page fast?How do you know if what you’ve written is good?We captured our entire process, step by step, word by word.Looking back, I have no idea how we managed to sell anything before we created this playbook — it was like reinventing the wheel every time we wrote a sales page!The nightmare that was my first sales pageI knew my first sales page was terrible as I wrote it.I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t know how to make anyone care. Every time I wrote something, it sounded like a bad rip-off of someone else’s sales page. After spending 3 days on the introduction, I deleted it all and started over again — and I still had no idea what to write.And this wasn’t a 50-page sales page, just a simple two pager. I’m not joking. It was bad:All I knew: I wasn’t a sales page copywriter, so I expected the copy to be bad.What I didn’t expect was the reaction I’d get: people angrily accusing me of selling out and trying to make a quick buck. They told me if it was cheaper, “maybe” they’d consider it. I didn’t understand why. The product was only $4.95 … how much cheaper could it get?HOW MUCH CHEAPER, YOU CHEAP ASSES? 10 years later I can joke around about my sales page and know it won’t hurt anyone — including sales. In fact, it’s more fun to read my sales pages now. I know this is true, because you’re still reading, aren’t you?Looking back, now I understand those reactions. I had 2 problems:I just didn’t understand the basic “how-to” of writing a sales page. What are the most important elements? How many sub-sections do I need? What if I don’t have testimonials yet? Having a proven framework for the basics would have saved me a ton of time. Instead, I had to wing it. And just like customers would get angry if they walked into a restaurant with no bathroom, they got mad when I violated the basic rules of writing a sales page.I was “writing from my heels.” That means leading with all the things I was afraid of — charging for a product, worrying what people would think about me, worrying about being too salesy — instead of telling people why they should buy this product. I was worrying about all the naysayers instead of writing to the people who actually cared.I didn’t realize it back then, but people can sense when you’re afraid to sell. It’s like walking up to someone at a bar and saying, “Well … excuse me … I shouldn’t bother you but … do you maybe have a minu—” Ugh. No wonder people wrote angry messages about the price and the product. (Years later, when I sold a course for $10,000, I received almost zero complaints about price. That shows you how good copy can convert the right people.)Writing that first sales page was demoralizing. I didn’t know the basics, I was afraid of making a mistake, and the worst part is people could sense it from the very first paragraph.Get Behind The Sales Spage only  price 57$Compare that to today…In the past, when I was writing a sales page, I used to “block off” a month to write it. I’d change my schedule, skip my workouts, buy extra snacks to live on during late-night writing sessions…Not anymore. Thank god!!Now when I’m writing a sales page, I wake up, make my coffee, and sit down to write. I already know about the positioning I’m going to take. I already have my examples ready to copy and paste from another document. And I don’t have to worry about where to start, which sections to write, or whether or not the copy is good.It’s like a chef walking into a kitchen that’s been prepared overnight. Every tool and ingredient you need is there, ready to go. The recipe has been perfected.I start writing.If I get stuck, I put a pin in it and come back the next day.I spend my time on the most important part of the sales page — that’s where I focus my creative energy — and I don’t worry about the other parts. I used to think every element of a sales page was equally important. WRONG! And the good news is, this means I can spend my time where it really matters.Finally, I knew when it was “good enough.” It’s tempting to tinker with copy forever. But copy has a business goal. Once I hit the goal, I move on.(Like the above paragraph you just read. I wrote it once, I knew it was good, and I moved on. I never have to touch it again.)The biggest change is that I don’t worry about how to grab the reader’s attention or how to sell without being sleazy. Our playbook bakes the solutions to these common challenges right into the processThe results: Our Mental Mastery sales page generated $617,944 in less than a week. But do you know what I think is even cooler?During this time…I finished my work early on a Thursday and snuck out to see a movie.I never missed a workout — I maintained my work schedule AND my personal life.Most importantly, I didn’t feel the overwhelming stress that I felt with our earlier sales pages. On a stress level, this was the equivalent of answering a few emails. I built our systems to make this work — and it does. I’m proud of this even more than the $600,000+ we generated in a few days.You can write successful sales pages, too.You can do it without sacrificing your social life or your sleep. You can do it without the stress and frustration and uncertainty. You can even do it without years of practice. Most importantly, your sales pages will be good — and they’ll let you share your business with more and more new customers.How do you learn to write great sales pages?IWT has been around for 13+ years. During that time, I’ve written dozens of sales pages and thousands of blog posts and emails. And for every page that was published, there are two to three that were deleted. (In fact, my team just deleted more than 650 old blog posts on IWT because they no longer lived up to our high standards.)That’s more than 13 years of trial-and-error to figure out what really matters in copy and what doesn’t. This is learning the hard way. You’re welcome to try it, but I don’t advise it.A better option is to learn from someone who’s done it before you. Here’s how most business owners try to master sales pages:Copying (excuse me, “getting inspired by”) someone else’s sales pageOutsourcing it and praying that person knows what they’re doing — a very expensive betTrying to use a plug-and-play template they found after two minutes of GooglingAnd then they’re surprised when they send it to their audience and only hear crickets. Guys, a bad approach will get you bad results.Here’s a GOOD approach: Study the classics and take detailed notes. Books like…I read these — and dozens more books on psychology, persuasion, copywriting, sales, marketing, and business strategy. When I found a promising tactic or strategy, I’d test it in my sales pages and keep the winners as part of my playbook. The only problem is, this took me nearly 10 years.Here’s a BETTER approach: Study before-and-after drafts on a winning sales page from a writer you trust and respect.Put those drafts side by side and see exactly how each section, each sentence, evolved during the sales page process.Of course, to do this, you need copies of all the drafts that went into a sales page. I can give this to you today, but I want to go even further.Here’s the BEST approach to learning how to write a winning sales page:Watch a hit, 6-figure sales page be written, step by stepBe guided through the process by someone who has studied behavioral psychology and who has the scientific background in what it takes to change people’s behavior — so he can cut through the BS advice about persuasion peddled by “gurus”Make sure that person has written for multiple categories. Also make sure they haven’t just had hits, but also failures. You want to learn from people with a varied backgroundSee how that person hits — and solves — the same sales page challenges that hold you backSee the secret and hard-won tactics that separate dud sales pages from average and killer sales pagesThis approach, I am excited to share with you today.Get Behind The Sales Spage only  price 57$Introducing…Watch me write a real sales page — step by step — that generated $617,944 in just a weekBehind the Sales Page is our secret playbook for creating winning sales pages. Follow along as we crack the hardest challenges in any sales page:And those are just a few highlights.The Behind the Sales Page course includes 6 videos that SHOW you exactly how our secret playbook works. Follow along, step by step, as we write, edit, and perfect a real 6-figure sales page.This is not a PDF on sales page tips. You can find that anywhere.We wanted to go deeper and let you shadow us through the entire sales page process. Imagine how much you will learn by watching me create a 6-figure sales page — right in front of you.You’ll get our secret sales page playbook, and you’ll get to watch me use it to solve real sales page challenges, with real copy.Module 1Where to Start:  From Blank Page to Endless IdeasWhat You’ll LearnThe three mission critical documents that will keep you from getting “Blank Page Syndrome”How we start every sales page already knowing our customer’s hopes, fears, pains, and dreamsExactly what to look for in the product you’re selling — and how you’ll use it in your sales pageModule 2Writing the First Half:  How to Build a Deep Desire for Your ProductWhat You’ll LearnOur 6-Step Desire Formula for making your readers need your productThe section of every sales page we spend 80% of our time on (and no, it’s not the headline)Our counterintuitive approach to connecting with readersHow to build trust on a sales page, step by stepWhen to be positive, when to be negative … and how to smoothly move back and forth between the twoHow to address reader objections head-onModule 3“How Do I Know It’s Good?”  Ramit’s 3-Step Editing ProcessWhat You’ll LearnThe quick test you can use to check if your reader is still engaged … or long goneIs your sales page good yet? Use our Emotion Detector Technique to find outOur unusual trick for taking sales pages from GOOD to AMAZINGWatch me polish the opening of our Mental Mastery sales page — draft by draft — with an explanation of exactly what I’m doing and whyModule 4Transitioning to the Offer:  How to Sound Natural, Not Sales-yWhat You’ll LearnHow most people approach this section in their sales pages (and why it doesn’t work)The art vs science of transitioning to the offerA real-time case study of taking an awkward transition and making it natural and compellingModule 5Writing the Second Half: Where to Save TimeWhat You’ll LearnHow to write fascinating sales bullets (and pick the best ones for your sales page)The Idea Mining Technique for guaranteeing you always have more great ideas than you can possibly useHow to help readers who get cold feet right before buyingModule 6The Final Polish:  Writing a Headline That Stops Them in Their TracksWhat You’ll LearnHow to “find” your headline in the work you’ve already doneBeyond headline formulas: what we look for in a winning headlineIf you hired me and my team to write your next sales page, this is exactly how we’d do it.And with lifetime access to Behind the Sales Page, you’ll be able to use our secret playbook for every sales page you ever need to write.Get Behind The Sales Spage only  price 57$Tag: Behind The Sales Spage Review. 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