Behind The Sales Email


For the first time ever, get a behind-the-scenes look at this Power Trio of proven sales emails we use in every product launch.I used a “Big Reveal” email in our Success Triggers launch and made $82,358 from that one email.Or in our How to Talk to Anybody launch, where our “Free Taste” email made $28,721 — even though we’d already launched this course many times.And our “Last Chance” email in a recent Zero to Launch funnel pulled in $165,803 in just a few hours.I even used this Power Trio of sales emails in our automated evergreen funnel … where they’ve helped drive over $5,000,000 in revenue.Over the past 10 years, I’ve used these emails to sell everything from a $0.99 Kindle e-book to a $10,000+ advanced course.I’ve used these emails across multiple categories, including:BusinessCareersSocial SkillsProductivityPsychologyFreelancingCookingEventsThe Power Trio emails can be used in any niche, from business and productivity to events and beyondThese powerhouse emails allow us to consistently sell products while engaging our readers — and do it all authentically — without resorting to scammy or spammy sales tricks.And once you see and understand the inner-workings of each of The Power Trio emails, they are fast and easy to write.Best of all, you can now watch along as I write this Power Trio of sales emails for a recent launch — and earn $379,643 in just a few days.Today, I want to show you exactly how I did it.We recently launched a new program called Mental Mastery. That launch pulled in $617,944 in about a week. And it did it off of a funnel without a hard sell, without a webinar, without affiliates, without Facebook ads or any other gimmicks. Just a few casual emails and a sales page.Here’s the funnel:Three of those emails — The Power Trio — brought in over 60% of all our revenue.Here’s the amazing part: We use this Power Trio of proven sales emails in every launch we run. These three emails are the heart and foundation of our sales. And every time we sit down to write sales emails, most of the funnel and sales push is mapped out before we even start.The truth is, when it comes to sales, you don’t have to start from scratch. There’s no need to do it all yourself. You can lean on what works. Make it your own and add your voice, but don’t make your life unnecessarily difficult.If you don’t have our Power Trio of proven, authentic sales emails, you’re just causing yourself agony.If you were an architect, would you relearn how to draw every time? No, you’d have a few fundamentals and models in your back pocket.If you were a musician, would you invent a new scale for each song? No, you’d know a few chords and basic music theory and focus on the fun part — making music.The same is true of sales emails and growing your business. You don’t need to start from scratch. You can save yourself all that time, hassle, stress, and failure. Why wouldn’t you start with The Power Trio of authentic sales emails that are proven?“It shouldn’t be this hard”I made 2 big mistakes when I first tried to sell online.The first problem was when I sold a $4.95 e-book. My sales copy was so cowardly, so timid, that I actually told people all the reasons they might NOT want to buy. I think I did a better job convincing people to skip it than to buy.While it was thrilling to see those first few sales, it was also painful to watch readers unsubscribe — and call me a “sellout.”The second mistake was also bad but in a different way. Years later, I was selling a $497 program on freelancing. This time, I’d gotten more confident about selling. But instead of simply telling people what the product was and why it might be a good fit for them — NOPE! That would be too easy! — I decided to write about all the features … all of them … and go on and on and on and on…In total: I wrote 5 weeks of sales emails. Over 25 emails AND 15 long, detailed blog posts. I’m starting to sweat just thinking about doing that again.The good news is, we sold a lot — over $600,000 in sales.But my team and I were completely wiped out. Exhausted, bleary-eyed, and drained. It took me 6 entire months to get back to full speed.The first time, I’d sold too softly. Then, next time I’d overcorrected in the opposite direction, writing hundreds of pages and burning myself out (and many of my readers, who unsubscribed).I was genuinely trying to help my readers, but I started to wonder if I would ever find a happy balance where I could sell effectively, unapologetically, and keep it simple.The words that kept whispering in the back of my head: “It shouldn’t be this hard.”Ugh, even looking at that tweet reminds me of sitting down and knowing the next 6 hours were going to be painful. Then going to sleep unhappy, waking up, and doing it all over again … for days (or even weeks) at a time.But that was all I knew, that writing sales emails was hard, frustrating work.And worst of all, the results felt random. Sometimes all that effort worked and people bought. Sometimes it didn’t, and I’d be left sitting in my apartment, wondering why so few people were interested in the email I had spent hours painstakingly crafting.“I didn’t read the copy. I just clicked the buy button”Thankfully, writing sales emails is the polar opposite today.Now when I have some sales emails to write, I sit down and open up a document where most of the blanks are already filled in. I have an outline, I know the key emotional points, and I don’t have to fret over features and bullet points.What’s left is the FUN part.The creativity, the flourishes, the jokes about hot sauce, actually helping my readers — the things that I love doing and am good at.I don’t have to worry about how to sell, if I’m selling too much, or if my emails will sell at all. I know they will.Instead of starting from scratch each time, I have proven and popular emails I can model — like The Power Trio. I can focus on the few, critical parts of any sales email (more on this later) and use a handful of reliable strategies to make writing them fast and simple.I can even break up my time. (This one surprised me. Even when I’m writing a monster sales funnel, with guidelines like The Power Trio, I can write a little, take a break, then improve it later. It’s not a problem to step away for days or weeks at a time. This is hugely freeing!)Best of all, I can focus on authentically helping my readers and be confident that the sales will roll in.Case in point: Our recent Mental Mastery launch pulled in $617,944 in a week. Most of that revenue came from just three emails — emails that were fast and fun to write and read, and that my followers loved.To my readers, the emails looked like:An interesting discussion about what makes some people so successfulA hilarious story about Judge Judy and a free sample of my new courseA quick courtesy reminder so they didn’t miss outNothing inauthentic. Nothing spammy. No sleazy sales tricks.But the emails were carefully crafted to be enjoyable AND authentic AND still sell. These emails worked so well that some people didn’t even read our sales page!One reader was so excited by our sales emails that he couldn’t believe Mental Mastery was only $297 and not $1,000.Best of all, when I wrote these emails, I actually finished early and stepped out early for lunch with friends in the middle of a weekday.You can do this, too.You can write emails that your readers LOVE — and grow your business. You can do it without doubt and frustration and stress. You can do it without years of practice. Best of all, you can write the kind of emails that your audience looks forward to reading and sharing with friends.Get Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi, Only Price $55The truth about authentic salesIWT has been around for 13+ years. During that time, I’ve written thousands of sales emails. I’ve also read tens of thousands of sales emails from other businesses, and I’ve studied every book and course on copywriting and sales that I could get my hands on.Here’s what I realized:Very few people are genuine masters at selling, especially online via email……but almost everyone (except gullible grandmas with their first AOL email) is an expert at sniffing out spammy sales.Everyone hates spammy sales. Shady lawyers, lying politicians, and sleazy marketers share the same rung in hell.And yet we LOVE being sold to when the product is good and right for us and the sales are authentic.When I went to buy a tux for my wedding, I visited 10+ stores. The salesperson I eventually bought from wasn’t pushy. He educated me on my different options (and even suggested other brands I should look at). Then he went the extra step and texted me reminders and looks I could pair together. When I went back in, I texted him ahead of time and he had drinks waiting for me in the store. Perfect. A very luxurious approach to sales … but still authentic and effective.Or think about when your friend recommends a restaurant. One of my friends told me I needed to check out a Thai place in NYC (Somtum Der in the East Village). He doesn’t own the place. He’s not an investor. He just knew I’d like it — and now it’s one of my favorite restaurants in NYC. I loved being “sold” on that restaurant.When we find someone trustworthy and experienced who is authentically offering something of real value, we can’t get enough from them! We actually read more (like you reading this long page right now).But why is it so hard for us to write authentic sales emails for our own businesses?Most people suffer from Invisible Scripts about selling — deep-seated beliefs that keep them from being themselves AND growing their business at the same time.(Most business owners struggle with at least 2 of these scripts … but some have all of them. I struggled with sales for years before I overcame mine.)5 Invisible Scripts that kill sales (and businesses)#1 Invisible Script“I don’t want to be a scammy internet marketer. I just don’t. I’ve built up all this goodwill with my audience. They trust me. I don’t want them to think, ‘oh god, here come the sales again’ and unsubscribe.”#2 Invisible Script“I’m not a natural writer. I’m not sure when to tell a story, when to start selling. How many testimonials should I use? Should this email be short or long? How do you know?”#3 Invisible Script“My business is small. I don’t have a team. What works for a big team won’t work for me because I don’t have those resources at my disposal. It’s just me. I need something different.”#4 Invisible Script“My business is different. I sell ____.” This is the dreaded Special Snowflake Syndrome: the belief that you, your business, and your brand are unique and no advice will help you unless it’s 100% customized to your situation. People with this script rarely buy, so it’s no surprise they have trouble convincing others to invest in their products, too.#5 Invisible Script“I don’t believe in email formulas. They don’t work. I tried them but nobody bought! Are people tired of being sold to with that formula or did I do something wrong? How can I make sure my sales emails will be effective? And how can I do it and still sound like me?”How many of these scripts do you have?What’s your gut-level response to them?Most business owners who struggle with selling via email never face these Invisible Scripts head-on. Instead they:Google “how to write a sales email” and jump from one vague formula to another, hoping something will clickHire a copywriter and pray they’re better (an expensive bet that rarely pays off)Just keep thrashing in the dark, watching their business slow down … and then start to dry upDon’t do this.There is a better way to learn how to write authentic sales emails. You won’t find it in a random Google search, in a “sales email template,” or via some junior copywriter.Yes, you could learn it yourself if you put in the time and effort. (I figured how to do it after 10+ years of trial and error, hundreds of thousands of unsubscribes, learning everything the hard way, studying and using every training I could find — not to mention millions of dollars in testing.)But you can skip all that hard work and heartache by following a few simple but usually missed steps:Find someone who has years of experience writing authentic sales emails. Not one or two good emails but thousands that have built a major business with an incredible reputation.Find someone you trust who has written authentic sales emails in multiple styles and across multiple categories. For low and high price points and a variety of product types. (No one-hit wonders.)And most important, focus on the stuff that truly matters. (Your order form button color doesn’t matter, but how authentic — or spammy — your sales copy is will make or break your business.)This is why we focus on The Power Trio emails — they are proven, reliable, versatile, and authentic — readers love these emails and we don’t have to worry about selling too hard, too soft or hearing crickets.In just our recent Mental Mastery launch, these three emails pulled in $379,643. But we use these emails in all of our launches. Altogether, The Power Trio emails have been worth millions.This approach I’m excited to share with you today.Get Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi, Only Price $55Introducing…Watch me write 3 sales emails — The Power Trio — that generated $379,643.And learn how to boost your email funnels with authentic sellingBehind the Sales Email gives you a behind-the-scenes look at The Power Trio of proven, authentic sales emails we use in every product launch.This isn’t a bloated, fluffy lecture about copywriting. It’s a focused, personal demonstration of how I write three of the most effective sales emails in our toolset.The Big RevealEffortlessly introduce your product so people are itching to learn moreThe Free TasteGrab the attention of your readers and get them to try your productThe Last ChanceMove people to buy — without sounding pushy or salesyThe Behind the Sales Email course includes 4 videos that SHOW you exactly how we create this Power Trio of authentic sales emails. Follow along, step by step, as we write, edit, and perfect real sales emails that pulled in $379,643.This is not a PDF on sales tips. It’s not a “paint-by-numbers” template. You can find that anywhere.We wanted to go deeper and let you shadow us through the entire sales email process. Imagine how much you will learn by watching me create 6-figure sales emails — right in front of you.You’ll get our Power Trio of emails, and you’ll get to watch me create them, with real copy that was used in a successful launch.Video 1The Big Reveal: How to write an engaging sales emailWhat you’ll learnThe fast way to outline a sales email (we start every email this way)How should you edit an email — even if you’re the one who wrote it?Improve the opening of any email with the Telepathy TechniqueWhy Side Note Syndrome will kill your emails and how to avoid itSee the hidden framework behind a smooth and compelling product introductionVideo 2The Transition: How to go from engagement to sales without sounding awkwardWhat you’ll learnHow to know the right moment to start selling — and when to stopWhich parts of your sales emails can you pull verbatim from your sales pages?Multiple proven ways to transition between sections of an emailThe 5-second test that protects you from ever sending inauthentic or awkward copyThe final section we add to every sales emailVideo 3The Free Taste: How to use a “Story Bank” to write more intriguing sales emailsWhat you’ll learnThe email “sin” that’s much worse than coming off as salesy or scammyWhen and how to get metaWhat is the #1 thing all readers want? (Without this, you won’t sell anything)How to create a “Story Bank” that will cut 90% of the work out of your sales emailsHow to pick the best story for any emailVideo 4The Last Chance Email: How to get readers to buy now without sounding pushyWhat you’ll learnHow much revenue a strong Last Chance email can bring inHow you can crack people’s default behavior — procrastinationHow can you sell — directly — and still be friendly and authentic?What is the best sequence for a smooth, powerful sales email?What it really means to sound authentic (and the extra step we take to guarantee all of our emails hit this mark)The “Us vs Them” Technique and the critical moment to use itGet Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi, Only Price $55Tag: Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi Review. Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi download. Behind The Sales Email – Ramit Sethi discount.