Beducated – Tantra – Sofia Sundari


What if You Could Access an Entirely New Level Of Depth and Connection in Your Relationship and Bedroom – and Transform Your Love Life Into a Sacred and Juicy Journey of GrowthDiscover Tantra – Your Initiation Into Sacred Sexuality. Immerse yourself in this ancient system of personal and spiritual growth that leads you right to the core of your powerful erotic nature. Deepen your relationship with yourself, your partner and the sacred.Ok, time to take a look at the uncomfortable truth. Raise your hand if that’s you:    Once you and your partner are done with your busy days, you rather settle for another round of Netflix…minus the CHILL. It’s not that you don’t love each other… because you do. But somehow, the spark, the juiciness is gone… And you spend your time and energy taking care of “stuff” rather than your intimacy.You fantasize about “the way things used to be” and the time when you stayed in bed for days, exploring each other’s bodies, and nobody even thought of checking their phone.Or maybe you’ve always felt a bit closed off, shy and unable to express the powerful sexual being you truly are. Who knows which parts of you would awaken if you allowed it, right? Maybe you are afraid that unleashing this powerful part would be overwhelming, and too intense, especially for your partner? So you rather keep it hidden, because it’s more comfortable and hassle-free that way…But at the same time you secretly wish that your partner (or future partner) would come along one sweet day, taking you in fully, soaking you up with every breath, patiently devouring every inch of your body, passionately, with presence, creatively teasing you into the bedroom where you melt into each other’s embrace, where you dance the dance of lovers, in every moment experiencing your souls merging deeper and deeper…Is this you? Let me ask you something…What is the difference between someone who is able to express their sexual nature fully and can expand into their powerful potential – versus – someone who feels frustrated, tired and flat, especially sexually and can’t let go of the need to hide or make themselves smaller than they actually are? I will tell you:The first one has learned, and more importantly is practicing Tantra.I know that’s a bold claim. But hear me out…sofia sundariIn case you are just getting familiar with Tantra and don’t have a clue what it actually is:Tantra is an ancient spiritual path and a system of self-development. As opposed to other paths, sexual energy, emotions, and desires are not suppressed in Tantra but are actually channeled for personal and spiritual evolution.Tantra offers techniques and practices that will help you expand and open up beyond what you ever thought was possible. It will teach you to not get swayed by strong energy and emotions but play with them and master them. Tantra will help you find the source of happiness within yourself. I know because this is exactly what happened to me. And to hundreds of people, I initiated onto this path.Maybe you don’t want to sit around and wait until things miraculously work themselves out…Perhaps you are here because you’ve read about Tantra in your favorite yoga online magazine and got all excited about it. Or your friend told you about this magical retreat they went to. And now you want to understand how to practice it and get a slice of that magic for yourself and your own bedroomWonderful beloved, you came to the right place.And maybe you don’t want to sit around and wait until things miraculously work themselves out, your relationship becomes juicy again and your erotic nature awakens by itself. Or that one sweet day the perfect lover will magically appear with the skills to rock your world.Are you ready to learn Tantra and make your spiritual and sexual being a hot priority?Are you ready to awaken your erotic nature? To open up to your potential and start Living life to the fullest?Who am I, and why should I be your Tantra Teacher?I’m Sofia Sundari, and if I would own business cards they would say that I am an international tantra teacher, author, love & sexuality expert.And from my own experience and years of work I know one thing for sure:You can have the life you desire, your unleashed sexuality is the gateway to your highest potential, you can be loved and honored for who you are, you can be filled with joy and ecstasy and your radiance is exactly the medicine that the world needs right now.And I would love to show you HOW….sofia sundariYou may look at me and think that I have always been self-confident, free in my sexuality and thriving in an amazing relationship. Yet, you should know that this is very far from truth.Curious how I went from frustrated lawyer to liberated woman? Read on…Ten years ago my life looked very differently. I was stressed out, living in crazy busy Moscow, every day spending hours in the office practicing law…My love life was pure suffering: I kept being attracted to men who were emotionally unavailable, yet I was trying to find a way to fill the emptiness in my heart, with cigarettes, unhealthy food, make-up, high-heels, and fast sex.I could not orgasm.And deep down I knew that something was wrong at the very core of it all.And then a beautiful day came… and I got fired. I hit rock bottom and then I changed my life entirely.Eventually, I came across Tantra. And ended up dedicating 5 years of my life, practicing 5-6 hours of tantra every day. After that, I got initiated into being a teacher myself.I have done a ton of sexual healing (even though I never thought I needed any), opened up to the orgasmic pleasure which I never thought was possible and I am convinced that unlocking my sexual potential was THE experience that I needed to start living fully and manifesting the life of my dreams.In 2010 I consecrated my life to the serving Truth and walking the path of Tantra, and since then I have no doubts or hesitation about what I am here for. Today, I’ve worked with thousands of people from all over the world in my retreats, private sessions and through my online work.I would be so honored to be your friend, teacher and guide on this magical path of Tantra. And now you don’t even have to travel across the world to study with me, you can do so from the comfort of your own bedroomCurious What My Tantra Online Course Can Do for You? You Will…Transform Sex Into a Sacred Spiritual PracticeSometimes sex is just friction in the genitals, kissing, a bit of play, touch, and rush to a finish line. This online video course will teach you how sex can be the most incredible thing you and your beloved can experience as your souls merge, as your spirits unite, as your hearts expand into the mystery that is you.Deepen Your Relationship(s)… for a happier, deeper, clearer and more harmonious togetherness. This Tantra online course will reveal to you your nature as god and goddess. Not in a new-agey way, where it’s enough to put on a long silky dress to become “a goddess”. In Tantra you can actually have a direct experience of seeing each other as divine beings. Discussions like “who takes the garbage out?” will lose their drama in an instant.Be Empowered… and gain the confidence to access and express the fullness of your erotic nature, for deeper connection with yourself and your power to manifest the life you desire. Maybe you’ve been working on other areas of your life, but have been skipping sex so far. What if sex could become your most potent spiritual practice?Initiate Healing…through sacred sexual rituals that break through blocks and help you overcome shame, guilt and limiting beliefs. Live Life to the Fullest, being deeply grounded in the mystery of this existence. Being radiantly alive and ecstatic no matter whether you are on your own or with your beloved.Learn to Harness and Utilise Your Energy …and explore advanced Tantric techniques to feel, move, control your sexual energy. So you stop being controlled by your sexual energy, but actually become the master of it. You will learn how to play with and use this potent resource for expansion in all areas of your life. I offer transformative tools and techniques to master your sexual energy, that will help you to channel it for healing, mastery of ejaculation and expansion into big, orgasmic states.couple in bed tabletDevelop Deeper and Multiple Orgasms…by expanding your pleasure curves. You’ll access mystical states of orgasms you didn’t know were possible. This stuff will change your life once and for all! Through tantric orgasms you will access the mystical essence of your soul, and expansion and states of consciousness that no substance will ever provide.Here is How This Tantra Online Course WorksAt this point you may be sitting on hot coals, curious about how exactly this Tantra course works. Me and the Beducated team put all our experience into a transformative program.Here is why we believe this is the best Tantra Online Course out there: High-quality 6-Week Video Journey, Made with Utmost Love and Elegance You want to learn how real Tantra works and try it out right away? That’s why all my teachings come in video format which include theory lectures, guided follow-along exercises with (explicit) demos of couples and myself, beautiful inspirational video material, the juiciest homework of your life and yummy bonus material.Lovemaking Ritual GuidanceWe won’t just be talking about Tantra, we will be practicing Tantra. I’ll be offering lovemaking rituals. Which means I’ll be guiding you via audio step by step into a Tantric lovemaking experience. Imagine what kind of transformative energetic potential this has?!Have Lifelong Access to Study WheneverOnce the course is open you’ll get access to the first week. I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much material, so we’ll go through each module step by step, week by week. Once we went through the six weeks together you can study and re-visit everything months or years from now, together with your partner or the soulmate you are still waiting for.Study from Your BedroomThis online course is 100% bedroom compatible. You probably don’t want to study this course at work, I know. Which is why I made sure that all modern devices with internet connectivity are supported… this way you can learn in the privacy and comfort of your home.Elegant, Tasteful MaterialMy course offers you high-quality material that feels safe to study. You’ll be getting powerful practices, some of which contain explicit materials. Me and the production team from Beducated took extra care that it doesn’t feel awkward or irritating, but soulful and inspiring instead.Check out the Online Course Curriculum and Discover What I Mean When I Say That This Course Is One of a Kind:You’ll get access to a transformative 6-week journey that guides you step-by-step into Tantra to deepen your connection with yourself and your partner, to move beyond regular sex, practicing authentic Sacred Sexuality and enlightening your erotic nature.Module 1: Sex Reframed6 Videos & 1 AudioIn our first week together, you will be initiated into what Tantra really means and discover how to create an environment to facilitate deep, powerful experiences. You’ll get your first juicy homework, so expect profound and transformative first steps. Here is some of what you’ll explore: Understand the principles of Tantra and what is the deep meaning of Sex, the essence of a Tantric vision, and how you can enrich your life through it.Tantra starts with you, with a deep connection to yourself and the certainty that you don’t need anything from the outside world to feel fulfilled. You will immerse yourself in the world of self-pleasure with a juicy and highly transformative self-ritual    Demo and direct transmission of self-pleasure ritual for your eyes only    Study a power practice that evokes trust, the foundation to go deeper    Learn how to set up a Tantric space for a sacred learning environmentModule 2: Clear Space6 VideosIn this week it gets even better as you discover what it means to truly open up to one another. It starts from radical honesty with yourself and claiming your authenticity. This week offers exciting practices that may push a few buttons of yours for the benefit of your growth, so get ready!    Get a full idea what ‘clearing space’ really means and why it’s such a necessity    Tap into the world of emotional sex and how you can transmute and alchemise the powerful energy of your emotions    Learn a transformative practice to release frustration, anger, and blocks    Let yourself be soothed by an erotic practice for deeper intimacy    Meet the Goddess Kali in yourself and your belovedModule 3: Rekindle Desire5 Videos & 1 CheatsheetIn this week you will reawaken your true desires. You’ll learn a powerful ritual for honoring that part in yourself. This week delivers sexy play and deeply spiritual experiences.    Boost your attraction for each other, rekindle your desire and sex drive    Discover goddess worship as a tool to transform and take your relationship to a sacred level    Master the anatomy of arousal    Learn Tantric foreplay    Get initiated into an ancient ritualistic practiceModule 4: Tantric Technique Initiation5 Videos & 2 AudiosIn week 4 you will explore tantric techniques that support in using your sexual energies – both in and out of the bedroom. This week will take you to the next level of personal growth and energy control!    Learn how to activate, move and play with your sexual energy    Redefine ejaculation and learn more about control, mastery, and choice    Interviews of men’s experiences with ejaculation mastery    Understand the Chakras & Kundalini awakening    Learn about lovemaking for different levels of consciousness    Get a powerful technique to activate your chakras    Learn sublimationModule 5: Tantric Orgasm5 VideosIn week 5 you get initiated into expanded pleasure. You will learn tools that support you step by step to go from numbness to ecstasy. This is a super juicy week!    Learn to unfold new orgasmicness    Master sacred touch    Learn how to have a full body orgasm    Interview of women’s and men’s experiences with tantric orgasms    Get a powerful technique to activate the pleasure withinModule 6: True Nature of Love4 Videos & 2 CheatsheetsIn our final week, you will learn to understand the deeper meaning of desire for connection and the very depth of tantric vision. You’ll discover how to honor the Divine within yourself and your lover in daily life, and how to initiate an authentic tantric ritual. This is a very sacred week!    Discover a powerful tool to reveal the deeper meaning of connection    Learn to honor the Divine Feminine and    Divine Masculine    Learn the Sacred Ritual of Yoni and Lingam worship    Guided Lovemaking ritualBonuses5 Videos    Get a full initiation into Yoni Massage    Get a full initiation into a Lingam MassageGet Beducated – Tantra – Sofia Sundari, Only Price $97Tag: Beducated – Tantra – Sofia Sundari Review. Beducated – Tantra – Sofia Sundari download. Beducated – Tantra – Sofia Sundari discount. educated book. educated ebook