Becky Beach – Printables Ecom Academy


During the recent pandemic, when all of us were going through such a difficult time the business not only survived but managed to grow consistently… Available download within 1 – 3 Days

Becky Beach – Printables Ecom Academy


Becky Did $7,000 in Pure Profits in

30 Days Selling Simple Printables

from Her Ecom Store…

While She Was BUSY With Her Young

Family And a FULL TIME Day Job!

Click Below To Play The Video

Learn how we generate a healthy income selling digital printables from our ecommerce website
Learn how we tap into an unlimited source of inventory without spending a fortune
Get the SECRET techniques that allow you to keep upto 90% profit margins on the products you sell
Succeed despite having no tech skills…we’ll teach you everything
Build a real business that you can EXIT for a premium

Selling Simple Downloadable Printables

is a Semi-Passive Multi 4-Figure a

Month Business for Us…

And not just us!
There are hundreds of thousands of regular folks who are making a full time living selling printables on their own websites.
This is not a pipe dream…
This is a real tangible business, a true asset!
But the best part is it’s passive!

These are results that we have been seeing consistently month in and month out.
During the recent pandemic, when all of us were going through such a difficult time the business not only survived but managed to grow consistently…
And continued to earn passive income like clock work.

Do you think a business like this would be life changing?
Making a Comfortable Living Off

Of Selling Printables From An

Ecom Site Is Simple…

Step #1 Create the website

Pick one of the many WYSIWYG ecom store creators and voila you have a site built in a day!

Step #2 Create digital products

With so many drag and drop editors available, pick one and create a digital file you can sell from your store.

Step #3 Drive traffic

Announce your brand spanking new store and products to the world and let the sales pour in…

Step #4 Rinse and repeat

Once you have had your first sale, just rinse and repeat for your next sale!

…there you go, the simple formula to create a four figure a month store.
That is all there is to it really!
It’s NO rocket science.
Then why is it that most of us struggle with it?
That’s because…

It’s Simple…But NOT EASY To Build

a Printables Ecom Business

The Right Way!

Here’s how it looks from the inside…

Building The Site Is NOT Easy!

Given the gazillion number of options available it can be daunting to get started with the right solution. Even if you pick the right solution there is the learning curve involved in getting set up the right way for success.

Do you really have that time?

To explore and spend on learning everything that you need to by trial and error? What if you do not succeed with your efforts for say two years…would you still have the steam to keep experimenting?
Wouldn’t it be just easier to learn from someone who has been there and makes a comfortable living selling printables from their Ecom websites?

Creating Printable Products Is NOT Easy

Creating printable products is a time consuming process if you have the skills.
And if you don’t have the skills you are bound to loose a lot of time exploring your options. In case you decide to outsource it can cost you a small fortune.
Get immediately download Becky Beach – Printables Ecom Academy

So What Exactly Are Your Options

and Why You Should Listen To

Anything I Have To Say?

Hey, my name is Niranjan and there is a chance that you may know me already.
In case you don’t know me, I am an ex-aerospace engineer turned full time entrepreneur running my multiple online and offline businesses from the comfort of my home with the help of some of my amazing business partners.
Right now my focus is on growing and scaling my printables business.

But then, this is Not About Me

Nor This is My STORY…

That’s right!
What I am sharing with you here today is a story that belongs to a wonderful woman, mom, wife and an extremely successful online entrepreneur.
This story I am sharing with you is that of my friend Becky Beach.
Becky is a doting mother to an amazing 5 year old Bryan, a wife, has a full time job with a Fortune 500 Company.
With such a busy life she has been able to build her printables Ecom store that generates a more than comfortable income for her and her family.
And if you think I am biased because she is a friend just check out…

These Brands That Have Recognized

Becky’s Success Story

Printables Ecom Academy

Printables Ecom Academy is the flagship training program by Becky and I that is designed to take you through the process of setting up your very own successful Shopify ecommerce store using the Shopify platform for selling printables.
Completely based on our own learning from the trials and errors over the years this training program is designed to save you hassle and steer you in the right direction one step at a time.
We have spent thousands of dollars and years of our time perfecting the system and are sharing everything that is there for you to know to create a printables ecommerce business the right way. We will take you by the hand and teach you everything that you should know to succeed in this business.

Here’s what you will learn

in this training course…

Module 1: How to research and find products that sell?
After having done this for quite some time we know the kind of products that sell well and we will show you how to research like a pro using our strategies.

Module 2: How to brand your store for maximum success?
There is a method to the madness when it comes to generating ongoing sales from your printables ecom store. We will show you how to brand your store for high recall value and ongoing organic sales from returning customers.

Module 3: How to set up your Ecom store for long term success?
Shave off years of your time and fast track your journey to a successful printable ecom store by getting set up the right way. We have committed a lot of trial and error in reaching where we are today and now you can leverage our expertise to succeed.

Module 4: Learn our exact UX Design principles that flat out work
Becky is a lead UX designer with a Fortune 500 American Company. Imagine what it can do to have someone with that level of experience on your team.

Module 5: How to use the exact apps we use to ensure you optimize the printables store for success?
There are certain aspects of your printables ecom store that you need to automate so you can work on your business rather than working in your business. We’ll show you exactly how!

Module 6: How to create high quality products to sell even if you’ve never done it before?
We have heard it so many times…
“I would love to create printables but just don’t know how!”
Well we will show exactly how to create products that your customers can’t but help to buy even if you have no graphic skills.
HINT: We have numerous examples in our own business that use these strategies.

Module 7: How to list your products the way we do to make more sales?
There is a right and a wrong way to list your products. We learnt it the hard way. You have the easy option to choose and leverage on our experience.

Module 8: Our 10 minutes SECRET strategy…
that almost always works in bringing you more sales for your printables and only takes about 10 minutes to implement?

Module 9: Tech Demystified
Small tweaks that give your store a professional feel without you having to break a sweat.

This is The Point Where The GURU Would

Say “Buy Our Course” And Make

$3,697 in 60 Seconds…

While You Spend Your Time Sipping

Martini By The Pool…Right?


That’s just not how we roll!
Infact this is where instead of selling you the benefits of our course to get your hard earned money, I will give you all the reasons why this course may not be for you.

Take a hard look at the facts here…
No, you will NOT make $3,697 in 60 seconds when you buy this product.
Heck, you will not even make $1 in the first 24 hours of buying this product.
We don’t even know if you will make any money at all just because you bought this product from us.
Look, I will not challenge your intellect by claiming any of that!

And hey, we even have a prerequisite for you to

qualify for making this purchase.

You must come with a mindset of a businessman not with that of one wanting to make a quick buck overnight. This is a serious business that has taken us a lot of time and energy to reach the level of success that we are at now.
The question you need to ask yourself is do you want to chase the next shiny red button for instant success or build a true business based on a rock solid foundation.
If you are after the next shiny instant success business opportunity, then you might as well stop reading this sales page here. This is just not for you.
Get immediately download Becky Beach – Printables Ecom Academy

Still Here Reading

This Page?

I respect your time and ours and want to set realistic expectations and only have you as a part of our tribe if you are serious about building an honest and ethical business that grows over a period of time.

We are talking of a…
– business that gives you the time freedom…
– business that gives you the comfort of doing things that matter to you without having to constantly worry about the next paycheck…
– business that builds a legacy that you leave for your kids and grand kids…
You have the mindset and attitude to succeed in this business and I am going to do everything possible in my capacity to help you in this journey.

And you don’t have to take my word for it.
Just check out what these amazing people have to say about this course…