Bear Market Strategies eLearning Course – Van Tharp Institute


Original Sales Page: Market Strategies eLearning Course – Van TharpDr. Tharp has always been convinced thatpeople should be better prepared for bear market typesand this concern has grown in the last few years.Super Trader instructor Kirk Cooper, having managed money professionally through several bear markets, draws on his years of trading experience and research to deliver great value as you move through this home study course.Do you fear another market as we had in 2008-2009? Could we be in a similar situation right now in 2022?If so, you are in good company with many people who view such conditions as a crisis. For those who are prepared, however, another bear market presents conditions that spell opportunity.This home study helps you learn how to think about trading broad bear markets or trading a specific asset class, sector or even single symbol that is in bear mode. For a major bear market, think equities in 2008-2009. For a move limited to a sector move, think oil in 2014-2015. Imagine having had some ways you could have traded those periods effectively.Major bear markets come only once in a while but “lesser” down moves can be found almost anytime — including during bull markets. Start using the information from this course — and be prepared for the next bear market move.Are you prepared for the next bear market?Why not? Bear markets can present some of the best trading conditions – for prepared traders. The unprepared get hammered or realize they need to sit on the sidelines. In addition, while waiting through bulls and sideways markets for the next bear, what if you could benefit from sectors, segments or even individual instruments that are in a down market of their own?Dr. Tharp has always been convinced people should be better prepared for bear market types and his concern has grown in the last few years. Super Trader instructor Kirk Cooper. Having managed money professionally through several bear markets, draws on his years of trading experience and past instructor, Mark McDowell’s research to deliver great value as you move through this course.If you never thought seriously about trading in a bear market but are open to considering it, here are a few questions you might consider:What Is CoveredThe Objectives are to ensure you are prepared to prosper in the next bear market (or downturn).Specifically, you will:This home study course will help you: