
Bashar – 2023-03-25 – Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 3 – The Gate

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Bashar 2023-03-25 Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 3 The Gate
In Part 3, using the momentum of our building excitement, we will venture beyond The Gate towards new discoveries! Join us as we open The Gate to ET Contact and connect with our extended family from the stars.

“This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”In Part 3, using the momentum of our building excitement, we will venture beyond The Gate towards new discoveries! Join us as we open The Gate to ET Contact and connect with our extended family from the stars.File Size:2.679 GB

Format File:2 MP4, 2 …

Bashar – 2023-03-25 – Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 3 – The Gate

The first year of the Window of Open Contact is off to an exciting start!
In Part 1 of Becoming A Galactic Citizen, Bashar showed us how to look out the window of our imaginary houses to see the ET activity that is already happening! In Part 2, we went through the door to see what is outside. In Part 3, using the momentum of our building excitement, we will venture beyond The Gate towards new discoveries! Join us as we open The Gate to ET Contact and connect with our extended family from the stars.
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