Barry W McCarthy, PHD, ABPP – Affairs Made Simple, A New Understanding of Affairs for Effective


This recording is available for viewing. You can leave with a three- to nine-digit number.-Month-long treatment plan for affairs that save your clients’ time, money and energy!

Barry W McCarthy, PHD, ABPP – Affairs Made Simple, A New Understanding of Affairs for Effective

Affairs They are all too common, around 35-45% of Marriages can experience an affair. You may have a couple of patients or individuals on your caseload who are dealing with these issues. of An affair.
This recording is available for viewing. You can leave with a three- to nine-digit number.-Month-long treatment plan for affairs that save your clients’ time, money and energy! This is a huge improvement from the traditional model that takes years to treat couples who’ve experienced an affair.
Many clinicians approach treatment wrongly by giving the affair too much power, which causes the hurt partner to get stuck. Instead of sticking with the traditional model, try something different. of An affair as a symptom of If you are having a difficult relationship, this workshop will teach you how to understand, assess and treat affairs from a completely new perspective.
Affairs Multipliere-causal, multi-Dimensional, with a range of Individual, couple, cultural, value, and meaning factors. Effective treatment requires that you carefully evaluate (rather than assume!) the causes and their meanings. of The affair from the perspective of The injured and involved partners. You will learn how to create an effective model through this workshop for Assessment leads to better clinical outcomes.
This recording will prepare you to be a better clinician and help the couple make their decisions. “wise decision” Consider whether to recommit and maintain a happy, secure marriage, or to seek a divorce. If you make the decision to recommit to a happy, secure marriage, you will be able to learn skills and tools to support the recommitted couple. for Sexual recovery and the creation of an individual plan to prevent another affair.
Give the affair less power than it deserves, and learn how to better manage affairs.

Analyze different types of Affairs based on emotions, sexual factors, gender and cultural factors will help to improve clinical assessment and treatment.
Utilize a four-session assessment model for A comprehensive psychobiosocial assessment of The injured partner, the involved partner and the relationship to make a better treatment decision.
Develop a treatment program that aligns with the goals of The couple and the individuals must heal from an affair.
Make sure that both partners accept the story and that it is authentic. This will make it easier to have a successful affair. “wise decision” About whether to recommit or divorce the marriage.
Make an agreement for Recommitting to monogamy by couples as part of Affair recovery is possible as well as one for Couples who adopt a consensual, non-conformist relationship-Monogamy agreement
Create an individual plan to prevent affair. It should address your vulnerabilities and goals. of Each couple.

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Be open to misunderstandings and myths Affairs

Affairs Always a sign of A relationship problem
Most couples divorce after an affair
Do not forget to rebuild the trust bond.
In the first year, it is not a good idea to touch or sexually engage in touching. of Healing from an affair
New Data, research, and cultural changes in the role, meaning, or outcome of data, research, and culture of affairs

Use a Four-Assessment Model for Session

Importance of Conducting the first session as a couple
Individually conduct the psychological, sexual, and relational history
How and when to reveal sensitive or secretive information
Role playing aspects of The couple feedback session

Treatment Model for Different types of Affairs

Understanding the differences of affairs

High potential/Low involvement
Love affair or comparison

The most common type vs the least common and the easiest vs. hardest type to treat
Do not give the affair any more power than it deserves
Help the couple to understand the type of affair
Six month “good faith” Make an effort to find real meaning of The affair
Indicators that the couple can recommit themselves to the marriage
Signs that the couple could benefit from a “good divorce”
Create a new style for your couple and a new trust relationship
Encourage genuine acceptance and forgiveness
Tools for Sexual recovery
A personalized plan to prevent affairs

Vulnerabilities, Challenges and Solutions for Affair Prevention

Awareness of People, moods, and situations that could be vulnerable for future affairs
The myth that “once a cheater, always a cheater”
Dialog and agreement about monogamy and consensual non-Monogamy
Face the manipulative or coercive partner
Value of Secure, satisfying, and intimate relationships
Respect this “sexually, one size does not fit all”

Cultural Considerations Understanding The Meaning and Role of the Role of Affairs

Non-American cultural differences
Religion, politics, social economic class
Considerations for gay and lesbian couples
When meanings are different, keep your personal judgement and value aside

Clinician Personal & Professional Values Affairs

Assess your personal values in relation to affairs
Tools to help you define your interests, competences, and values
Be aware of When client meanings and personal values differ, judgements and values may differ.
Different values – When to refer