
Barney Davey – Personal Storytelling for Artists & Creatives

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Barney Davey Personal Storytelling for Artists & Creatives

Unless you are the rare outlier who always knows what to say and how to say it with ease, getting help to develop how you talk about yourself is a great idea.
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Barney Davey – Personal Storytelling for Artists & Creatives

Personal Storytelling
Tips and tools to be comfortable talking about yourself.
Communication is critical and sometimes challenging. What is often even more challenging is talking and writing about ourselves.
Poor communication leads to missed opportunities.
We worry we might ramble, seem to brag, or just clam up because we don’t know what to say. And the worry is legitimate. It’s possible to happen because we are unprepared, nervous, introverted, or a mix of those things.
You have worked so long and hard to create and produce this artwork you want to get into the world. To do that—get your work into the world—it takes help.
We All Have Choices and Desires
Whether you want to get into a gallery or show, or a school or museum you deal with people who have a genuine interest to know more about you. The right ones will help you do what you want and live your dreams.
Unless you are the rare outlier who always knows what to say and how to say it with ease, getting help to develop how you talk about yourself is a great idea.

Why Storytelling Works So Well
Storytelling works because, like art, it is a primal form of communication. Humans use it today just as they have for ages. Personal storytelling taps the twin powers of human interest and word-of-mouth marketing.
Besides making art, storytelling skills are the most valuable in achieving a gratifying journey as an artist. Your storytelling skills enhance your ability to achieve your goals.
Art and stories, both written and told, are powerful tools to touch people. When art and stories are woven to work together, they create a compelling experience for artists and their followers.
Personal Storytelling Opens Doors to Easier Sales
With personal stories, you introduce yourself and your art with simple eloquence. You can use your words, whether written or spoken, to express your heartfelt thoughts, opinions and experiences on art and life. Your words and stories add dimension to your art and to your life as an artist. You can work to refine and hone them in humble, appealing, even masterful, ways that make it fun to enjoy your art and knowing you.
Problems in Making Meaningful Connections
It’s common for many people, no matter who they are, or what business they’re in, to find connecting with their audience of intended buyers and influencers a challenge. They struggle to engage people and get them to listen and take time to know them.

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