Balls Deep (2nd Edition) – Nick Krauser


I’ve been a busy man of late. Bodybuilding remains my primary focus and I’ve now hired a personal trainer to help me to get jacked or die trying. I’ve coached two residentials in April [1] and also one other thing. What other thing? Why, the subject of today’s announcement. Silly!The second edition of Balls Deep is now on release.Yes, you magnificent bastards, I’ve finally reached the end-point of my original 2014 plan to release a four-part memoir [2]. Though very proud of the original first edition of Balls Deep when I released it in 2014, I’ve since grown embarrassed of it. Too amateurish, too fast-paced, too full-of-myself. It was understandable because it was my first time attempting a memoir and I was groping in a fog trying to shape the story. Almost five years later, I know how my memoir is meant to look. So, I’ve rewritten it.The new Balls Deep is a massive 210k words, up from the 130k of the first edition. Every single paragraph has been rewritten. I’ve re-ordered the structure to better organise a chronological progression. I’ve added thirteen entirely new chapters covering my pre-game life. I’ve commissioned new art and a new layout. Oh, and did I say it’s now in full colour?All four volumes are now available on Amazon in their final full-colour premium editions. The hardback will follow in a couple of weeks. This is it, lads. My life in Game laid out for all of you to pick over, learn from, and disagree with. It’s already the longest and most detailed pick-up memoir since Casanova. And, unlike him, I’m not a bi-sexual Italian faggot who paid cold cash for half of his lays.I’ll probably write more about Balls Deep in the coming weeks. Go to Amazon to get your copy and, if you like it, I’d appreciate you doing me the favour of leaving a review[1] My apologies to the lads currently mailing to ask about coaching. I’ve been mad-busy but I’ll get on it presently.[2] And promptly hatched a new plan to expand it to seven volumes, which I’ll talk about soon.Get Balls Deep (2nd Edition) – Nick Krauser, Only Price $27Tag: Balls Deep (2nd Edition) – Nick Krauser  Review. Balls Deep (2nd Edition) – Nick Krauser  download. Balls Deep (2nd Edition) – Nick Krauser  discount.