BadBoy – Dating And Relationships


On Dating & Relationship module you will learn how to convert that phone number into a sucess date and turn that girls into a relationship or a fuch-buddy. You will learn a proper structure of a successful date and much more…
Complete Mastery of Dating and Relationships
Inside you will get
Full list and breakdown of places where you should take girls to
How to structure your dates ( Logistics & timing)
Texting templates and how to set up a date over text
2 easy ways to get them home after date
Conversational mind games to play during date to get them horny and thinking about sex with you
How to get her to cook for you at your place on a first date
How to save money during dates and trick to get them pay for dates
7 Places that you should never take them to on a date
10 Must-Have things in your place when you bring girl to your place
Sexy Playlists for a date at your place
List of movies to play during date
When to sexually escalate during date
Where to hide condoms at your place
3x 10min easy recipes what to cook for her
First Sex and importance of relationship framing
Expectation management and Relationship management
When to talk about your relationship
“Worst boyfriend Technique” for setting up open relationships
Easy way to set up an Fuck-buddy open relationship
How to be honest and not hurt their feelings
Perfect way to convert any girl into your long-term girlfriend and how to keep her happy for years
Formula to make her fall in love with you in just 2 weeks
7 steps to win over her friends and family
How to Train your girlfriend to be good girlfriend ( cook for you, be faithful, good sex .. etc), what every guy should know about
Bulletproof formula for Harem management, how to date multiple girls and they know for each other
Master the art of clean breaking up
Step by step plan how to survive being dumped
SIZE: 475 MB