Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva


Attn: Stressed-Out Micro Agencies & Creative Professionals! Get out of the Grind of the Unprofitable Default Model & Scale Your Freedom How to know if YOU are stuck in the stressful, unsustainable, unprofitable grind of… The Default ModelAre you sending multiple email reminders to clients for payments that you can see they opened but then they don’t respond to! WTF?!Sending multiple email reminders to clients for payments that you can see they opened but the payment takes forever and sometimes fails to ever comeMeetings, meet-ups, free strategy sessions, coffee dates and all “pick-your-brain” conversations with any and all potential prospects, clients and contacts anytime anywhere.You creatively meet every request of the client, but the end product is unexciting, and you can’t tell them that THEY are the reason it isn’t good. Arg, there has to better way!!And your growth strategy resembles the Default Model’s More, More, More philosophy *(chart pictured).THE HARSH REALITYIF ANY of this happening too often, then you are stuck in an unprofitable, default model & it’s only going to get worse. Something needs to give. You need a strategy, FOR PROFIT & FREEDOM, A Badass Method, if you will… A proven strategy designed specifically for creative businesses to continually charge more for your expertise, requiring less clients and producing more trusting clienteleTHE BADASS BUSINESS METHOD TO SCALE FREEDOM AND PROFITIt’s easy to see that the key to more free time and profit is being able to raise your price working less hours for less clients while intentionaly keeping operating costs where they are or lowering them for even MORE profit!LESS Clients >> LESS Working Hours >> HIGHER Prices >> KEEP OR CUT Costs More of what you love, less of what you loath, all while working fewer hours. You ditched the 9-5 because you wanted to do what you LOVE and on your own terms, BUT…  You’re tired of trying to convince propsects that they should hire youYou’re exhausted from jumping through hoops to keep clients happy.You’re sick of underbidding to win projects, then overworking to complete them.You’re fed up writing proposals for prospects who disappear after they receive it.You’re DONE pitching your thoughtful services to people who always want to pay less. Always.You’re wondering how long you can go on like this?!How long before a job you swore you’d never go back to starts looking like the easy way out?You are questioning if you should have even gone into business for yourself in the first place.Having a profitable business that creates freedom in your life doesn’t just happen because you are great at what you do, or even once you get enough clients. WHAT?!!…If you’re stuck in the <- Default Model!!! And hustling harder will only doom you to become LESS PROFITABLE NO MATTER WHAT in the future, thwarting any chances of getting the freedom we all desperately crave!Luckily there's a simple strategy to streamline your business so it gives you less stress, more free time, and more profit… without additional clients, or extra hours…The 4 Step Badass Your Business Method to Scale Freedom with Profit STEP #1 – IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITYFind Your Badass OpportunityFinding your niche and focus that you crush it at, that you can confidently sell, that you can OWN, that people come to you for and you get referred for. Having a clear focus is the way to become (micro) FAMOUS for what you do!STEP #2 – CREATE A LEAD PRODUCTStop Wasting Time & Get Paid To Pitch Stop wasting time on free proposals that rarely close & instead treat your time like it's valuable… and others will value it too! This level teaches you how to create a lead product, which is a flat-rate service you sell as the initial part of the process of working with you that replaces the free proposal. Creating a lead product is a GAME CHANGER for any business owner who is sick of spending lots of time pitching clients, many of whom disappear.STEP #3 – PRODUCTIZE YOUR SERVICESEliminate The Income Ceiling This step shows you how to stop charging hourly and start charging based on value, completely eliminating your income ceiling because your price is no longer determined by how many hours you work. When you productize your services you have set offerings at set prices, and you are actually able to continually raise your prices while decreasing the time you spend delivering. This shows clients that you’ve done this before and you are then hired as an expert, paid for your results, and not your time.  STEP #4 – BADASS YOUR MESSAGEBecome Offline ViralWhen you communicate your worth in a noticeable, memorable, shareable way, they can’t help it, EVERYONE will start talking about YOU. Once you know your opportunity to focus, have a drool-worthy lead product and productized services that make it EASY to hire you, you need to shout it from the mountaintops. From the copy on your website, to a Badass networking and elevator pitch that turns everyone you speak with into raving fans who become your unofficial marketing department!Ditching the unprofitable default model isn’t the only way to “grow” your revenue. But it is the ONLY way to SCALE YOUR FREEDOM. Look, I know you think the default model is just "how it is."You think you have to (1) write proposals and (2) pitch clients and (3) create custom plans and (4) wait for feedback and (5) only take a deposit upfront and (6) certainly can't charge in full before you show creative work… right?! WRONG!The default model is full of dinosaur bones, relics of an antiquated agency model from the madmen era that hasn’t been re-thought or made since.  It was originally created and useful for large companies and was never intended for small businesses, but creatives picked up the bones because they never questioned the model. ENOUGH!Time to prioritize your quest scale your freedom and go ALL-IN on a proven strategy for Micro Agencies & Creative Professionals. The Badass Your Business Bootcamp teaches the specific steps to create more profit & freedom in your Creative Business. YOU WILL:  Find your Badass opportunity that only YOU have to offer for the most profit to achieve freedom in your life.How to never do free work again and instead get paid to pitch your service.How to poductize your services to eliminate your income ceiling and sell basd on value instead of priceHow to get all prospects to highly value your timeHow to never waste time with unqualified prospects, or fruitless coffee meetups, again.  The KEY to being able to continually raise your prices.How to streamline and strengthen your process and offerings to save time, money and headache.How to eliminate scope creep, and stop projects from ever going off the rails again and have happier clients in the process.How to get hired to do what you do BEST (instead of what clients think they need) Every project is a case study you can be proud of.How to communicate your Badass Message with clarity and confidence. How to infuse your tag line, website copy, and networking pitch with your unique value. How to write website copy that people will actually read.How to craft your own drool-worthy message that is highly noticeable, memorable and shareable. How to have prospecs knocking down your door instead of making them work hard to figure out if they should hire you.  Get Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva , Only Price $97It's Time To Show Your Business Who's Boss.Stop working for the slave-driving boss that is your current business. Take the reins and make your business WORK FOR YOU from now on.The Badass Your Business Bootcamp that will teach you how to implement a proven strategy to create more freedom and profit in your creative business.EVEN IF you don't have an email list of contactsEVEN IF you think don't have time to work on your businessEVEN IF if you don't believe you could ever charge more and more for less and less workVEN IF you think you're in a over-saturated, highly competitive marketWill this work for me?The Badass Your Business Bootcamp is for creative business owners who want more freedom in their business and life.STUDENTS INCLUDE:  Brand Strategists Graphic Designers Web Developers Marketing Strategists Copywriters Coaches Consultants Stylists Photographers*   *This is perfect for high-level photographers who bring strategy to their work (or want to). If sell commoditized services like headshots only, this is probably not a good fitThis is NOT a good fit for you if: Freedom is low on your list of priorities… you'd rather work 100 hours a week for more money You want to be the cheapest option You don't value your time (or don't want to) Delivering at a high level is not important to you You don't like what you do This is a side hustle and not something you want to make your full-time business Your main goal is to build a business to sell it You're a Muti-Level Marketer You're a Real Estate Agent/broker Your business is Ecommerce If you're still not sure if the Badass Your Business Bootcamp will work for you, just ask me in the chatbox below…30 days from now you could have a business that requires less time to make more money and let's you relax and enjoy life again. The Badass Your Business Bootcamp is the ONLY plan you need to scale your freedom. During the program you will learn:How to SHOW OFF your unique value and why you are so badass, so others see it.How to MAGNETICALLY ATTRACT only ideal clients and repel the bad ones.How to RAISE PRICES continually, and forever.How to NEVER DO FREE WORK, custom proposals or chase payments ever again.How to GROW YOUR PROFITS without working more hoursHow to FREE UP TIME to travel, be with friends & family or even work on your business!How to CHOOSE CLIENTS you want to work with & pass on the ones you don't.How to LOVE WHAT YOU DO again, by replacing the struggle with a streamlined plan.REAL TALKDoing things the way you have been has gotten you this far, but it's an unprofitable model! And it's not going to get you profit and freedom no matter how hard you work or much you spend. Being able to raise your prices continually while working fewer hours doesn't just happen because you are good at what you do… — and —"I'll figure it out" or hoping are NOT strategies. My students have increased the value of their offerings and multiplied their profits while working less month after month…BUT, that only happened because they implemented the strategy in my BootcampThey signed up because they were tired of scraping by, always desperately hunting for more clients, always having to work more to make more, never being able to raise their prices & exhausted by being overworked, underpaid and undervalued for their expertise, with no plan to change it. You have two choices:CHOICE #1 Stick with the stressful default model and stay unprofitble, or even lose moneyCHOICE #2 Spend 30 days implementing the exact steps that have worked for me and hundreds of others… and watch your price go up, your hours go down and finally access FREEDOM.The Badass Your Business Bootcamp teaches you the exact steps to implement the strategy that has allowed me and HUNDREDS of my students to increase their profit & freedom. Get Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva , Only Price $97Here's what's included in the Badass Your Business Bootcamp:STEP #1: Identify Your Badass OpportunityAssess all the opportunities you don’t even know are available to you. Narrow in on your MOST badass opportunity for focus.How to maximize the time you spend doing what you love mostFind what makes you the most money (& how to ditch everything else) Binge-worthy video lessons that makes implementation simpleWorksheets, Resources, and ChecklistsSTEP #2: Create Your Lead ProductCreate a lead product that prospects are excited to buy Never do free work againHow to offer your lead product so they buy in 15 minutes (or less)Deliver your lead product for 100% close rate to your premium servicesBinge-worthy video lessons that makes implementation simpleWorksheets, Resources, and ChecklistsSTEP #3: Productize Your ServicesCreate irresistible productized services for your ideal clientele Price your productized services so they are highly profitableGet paid for said projects based on value, not timeDemonstrate your expertise & get hired for what you do BEST  Only take on projects you are excited and enthusiastic aboutLearn how to make your services more profitable over time Never risk scope creep or get stuck with a difficult client again Binge-worthy video lessons that makes implementation simpleWorksheets, Resources, and ChecklistsSTEP #4: Badass Your MessageTurn your network into an organic marketing machine Craft your message so that it is noticeable, memorable and shareable  Convey your services so prospects get it and want to hear moreUse your lead product to turn cold intros into clients in 60 seconds Communicate why you’re different with clarity & confidence Write your tagline & website copy (that people will actually read)Stop people in their tracks, eager to hear more about your business Turn cold audiences into clients in 60 seconds with an Oscar-Worthy Pitch to be deployed one-on-one or in front of large groupsBinge-worthy video lessons that makes implementation simpleWorksheets, Resources, and ChecklistsBONUSES EXPIRE SOON… SO HURRY! My Fullproof 'Get Paid In Full Upfront' ProcessVALUE: $997 Eliminate the stress of chasing invoices or doing work crossing your fingers that the client will eventually pay you for it. Take my process, tools, and tricks of the tongue and make them yours to always get paid in full upfront and virtually eliminate the payment conversation forever.The "I Don't Have Enough Time To Work On My Business" BonusVALUE: $997 Being too busy should never be an excuse to not take your business to the next level because it means you’re CHOOSING to stay stuck doing what you’ve been doing. Make the time with this training with time guru Kathleen DayHow to Sell Without Feeling SlimyVALUE: $997 Even when clients are knocking down your door you still need to get on the phone to close the deal if they're going to spend thousands of dollars with you. Learn how to have a conversation at feels easy, seamless, never slimy and authentic to you with Sales Master Jeff Bajorek.How To Keep Raising Your Prices, ForeverVALUE: $997 Learn strategies to keep raising your prices periodically so you can gain even more and more freedom!'How To Get Anything You Want'VALUE: $1,997 This is the last tool you will ever need for setting and achieving your goals. It's a 10 video program that walks you through big picture dreaming and strategic thinking about your life and business—and then our process for how to stay accountable to make it happen all year long. And I 100% guarantee results! Do this process to the letter, then stick with the weekly process and do the work, and you will be amazed at how much more you can get accomplished over a year and in how much less time!CHOOSE YOUR PREFFERED PLAN PLAN #1 – Payment Plan  4 Levels with worksheets, exercises, resources & checklists to ensure you apply strategies with confidence to get results15 easy-to-binge-on, easier-to-implement video tutorials walking you through each step of the entire system'Get Paid In Full, Upfront' Bonus'How to Sell without Feeling Slimy' Bonus'Find 10 Extra Hours in Your Week' BonusAccess to the entire program and all of the bonuses immediately  STARTS NOW!  PLAN #2 – Pay in Full  4 Levels with worksheets, exercises, resources & checklists to ensure you apply strategies with confidence to get results15 easy-to-binge-on, easier-to-implement video tutorials walking you through each step of the entire system'Get Paid In Full, Upfront' Bonus'How to Sell without Feeling Slimy' Bonus'Find 10 Extra Hours in Your Week' BonusAccess to the entire program and all of the bonuses immediately STARTS NOW!20% discount + Pay-In-Full BONUS! PAY-IN-FULL BONUSMy Proven “How To Get Anything You Want” Goals Process Be super clear and connected with what you want and why you want it, not just in business, but in life.Know exactly what you need to do today and that it is getting you one step closer toward your ultimate goals.You’ll have a clear plan of action and way to stay accountable every single week (for the entire next year!) to make it a realitySleep better at night knowing you've got a real plan of action to get your goals & headed in the right direction.  The last tool you EVER need for setting & achieving every goal you have in life. Get Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva , Only Price $97Tag: Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva  Review. Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva  download. Badass Your Business Bootcamp – Pia Silva  discount.