
Ayodeji Awosika – Medium Writing Superstars

Original price was: ₹49,551.00.Current price is: ₹4,200.00.


A Proven Step by Step System to Make Money Writing Online (No Experience Required) 
Medium Writing Superstars is an online course and coaching program that teaches you exactly how to make money writing stories you love.

What You Get:
25+ lessons
Shot in HD resolution, teaching you how to make money writing on medium.
Checklists, exercises, and step by step blueprints that help you implement the lessons
Done for you solutions
Like the Headline Vault (50+ plug and play headline styles you can tailor to your topic) and the Publication Black Book (A list of top Medium publications broken down by niche and difficulty level with direct links to submission guidelines)
When you join Medium Writing Superstars, you also get access to these amazing bonus resources:
Bonus # 1
Blog Post Blueprints
The blog post blueprints are ‘plug and play’ templates you can use to write popular blog post styles that Medium audiences love to read.
Each blueprint will contain an overview of how the blog post style works, an outline you can use to create each style of posts, and examples from top Medium writers you can study as guidelines.
Structuring your posts the right way increases their earning potential. I’ve used these blueprints to write posts that save made as much as $8,000.
Bonus # 2
Write Like Ayo
If you’ve ever wanted to get inside of my head and learn the thinking behind my popular articles, this is the resource for you.
The course contains several writing techniques you can use to make your articles more persuasive.
On top of teaching you the lessons, I show you how I implement each strategy by highlighting how I do it in my own articles.
You’ll get to see Google documents with comments and editorial feedback explaining why I choose to use certain techniques, word choice, sentence structure, and more in my articles.
Bonus # 3
The Template Library
The program comes with downloadable step by step templates you can use to implement the Medium strategies including things like audience research, topic generation, mindset strategies, and more.
Bonus # 4
The Medium Mastermind Calls
On these calls, you’ll be updated on Medium’s evolving changes and guidelines. I will talk about the technique I see working well both from myself and other top writers on the platform.
I’ll do live ‘teardowns’ and critique the work of individual writers on the call to give everyone useful advice and feedback.
We’ll have live Q&A sessions at the end of each call. You get these monthly coaching calls for life. I could charge $2,997 for a year long monthly group coaching program. You get it for free.
Bonus # 5
The Publication Black Book
I’ve taken the time to compile a list of the best publications to feature your work, broken down by category as well as ‘difficulty level’ grades to let you know if you’re ready to pitch them.
Getting into the right publications can be the difference between writing an article that makes pennies and one that makes hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Bonus # 6
The Headline Vault
The headline vault will include 100+ examples of headline styles you can use for your articles.
The goal isn’t to use these specific headline formats forever, but to teach you how to come up with killer headlines so you can write unique headlines on your own.
Consider these the training wheels you need before you’re ready to ride on your own. A great headline increases your earnings because you get people to read your blog posts instead of skipping past them.

In this module you’ll learn:

How to avoid rookie mistakes
How to make money writing in the long-term
How to make sure you write viral articles every month
How to avoid burnout and stay the course with your writing
How to create a mindset for success instead of remaining a frustrated newbie


In this module you will learn:

How to understand your stats and metrics so you can increase your views
How to get your articles promoted by Medium editor, catch their attention often, and stay at the top of their radar
How to design your Medium profile to attract more followers, readers, and email list subscribers
How to format your articles to make them easier to read, which helps you make more money
How to get into top publications on Medium without getting rejected over and over again
How to write viral articles by studying top Medium writers

How to figure out the topics you love to write about that will also make you the most money


In this module you will learn:

How to write viral headlines readers just can’t help but click on
How to generate ideas for viral articles with easte
How to build a writing habit that sticks and kill writer’s block for good
How to write a blog post with viral potential from start to finish without getting stuck
How to edit your articles to make sure readers love your words without wasting tons of time over-editing your work
How to become a popular Medium writer and draw attention by engaging with readers and other writers on the platform
How to make $100 or more in 30 days or less using the Medium 30 day Roadmap


In this module you will learn:

The P.A.S. formula
The three nod technique
Future pacing
The mind reader effect
Sweater knit copy
Common words to remove from your writing
How and when to use quotes, statistics, and outside sources
Pattern interruptions
First, second, and third person perspective
Active vs. passive voice
And more!


In this module you will learn:

How to build an email list using your traffic from Medium articles that will help you promote future Medium articles and sell products to your audience
How to publish your first book using articles you’ve already written
How to build your writing career beyond Medium featuring a bird’s eye view of strategies coaching, freelancing, course creation, and more