
Awai – Copywriting Academy

Original price was: ₹118,275.00.Current price is: ₹4,920.00.


What Every Copywriter Needs to Know About Copy, the Industry, and the Copywriter’s Role in It
You’ll learn:

Why the industry needs copywriters, who needs them most, and why it pays so well…
How copy is all about persuasion and immediate response…
How marketing works and your role as a member of the larger marketing team…
The Customer Journey and the Copy-Content Continuum…
How Marketing Funnels work in business, and how to build one…
Understanding the “language” of direct response…
Understanding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) copywriters need to know…
Various ways copywriters help their clients attract customers, make more money, and all the ways you can be paid…
What you need to be a successful copywriter — and what you don’t…
Traits, habits, and daily routines of successful copywriters…
How to start and build your own Swipe File — and why it’s important…


Persuasion: What it Means and Why it’s the Cornerstone of Your Copywriting Success
You’ll learn:

What persuasion really means and its crucial role in every piece of copy copywriters write…
Understanding, finding, and transmitting “emotionally compelling and persuasive ideas” in copy…
The secret of “clarity”…
The secret of “specificity”…
Understanding the “Rule of One” as a copywriter…
The psychology of persuasion and Aristotle’s “Three Appeals”…
Ways to inject persuasion into every sales message you write…
How to make any writing — copy, content, emails — irresistibly and instantly compelling…
Understanding the secret architecture of persuasion…
The seven questions readers will have that your copy must answer…
The invisible structure behind the world’s most successful sales messages…


Getting to Know Your Prospect — the Most Important Person You’ll Ever Know as a Copywriter
You’ll learn:

How to know who your true prospect is…
Beyond demographics — why it’s much better to have a real-life image of the person you’re writing to… and who it should be…
How to learn how to speak your reader’s language…
How to connect the solution you’re offering to the emotion your reader connects to it…
The theory of resistance and how to overcome it…
How to ensure every piece of copy or content you write is 100% focused on your reader’s wants, needs, and desires…
A simple three-step formula for matching your headline to your reader’s emotional desire…
How to strike the right balance when writing conversationally…
And more…


The Power of Research: Your Key to Big, Emotionally Compelling Ideas and Strong Body Copy
You’ll learn:

The best places to find breakthrough “Big Ideas”…
Beyond the Google search: How to research like a pro and unearth gems that lead to winning copy every time…
How to record and organize the research you find so it can be easily incorporated into your copy…
How to use research to find the “controlling ideas” for your promotions…
Research you can do that practically lets you “read your reader’s mind”…
It’s all about new — how to take old ideas and make them seem fresh and new in the eyes of your reader…
How to harness the power of AI — the copywriter’s new and most powerful research tool…
And more…


Writing a Sales Letter — Using AWAI’s “Deconstructed Flow” Method
You’ll learn:

Headlines that break through the clutter and noise, grab your reader by the lapels, and instantly connect with your reader’s needs, wants, and desires…
Leads that make a strong promise while keeping your reader engaged and wanting to read more…
Body copy that builds trust by delivering undeniable proof that your product can deliver on its core promise, while “layering in” additional benefits that make your offer even more compelling…
Offers and price propositions your reader simply can’t resist…
Closes and Calls-to-Action that summarize product benefits, justify pricing, create urgency, give your readers a clear action to take, and make clear the downside of not taking action…
Ironclad resistance breakers that address any additional “logical” barriers a reader might have to responding to your offer…
Order forms that clearly and concisely summarize your main promise, core product benefits, price, offer… and make it easy for your prospect to buy…


A-Level Editing: Taking Your Copy from Good to Great
You’ll learn:

How to train your brain to recognize winning sales copy…
Style guides and what to know about writing for different industries…
How to use the FK score to make your copy more readable…
How to polish copy by putting it through a “Punch List”…
Words and phrases that have no place in persuasive copy…
How to write concise but powerful transitions that let you move seamlessly from one idea to the next…
How to use AWAI’s “peer review” and C.U.B.A. copy processes…
And more…

Copy Elements of the Customer Journey: How to Write a Complete Online Acquisition and Sales Campaign
You’ll learn:

Space ads for Google and social media designed to generate immediate interest in what you’re selling to the market you’re targeting…
SEO content that engages a prospective buyer by offering real and useful solutions based on what they’re searching for…
Emails that encourage readers to click to and read your sales letter…
Landing pages that offer free reports or other giveaways in exchange for the name and email address of a new potential customer…
“Stick” emails that welcome new customers where you can start building long-term relationships…