Authority Machine: The Ultimate Niche Site Creation – Spencer Haws


Be Honest… Does This Sound Familiar?Have you ever had a brilliant business idea that you just KNEW was going to be successful? At first, you are super motivated to go out and tackle this idea. But then something happens 2 weeks later…you have ANOTHER idea!So, you put the first idea on the shelf and start on the second one…but then you guessed it, you have a 3rd idea that’s even better, so you move from idea 2 to idea 3. Before you know it a year has passed and you have a dozen incomplete projects and nothing has really changed in your life.In fact, the shiny object syndrome is one of the biggest problems that potential online entrepreneurs have. You lack focus, because there are SO many exciting possibilities out there.As someone that understands the vast business potential of owning and growing online assets, you often face these major hurdles:What’s the process I follow to start and grow a website?How do I get high quality links to my site?I don’t know what I don’t know, and it’s kinda scary to jump in 100%I see so many shiny business ideas, I struggle to focusNo one understands me…I have no one to discuss my business withWhen I have difficult questions, I have no one to advise meI’m completely unorganized and I have no systems in placeI’m not really sure if making money on the internet is even possibleHere’s How to Break the System of Failure in Your BusinessAuthority Machine is a 8 week INTENSE training course that was created specifically to help get out of the shiny object rut and start focusing on building a website with a proven plan to success.By joining Authority Machine you will get our complete system for building and scaling out profitable authority sites, but even more we are going to keep you motivated with a very rigorous structure, systems, coaches, and other methods to keep you focused on what is important…growing out a real business that can help you achieve a better financial future.You already know that the key to long term financial success is to build something that has true value, not a one page website that gets a bunch of spammy links.If you want to rank in Google, you have to do it right from the very beginning.We are going to give you the exact system we use to build, rank, and scale large web properties.Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn in Our 8 Week Training Program1. NICHE SELECTIONChoosing a profitable niche for your website is both an art and a science. We’ll help you avoid common mistakes so you can confidently select and add winning niches to your site.2. MONETIZATION STRATEGYWe’ll show you our exact strategies for optimizing and monetizing your site with Google Adsense, Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs that fit your topic.3. KEYWORD RESEARCHYou might say that our team wrote the book on keyword research, and we have the numbers to prove it. We’ll show you how to find the best keywords that you can rank for and pull in tons of free search engine traffic. 4.CONTENT TEMPLATESOur templates are designed to be used by you and/or your outsourced writers. This ensures that articles, keyword usage, and links all get done correctly every time right from the very first time.5.SEO CHECKLISTSYour on-page SEO is critical to your success. Our spreadsheets and checklists will ensure you know how to produce perfect SEO friendly articles that Google loves.6.STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESOutsourcing your writing sounds simple, but getting top-notch content can actually be quite challenging. We’ll share our standard operating procedure documentation that will help you source excellent content7.PROVEN INTERNAL SYSTEMSOnce you start growing a team, it’s important that everyone is one the same page. We’ll give you various templates and swipe files so you can successfully collaborate with your writers, virtual assistants, and anyone else you bring on board.8.AUTHORITY LINK BUILDINGWe’ll hold your hand while you get your first few high quality links to your website through Infographics, guest posting, contributor accounts, and other advanced strategies.What You’ll Gain From the AuthorityMachineConfidenceNo more shiny object syndrome. Once you join the machine, the machine won’t let you quit.KnowledgeYou will have a full arsenal for building and ranking authority websites like never before.Easy GrowthGet the skills, systems, and guidance you need to take your business to the next level.Save TimeYou won’t have to waste all your time putting loads of effort into ideas that you never should have been going after in the first place.Increase ProfitsAt the core of everything you will learn are the skills to take your business to higher profitability through increased traffic and earnings with your website.You’re Not Alone AnymoreAt the core of the machine is a group of motivated online business builders (like you) as well as the coaches that can and will lead to long term network to help support you on your journey.Need Proof? Here are just a few results we’ve achieved on our own sites:Example #1 – Authority BlogYou may be familiar with Spencer’s blog This is a great example of a type of site we are going to teach you to build.Spencer has grown this site from nothing to thousands of visitors a day with no stop in site.Spencer has launched multiple six-figure businesses off the back of, and it truly is a highly valuable web property.The best part is that approximately 57{51344ad6175b488ff2a07050c9da18a0c7c5438234d40f46e560db9067055a0b} of all visitors to are new, and 54{51344ad6175b488ff2a07050c9da18a0c7c5438234d40f46e560db9067055a0b} of all traffic to the site is from search engines!Example #2 – Software BusinessYou may also be familiar with Spencer’s work at This seven-figure business was grown from the natural search engine traffic coming from at first. However, has now because a traffic beast in it’s own right!Between 500 to 600 unique visitors a day are coming directly from Google to And in case you didn’t know, ranking for anything related to keyword research software is EXTREMELY competitive! A single click using Google Adwords can cost up to $10 or more. This search engine traffic would cost nearly $5,000 a day if you were try to replicate it with paid sources.Example #3 – Affiliate Site in the Running NicheYou may think, well that’s great that you’ve been able to build a couple of great sites selling your own products, but what about affiliate sites?Here’s an affiliate site performing really well in Google in the Running niche that Spencer created:Example #4 – Home Goods Affiliate SiteAnd here’s an example brand new site in the home goods niche that has grown month after month using the EXACT principles that you are going to learn in Authority Machine.It just so happens that this site now sends traffic to Spencer’s Amazon store, where he sells over $60,000 a month of home goods on Amazon.Example #5 – General Content Affiliate SiteThis example is a special one. This is a site we purchased just a few months ago, and then “hired” several interns to go through our EXACT process that we are going to teach you in Authority Machine.The result? After the interns that went through our training and added lots of highly targeted content, the traffic increased by 64{51344ad6175b488ff2a07050c9da18a0c7c5438234d40f46e560db9067055a0b} compared to just 3 months previous. We believe we have taken the website value from $68k (what we bought the site for) to $128k today (what we could sell it for based on increased traffic and earnings in just 3 short months).The processes we used on this site is exactly what you will learn in Authority Machine.Is Authority Machine Right for You?The Machine was created to teach those that want access to a world-class system for building, ranking, and profiting from legitimate websites that stand the test of time.Advanced Website BuildersIf you have been building websites for years, but never really been able to put together solid systems or a sustainable business, you will find the machine especially helpful! This is a more advanced program that doesn’t waste a ton of time on the beginner stuff. We just right into the advanced material almost from day one!Brand New Entrepreneurs…Willing to Learn QuicklyIf you are brand new to online businesses, this training program will show you all the steps you need to go from no website to ranking in Google and profiting from your efforts. However, you better be willing to learn QUICK, because we don’t hold back the advanced material.Need More? Here’s What Else is Included with Authority Machine:In addition to all the things you’ll learn and skills you’ll develop, here are a number of unique bonuses that you’ll get by being part of the Authority Machine.Access to a private Facebook GroupYou’ll be building an invaluable network of contacts during this process, and after the 8 week course you’ll have full access to a private Facebook group that is only for graduates of Authority Machine.Live Webinars2 Live Q&A Webinars – One at the beginning and one at the end with live question and answer opportunities. 8 Weeks of Course MaterialYou’ll have a full 8-weeks worth of training and materials that will require approximately 10-15 hours per week from you. Stay Connected via SkypeAccess to an active Skype group with other students and coaches to answer questions you may have along the way. Worksheets & ChecklistsWe’ll give you various checklists and worksheets that we’ve used ourselves to hire outsourced help, and even standard operating procedures (SOP) that we use to systematize various parts of our businesses. How-to Training VideosIf you’re a visual learner, you’ll love our how to videos that teach you how to do many of the essential things you need to be successful. In addition, we’ll send weekly training emails to keep you up to date and motivated. Access Case Study Data & MoreWe’ve proven our methodology through testing, and you’ll get access to all of our ongoing case studies as well as our contributor accounts to various high authority sites that we frequently guest post on. What Does the Training Cover?Just so there are no surprises, here’s a week by week breakdown of what you’ll be learning and working on during our 8 week program. We’ve validated our program through past internships, which has allowed us to focus on topics that will give you the most benefit.1. Weeks 1 – 2 You’ll work on finding a primary seed keyword for your site, as well as a number of secondary keywords based on our proven keyword research strategies. This will help you set the direction and structure of your site. 2. Weeks 3 – 4By the third week, you’ll start creating and/or ordering your content which will be building blocks for your site. You’ll also be building your site and making it look great.3. Weeks 5 – 6By week 5, you’ll be publishing the content you’ve been working on and outsourcing. You’ll also get your first linkable asset completed, which will be key for your linkbuilding efforts. 4. Weeks 7 – 8As we move toward building links for your site, you’ll start working on another link building strategy for your site. Then, you’ll begin aggressively doing outreach for your site by contacting other bloggers. In addition, you’ll get access to all of other link building strategies that will allow you to build even more links from high authority sitesStart Today! Choose Your Plan BelowOne-time Payment – $12978 Week Intensive TrainingPrivate Facebook and Skype Group AccessAll Checklists, Worksheets, and Procedure DocumentsBehind-the-Scenes Look at Our Case Studies2 Live Webinars with Q&A7 Day Money Back Guarantee3 Payments – $4978 Week Intensive TrainingPrivate Facebook and Skype Group AccessAll Checklists, Worksheets, and Procedure DocumentsBehind-the-Scenes Look at Our Case Studies2 Live Webinars with Q&A7 Day Money Back GuaranteeTag:Authority Machine: The Ultimate Niche Site Creation – Spencer Haws Review. Authority Machine: The Ultimate Niche Site Creation – Spencer Haws download. Authority Machine: The Ultimate Niche Site Creation – Spencer Haws discount.