Audience-Building Ninja – Regina Anaejionu


If you run an online business or market your IRL (in real life) business primarily on the Internet, then you already know how important it is to build an engaged, authentic audience online. You need a platform–a clear and powerful platform–from which you spread your message, launch your products, and wow the people spending their valuable time and money with you.That’s where Audience-Building Ninja for Authentic Solopreneurs (#AudienceNinja) comes in to help. This is an intense, 21-lesson course for people who want to help others through their knowledge, gifts, skills, and passions. If you’re interested in making a difference for people with what you provide, then #AudienceNinja is for you. If you’re interested in “get rich quick” businesses, then #AudienceNinja is definitely NOT for you.Hi, I’m Regina, and I’ve gone through a lot of trial + error over the last 18 months of building both my email list and Pinterestfollowing to 10,000+ connections each, with thousands of followers and friends on Instagram, Twitter, Periscope (oh, and here are some replays), YouTube, Facebook, and Google+ as well. I want to take you through the process of building your audience from scratch (as I had to) and creating authentic connections that allow you to grow your brand and sell your awesomeness unto the world.So, what does this 21-lesson course on audience building include?Great question, my friend. Let me break down the lessons for you.1. GETTING CLEAR ON WHOTo begin #AudienceNinja, we will make sure you are clear on who you want to build with. You’ll figure out your top three ways to find and begin to connect with your ideal audience, and you’ll make sure you have a clear purpose statement written down to remind you of your “why” for building with the people you’ve chosen.2. BEGINNER’S EMAIL LIST GROWTH (THINK: YOUR FIRST 100 PEOPLE)This lesson will be all about the basics of growing your email list. How to establish one, tools to make your emails beautiful and simple, and of course the foundational ways you can start to get people to sign up for your list. You will also discover multiple types of things you can begin to email out to your connections.3. INTERMEDIATE EMAIL LIST GROWTH (THINK: YOUR FIRST 1,000 PEOPLE)In this lesson we will expand into more advanced ways to grow your email list. Hosting events, creating attractive opt-ins, and promoting your list via social media.4. PRO EMAIL LIST GROWTH (THINK: YOUR FIRST 10,000 PEOPLE)This lesson goes deep on creating epic events and courses to expand your email list like crazy. You’ll learn the tips of making it valuable, making it attractive, and explaining the benefits to get people excited and signed up.5. PERISCOPE AUDIENCE BUILDINGA complete lesson on using Periscope to grow your audience and to delight people. You’ll learn a few foundational types of Periscopes you can host, some unique ideas for you to try, and tools that will make your scopes look + sound better plus do more for your brand.6. CREATING A FULL CONTENT PLAN THAT SERVES YOUR AUDIENCEPart of serving, delighting, and growing your audience is creating solid content that people want to share with others. This lesson covers how to create a full content plan that keeps you clear on all the types of content you’ll be sharing with the world.7. CREATING THE 3 MOST EFFECTIVE CONTENT UPGRADESThis lesson will go into the technical aspects and tools of creating the three most effective types of “content upgrades” that will encourage people to sign up for your email list. You’ll learn how to create eBooks, email courses, and more.8. INCREASING BLOG ENGAGEMENT 101This lesson will expand beyond the content planning lesson, to get into other key ways you can increase your blog engagement–hint: it’s about more than just your content.9. BEGINNER’S BLOG AUDIENCE BUILDINGLearn the basics of how you can start to build a blog audience from scratch. This lesson will be about authentically reaching out to your support networks to ask fro brand support.10. INTERMEDIATE BLOG AUDIENCE BUILDINGThis lesson focuses on building relationships that get people interested in your brand. This will be all about connecting with strangers (in non-creepy ways) and driving traffic back to your brand headquarters.11. PRO BLOG AUDIENCE BUILDINGThis lesson is about connecting with major influencers in your industry, making guest appearances on sites that will impress + wow your audience, and building relationships that get people truly invested in your brand and what you’re creating.12. INSTAGRAM AUDIENCE BUILDINGSince Instagram can be an amazing way to build an audience, this lesson addresses multiple strategies for growing your Instagram following and for connecting genuinely with others on the platform. You’ll learn about finding people with similar interests, leaving comments that get noticed, and creating image captions that help people find you and share your content.13. FACEBOOK ADS FOR AUDIENCE GROWTHThis lesson takes you through the basics of setting up targeted Facebook ads, narrowing your ad campaign down to the people who are most likely to want/need your info, and setting up a budget and strategy that work for you.14. PINTEREST AUDIENCE BUILDINGYou will learn the foundational moves you’ll want to make in order to get noticed on Pinterest. This lesson will help you build your following as well as increase the traffic back to your website. You’ll also learn about useful Pinterest tools and how to interpret and use Pinterest Analytics.15. TWITTER AUDIENCE BUILDINGWe will explore growth methods such as Twitter chats, effective Twitter search, asking questions, and starting genuine conversations on Twitter. We’ll get into how to get found and how to build an impressive profile.16. HOW TO CONVERT YOUR AUDIENCE TO TAKE THE ACTIONS YOU WANTThis lesson is all about converting:taking potential audience members and getting them fully invested in your brandthen taking invested audience members and helping them make the decision to buy from youYou’ll learn some keys to selling via email, via blog posts, and even encouraging sales via social media channels.17. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SITE’S ANALYTICSWe will take an in-depth look at Google Analytics and figure out what all the fancy statistics, words, and numbers really mean. You’ll have a clear understanding of the foundational uses for Google Analytics as well as some of the advanced features that will help you grow your brand.18. BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO DECREASING BOUNCE RATE AND INCREASING ENGAGEMENTOnce you have a solid understanding of what Google Analytics offers, we will get into how to decrease your bounce rate (the number of “sessions” where a person enters and exits your site on a single page or post without exploring further).19. INTERMEDIATE GUIDE TO DECREASING BOUNCE RATE AND INCREASING ENGAGEMENTWe will discover ways to use your sidebar, header, and footer to increase the amount of time people stay on your site.20. PRO GUIDE TO DECREASING BOUNCE RATE AND INCREASING ENGAGEMENTWe will cover power pages you can create (and things every single blog post should include) to not only keep people on your site, but to make sure people are getting a solid understanding of what you provide and to make sure people are taking actions to get more involved with your brand.21. PUTTING YOUR GROWTH + ENGAGEMENT PLAN IN PLACE AND STICKING TO ITThis final lesson covers ways you can translate the learning and planning above into an actual action plan and how to stick to it so that you see consistent growth for your brand.Get Audience-Building Ninja – Regina Anaejionu, Only Price 41$Tag: Audience-Building Ninja – Regina Anaejionu Review. Audience-Building Ninja – Regina Anaejionu download. Audience-Building Ninja – Regina Anaejionu discount. target audience example essay. different target audiences examples. target audience psychographics