Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender


5 Hours 57 MinutesAre you also frustrated with parents who are angry and won’t listen to your advice? Parents who are resentful and dissatisfied with you, as well as their own child? If you answered YES to any of the above then you need to watch this seminar! I will show you evidence-based activities to break through resistance and harness the power of the child-parent relationship to make rapid and dramatic changes.Purchase Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84Do you struggle with children who:Are aggressive and defiant?Wreck your treatment room and waste your materials?Act chaotic, silly and/or will not sit still?Refuse to talk and are disengaged?Behave inappropriately (oppositional, controlling, avoid eye contact)?Are you also frustrated with parents who are angry and won’t listen to your advice? Parents who are resentful and dissatisfied with you, as well as their own child? If you answered YES to any of the above then you need to watch this seminar! I will show you evidence-based activities to break through resistance and harness the power of the child-parent relationship to make rapid and dramatic changes.Theraplay reaches your most resistant, traumatized, dysregulated and hard to manage children and rapidly transforms them into a calmer, more cooperative child so you can get therapeutic work done! Theraplay helps you create an atmosphere where children are happy to come to therapy and become quickly and fully engaged in the therapeutic process.Theraplay also involves parents in an immediate and positive way, giving them experiences of success and pride in their children, so they can feel motivated to support them. With the child, the parent and you, the therapist, all on the same team you have a winning combination for positive and lasting change.Describe the purpose of each of the four Dimensions of Relationship: Structure, Engagement, Nurture and Challenge.Assess child behavior to determine which of the four dimensions a child is in need of.Demonstrate one activity from each dimension.Compare and contrast interventions to focus and calm an overactive/chaotic child.Discuss interventions that turn a child’s resistance into cooperation.Implementation techniques for effectively capturing a child’s attention.List methods for reengaging an angry/discouraged parent.The 4 Dimensions of Theraplay®To Address Behavioral Problems and Gain Connection CooperationStructure: organization and safetyEngagement: connection, joy, co-regulation of strong emotionsNurture: calming, emotional nourishment, secure baseChallenge: recognition, ride, celebration of selfCalm an Overactive/Aggressive/Oppositional ChildStrategies to prevent outbursts and trauma-based aggression (The P.R.O.M.P.T) method)ProximityRhythmOptimal movementTouch responseTechniques to identify non-verbal signs of stressActivities for turning resistance into a connecting experienceVideo case examples: transformation from aggressive & uncooperative to focused & relaxedEngage the Disconnected ChildStrategies to capture and keep a child’s attention (The G.R.E.A.T. method)GestureRhythmEye contactAffectTone communicationActivities that children can’t resist getting involved inCotton ball warShaving ball passInterventions to turn passivity into cooperationAluminum foil printPaper punchTechniques to make sense of non-verbal communication & get child to start talkingCotton ball blowBalloon passVideo case example: before and after of clients ages 1-17Promote Positive Parent-Child RelationshipActivities to strengthen the parent-child attachmentCotton ball hockeyMirror mirrorMeasuringTechniques to increase empathy by using eye contact, touch and turn-takingEye signal danceSlippery slipActivities that create and solidify connection by fostering moments of joyBalancing pillowsFeather decorateInterventions to decrease arguments and gain cooperationIdentify a child engaging in a power struggle before they doIdentify when oppositionality is really a trauma reactionEmpathy to melt oppositional behaviorsKnow when to cool itStrategies to increase self-esteem and make a child feel uniqueSpecial snackTwinkle songFavorite thingsPowder printsVideo case example: high and low functioning clientsTag: Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender Review. Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender  download. Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender  discount.Purchase Attachment Focused Play Therapy: Theraplay® Techniques to Transform Your Most Challenging, Resistant & Dysregulated Children – Dafna Lender courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84