
Asker – 999+ Ultimate ChatGPT Prompts To Copy & Paste (180+ tasks)

Original price was: ₹10,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,162.00.



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Asker – 999+ Ultimate ChatGPT Prompts To Copy & Paste (180+ tasks)
180+ tasks you can use to save time
999+ prompts to use with ChatGPT
Copy & paste prompts with tips and tricks
Here’s a shocking statistic…


2,000+ hours

This is how much time per year you can save on customer

support by utilizing ChatGPT to its full potential…
AI will not replace you

A person who is using AI will

A shocking fact: we’ve found that an average

business is utilizing only a fraction  of what’s

actually possible with ChatGPT
It’s not your fault you get mediocre results.

You just don’t know which prompts to use.

That’s why you need to know exactly

which prompts and questions to use with ChatGPT for customer support tasks.

This prompt pack is your opportunity to unlock all the hidden features of ChatGPT
How everyone else does it:

No idea what to ask ChatGPT

Uses only 3% of ChatGPT potential

Missing many great features

Varied quality every time

Mediocre output results
How we do it:

Copy & paste exact proven prompts to ask ChatGPT

Zero guesswork, easy actionable task for quick results

ChatGPT outputs that produce great results & save countless hours
Instead of guesswork, we can simply copy and paste these exact prompts.
With this, we are able to save countless hours on manual work
Here’s how
Hi – I’m David, the Founder Of Asker. I’ve worked with numerous global brands, and built marketing agencies that combined employ more than 60+ people in eCommerce industry specifically.

Let’s face it –– the rules of the game have changed for all professions.
With the introduction of ChatGPT, most companies realized they could save tremendous time on mundane tasks… or so it seemed.
Yet, we’ve noticed that over  99% of businesses weren’t utilizing ChatGPT properly. Most are failing to even ask it the right questions.
That’s why we’ve spent countless hours testing, assembling and finding the best ChatGPT prompts for customer support. So that you can simply copy and paste the best prompts for your work.
We know that this checklist will save you tremendous amount of time to scale your work.  It is our mission at Asker to provide you with these tools.
This is just some of the work you’ll be able to automate:
… and much more.

Copy & paste prompts. Unlock ChatGPT fully.

Simply copy & paste these exact prompts and skip all the hard work.

999+ copy and paste prompts for specific tasks
Tips & tricks for using ChatGPT to adjust results
Proven methods for getting great results

Why most aren’t able to get great results from ChatGPT
ChatGPT needs exact phrases. ChatGPT is a piece of smart code, not a human.
It takes time to find quality prompts. There’s a lot of trial and error involved in finding prompts that generate good results.
Just a single word can ruin results.Even a slight wording change or punctuation changes output results.

99% of time professionals simply use the wrong prompts to get results from ChatGPT. Using the right inputs drastically increases output results.
This pack provides the exact prompts for ChatGPT you can copy and paste right now.

Skip the hard work.

Double time saved.

You could get way better results if you knew which exact prompts to use with ChatGPT.
Worried about

AI replacing you?

As more and more professionals will start using AI, the competition will grow even more intense. Business that do not know how to use AI will simply be outcompeted by those who do.

You need to find a way to use AI to your advantage.

We’re entering a new digital age, where AI will replace most of the mundane tasks associated with customer support. AI won’t replace humans, but humans that use AI will replace humans that do not.

What will separate a new-breed of business is the ability to use and exploit AI to your own advantage.
What can you do to not fall behind on the competition?

This is what the top 1% of customer support  professionals do instead
The best professionals focus on freeing up their time in order to focus on providing more value to their clients, companies or agencies. You need time to create better ideas, and better creative work.
That’s why you won’t ever win against a business using AI.
By outsourcing their mundane work to AI. .. the top customer support pros simply unlock more time to do more quality work . With this time, they can:
Spend more time learning best practices
Get deep into the minds of their people
Dream up never before used strategies
The more time you’ll outsource…
… the more time you’ll have for deeper and more creative work.
Smart customer support professionals already know this.  Most have started to delegate at least some part of their tasks to AI. However, the top 1% support professionals know that’s not the full picture:
It’s not about simply using  ChatGPT It’s about becoming good at using  ChatGPT
This is why it’s not enough  to simply use ChatGPT. If you want to get ahead, you need get good  at it. You need to know exactly how and where to manipulate AI to get better results.
That’s why the biggest untold secret lies in knowing how to manipulate ChatGPT to your advantage…
This pack provides the exact
prompts for ChatGPT you

can copy and paste right

With this ChatGPT prompt pack used by customer support professionals, you will:

save countless hours on mundane tasks
get 999+ copy & paste prompts for ChatGPT
master ChatGPT in your day-to-day

All you need to do is click the button below and buy the most comprehensive ChatGPT support prompt pack.
Over 999+ ready-made copy & paste prompts to

shorten your work to just a few minutes
Includes 250+ tasks you’ll be able to automate

by simply using specific ChatGPT prompts.
Order Management

Resolving order issues

Providing return instructions

Handling return requests

Handling order payment issues

Generating order confirmations

Generating order cancelation confirmations

Generating shipping notifications

Generating refund confirmations
Email Support

Troubleshooting product issues

Responding to lost password emails

Providing promotional discounts through email

Providing personalized solutions

Providing personalized product recommendations

Providing email training and guidelines

Providing customized product advice

Providing customer feedback surveys

Generating quick response emails

Creating scripts for common issues

Analyzing customer behavior

Handling email inquiries and questions

and 11 more tasks to automate
Phone Support

Troubleshooting technical problems over the phone

Tracking and analyzing customer data to provide targeted solutions

Generating quick, concise responses over the phone

Providing promotional discounts and offers over the phone

Generating phone templates to ensure consistent messaging

Addressing shipping and delivery issues over the phone

Generating phone analytics to track call performance and trends

Providing customer feedback surveys over the phone

and 11 more tasks to automate

Product Information

Generating product descriptions

Creating FAQs for products

Providing technical specifications

Generating comparison charts

Generating product manuals

Generating product usage instructions

Creating installation instructions

Creating video tutorials for products

Providing product recommendations

Generating product release notes
Chatbots & VAs

Generating chatbot responses for warranty inquiries

Designing chatbots for user feedback and survey support

Creating virtual assistants for financial advice and planning

Generating chatbot responses for shipping inquiries

Creating virtual assistants for appointment scheduling

Designing chatbots for FAQ support

and 14 more tasks to automate
Customer Service

Providing technical support

Providing technical support

Providing account management support

Handling customer inquiries

Generating customer satisfaction reports

Creating customer feedback surveys

Handling customer account issues

Generating support articles

Generating customer testimonials
Chat Support

Utilizing chat feedback to improve overall experience

Resolving customer issues efficiently

Providing training and guidelines for chat support

Creating chat scripts for common issues

Monitoring chat conversations

Managing chat presence across channels

Generating customized chat responses

Increasing chat engagement and satisfaction

Handling chat support crises in real-time

Generating weekly chat reports

Creating chat workflows for faster resolution

and 9 more tasks to automate
Sales & Promotions

Generating promotional emails

Creating marketing copy

Generating promotional product images

Creating sales scripts

Creating discount codes

Generating product bundle offers

Creating event-specific promotions

Creating holiday and seasonal promotion

and 4 more tasks to automate
Knowledge Management

Generating training material for customer support

Generating safety guidelines

Creating internal knowledge base articles

Generating internal policy documents

Generating onboarding documents

Creating employee handbooks

Creating company culture documents

Generating company vision and mission statements

Creating legal documents
Social Media

Utilizing user-generated content

Tracking competitor activities

Responding to customer inquiries

Researching and creating social content

Providing technical support

Providing customer insights

Monitoring brand mentions

Moderating comments

Handling social media crises

Building customer relationships

and 5 more tasks to automate 
How does this work?

Get the #1 ChatGPT prompt pack for customer support

Use the vast task library to automate your work

Copy & paste the exact given prompts into ChatGPT

Overview the given tips to get even better results

Enjoy the countless hours saved on your work