Asana For Bloggers – Matt Giovanisci


Using Asana to Manage My Blog Was The Best Decision I Ever MadeI’ve been blogging since 2006 when I started – a site where I teach how to take care of their swimming pools and hot tubs.I’ve always wanted to run my site like a magazine business and keep a tight editorial calendar. But I always failed.I’ve tried every single app and plugin in the world to help me manage an editorial calendar, but nothing worked.But this was during the time I was a lone blogger. Just one guy running a single blog.It wasn’t until I hired a writer in 2015 that I decided it was time to get serious. I wanted to treat my blog like a business. That meant posts had to be published on a schedule. And I could no longer miss deadlines like an amateur.I decided to try Asana to run my entire business and EVERYTHING CHANGED!A Bulletproof Framework to Manage Your Blogging Business in AsanaNow I run three different blogs AND my personal life in Asana with a team of four people: an editor/writer, marketer, graphic designer, and customer service representative.I live and breathe by Asana and it’s completely changed my business for the better.This is the course I wish I had back in 2006 when I first started my blog. I would be a lot further along in my blogging career.Are you struggling to publish blog posts consistently? Do you need your business to be more organized so you can focus on what’s working?Running my blogs with Asana has allowed me to grow my blogs efficiently.Today, Swim University sees over 500,000 visitors a month because I was able to publish great content on a regular basis. And now the site earns over $400,000 annually because I was able to focus on what was working.Time to Get Serious About Organizing And Managing Your BlogLearn how to se Asana to manage your editorial calendar, email marketing, blog comments, post promotion, sponsorships, and more!Here’s What You’ll Get in The Course 28 videos  6 files  2 text filesWhat You’ll Learn in Asana For BloggersFundamentals Course Introduction and Philosophies The Anatomy of Asana The Anatomy of Asana Projects The Anatomy of Asana TasksBlog Editorial and Marketing Management Creating An Editorial Calendar Storing Content Ideas Promoting a Blog Post Creating a Blog Marketing Project Managing Comments and EmailsBlog Growth and Revenue Management Keeping Track of Blog Growth Keeping Track of Blog Revenue Managing Blog Advertising, Sponsorships, or Client Sales (Using Asana as a CRM)Advanced Tactics and Workflows How to Manage Your Team with a Tutorial Project Using The Asana Email Trick Using Asana for Your Personal Life Using Asana to Build an Online Course Using Asana to Create YouTube Videos Managing a Single Project Start to FinishBonus Content Behind The Scenes of Swim University Behind The Scenes of Roasty CoffeeSpreadsheets and Templates Monthly Website Growth Tracking Spreadsheet Blog Budget Spreadsheet Profit First Assessment for Blog Revenue Spreadsheet Editorial Style Guide Example from Monthly Blog Business Overview Template Content Tracking SpreadsheetBecome an Affiliate How to Join The Affiliate Program How to Get Your Affiliate LinkClassic Lessons Creating an Editorial Calendar (2016) Managing Comments and Emails (2016) Creating a Blog Marketing Project (2016) Additional Resources for Asana (2016) Keeping Track of Blog Growth and Revenue (2016) Personal and Team Management Tips (2016) Using The Asana Email Hack (2016) Managing Blog Advertising and Sponsorships (2016) 19 minsI’m an Official Asana AmbassadorThat means, I took a course on using Asana and passed the tests. But really, as someone who uses Asana for literally EVERYTHING, I can now officially say that I’m part of the Asana Ambassador program and made a declaration to help everyone who wants to use Asana to run their online business or blog.For Digital Entrepreneurs or Content CreatorsWhen I first started to use Asana, I knew I wanted to get it right and make the most of its features. I love planning, being organized and having room for flexibility – but I didn’t know how best to use Asana for this in my business.Asana For Bloggers was exactly what I needed to get myself set up, started and confidently using Asana in ways that I would not have been able to figure out on my own. In fact, I’m looking forward to going through and absorbing the content again, so I can take it to the next level soon.I recommend Asana For Bloggers to any digital entrepreneur or content creator who wants to feel organized, supported and prepared in the venture.Get Asana For Bloggers – Matt Giovanisci , Only Price $37Tag: Asana For Bloggers – Matt Giovanisci  Review. Asana For Bloggers – Matt Giovanisci  download. Asana For Bloggers – Matt Giovanisci  discount.