Arlan’s Academy – Masterclass: How to Raise Startup Capital


Let me save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by teaching you fundamental lessons, rules of the road, tips, and hacks to skip the mistakes many entrepreneurs make.

Arlan’s Academy – Masterclass: How to Raise Startup Capital


Hi, I’m Arlan.

Founder, Managing Partner, Backstage Capital
Author, It’s About Damn Time
Host, Your First Million podcast

“This course has over-delivered and on so many levels. I feel confident launching my startup now. Thank you Arlan!! ❤️”
– Raymond, Ohio

What you’ll learn:
How to get “in the room” — even virtually…
Where to find your “edge”
When to quit your day job
7 revenue stream ideas unlocked
The huge mistake 99% of all entrepreneurs make while pitching
The 3 takeaways that will help you negotiate with any millionaire with confidence
How to get your first (or 100th) “yes” from an investor
The hack that will help you skip the investor route altogether
and much more.

I have raised millions of dollars as the founder of investment fund Backstage Capital, and have generated millions of dollars in revenue as the founder of two companies–
Backstage Studio & Arlan Was Here LLC–
all for a combined $12 million in the past 4.5 years!
Since 2015, I have invested in more than 130 companies led by women, people of color, and LGBTQ founders!
I have reviewed THOUSANDS of companies and their pitches, and NEGOTIATED with hundreds of millionaires and billionaires.
Let me save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by teaching you fundamental lessons, rules of the road, tips, and hacks to skip the mistakes many entrepreneurs make. For the more advanced entrepreneur, let’s unstick you and open up even more potential for you to raise and earn capital for your company.
Get immediately download Arlan’s Academy – Masterclass: How to Raise Startup Capital

(be sure to click on the carrot for more)

Let’s go!

Arlan’s intro & what you’ll learn (required)(14:32)
Student introductions! [welcome]
Course reading list [highly recommended]
Arlan’s incredible journey(5:08)
Portfolio company testimonials: Curlmix & Uncharted Power(0:34)
Portfolio company testimonial: Haute Hijab(3:07)

Portfolio company testimonial: Sunhouse(3:15)
Portfolio company short film: Haute Hijab(11:21)

Download my 65-page action guide to complement this masterclass


Introducing: LIVE monthly video Q&A for academy students-only!

2021 live Q&A registration
Sept 2021 video replay [NEW]

— Archived video replays below this line —
Jan, Feb, March 2021
Dec 2020(61:50)
Sept, Oct, Nov 2020
July 7, 2020(56:23)
June 2, 2020(56:13)
May 5, 2020(61:49)

Module 1: Types of funding for your company

Funding overview(1:03)

Friends & Family(4:39)
Angel investors(6:12)
Family offices(3:27)
Venture Capital(6:24)
Accelerators & IncubatorsCrowdfunding vs. Crowdequity(5:06)
Debt & Grants(2:41)
Bootstrapping (spoiler alert: Arlan’s fav!)(17:33)
Bootstrapping case study: Curlmix(0:59)
If you skipped the Bootstrapping video…(0:23)
Terms, jargon, & tools(23:12)
Terms pdfBonus: Legal insights from Ed Zimmerman (convertible notes, SAFEs, etc)

Sponsored: Investing as a Catalyst

New 4-week program by Arlan

Bootstrapping case study: Tara Reed, Apps Without Code

Peeling back the curtain

Tara’s first $100,000
The business model$1million in 2019

Tara’s 2-day workweek
A downside to bootstrapping

Convincing premium customers
Contact Tara / Wrap-up

Full text transcription of audio

Module 2: Getting started on your fundraising

Bootstrapping vs. Raising(9:57)
Research & Development(20:15)
Pitching to investors(23:24)
Pitch deck dos and donts(20:06)
Pitch competitions(10:05)
Pitch deck homework(3:50)
*Guest professor: Harvard’s Laura Huang | Finding your EDGE while pitching(20:41)

Bootstrapping case study: Sherrell Dorsey, The Plug

Something Arlan doesn’t do business without…
(video) Sherrell Dorsey – data-driven business decisions(52:16)
(audio) Sherrell Dorsey – data-driven business decisionsDid you catch that?

Lecture notes and timestamps

Model 3: Building a network

Brand vs. Reputation(10:12)

How Arlan got Mark Cuban’s attention(19:57)Networking vs Networks (audio)Major takeawayBonus! Arlan’s chat with Mark Cuban(40:56)

Case study: Arlan’s book It’s About Damn Time

Arlan’s book deal
How publishing = more than 1 revenue stream8 lessons from the bookTechish: UK perspective and book breakdownOn ‘Becoming Money’: Interview w/bestselling author of ‘The $100 Startup’ & ‘Side Hustle'(26:14)
On ‘Authenticity’: Interview w/iconic “Milkshake” singer, chef, & entrepreneur Kelis(56:34)
On ‘Creativity’: Interview w/award-winning photographer & Creative Live founder Chase Jarvis(49:57)

Harvard Business Review Case Study: Arlan Hamilton & Backstage Capital

Prep materials and introduction
Video of May 21 live class with Professor Laura Huang(54:27)

Module 4: Negotiating

Negotiating skills needed to secure funding
Getting your first ‘yes’ from an investorHow should investors and entrepreneurs interact?Reporting to investors after they’ve investedBonus: Lolita Taub’s startup <> investor matchmaking tool(11:45)

Get immediately download Arlan’s Academy – Masterclass: How to Raise Startup Capital

Bonus: Raising in the age of coronavirus

Inside the mind of a millionaire during a crisis
Resilience and adapting in times like thisBrainstorming your way to opportunities

Arlan’s take on National Venture Capital Association white paper, May 2020

You did it! You reached the end:)

Arlan’s final thoughts…