Arjoio’s MMT – Essential Package


Neil McCoy-Ward – The Psychology Of Wealth Accumulation
Do You Even Want to Become Wealthy?
Do you want to accomplish your goals and make an incredible life for yourself and your loved ones?
Do you want to be able to work on your own terms? (And not someone else’s terms)
Then why hasn’t it happened to you yet? Maybe You Even Feel That TIME Is Running Out?
I’m guessing that like most people, you’ve been searching for the answers for awhile now. You’ve been working really hard and trying many different things, but so far, you just haven’t made it yet.
And now, you don’t feel like you’re moving fast enough with the way the World Is going
And maybe you don’t feel like the things you’ve been doing are making a real difference in your ultimate wealth and success…
Sure you’ve built up some savings, perhaps even invested some money… but with Inflation in recent years… WOW, I get it…
Maybe you have money in the bank, but it’s not anywhere close to what you want to build for yourself…
But the hardest part is, you’re not even sure if you’re on the right path?
Well today, I want to help you solve this problem forever! But first, allow me to introduce myself…
A World Class Wealth Coach; Trusted By Over 400,000 Subscribers On YouTube…
Hi, I’m Neil McCoy-Ward & I’m determined to give people the tools to create a more satisfied life full of wealth and happiness. My only question is, will you be next?
How I Bought A CASTLE…
From ‘Broke’ To Buying An ‘ACTUAL’ 19th Century Castle Within 5 Years…
Is this for real?! Yes… and I’ll show you how I did it using hardly any of my own money…
If I were reading this page, the first question I’d have is this: ‘How on Earth has Neil achieved so much in such a short space of time?’ (But More Importantly, Can These Skills Be Easily Learned By Me Too?!)
You’ll be pleased to hear that the answer is YES.
The answer to how I did it is simple. I spent 20 years studying the wealthiest people in the World…
Then I listed all their traits into a simple to follow, step by step process! Not only did this turn me from broke to a multi millionaire within just 5 years, but I’ve now gone on to help others to do it in even less time!
You don’t need me to tell you this, you and I both already know this statement to be true…
They don’t want you to be wealthy or successful, or even worse, free…
Free to spend your time however you want to, free to choose your own path…
They want you slaving 9-5, nose to the grindstone, paying your taxes like a good little ‘SERF’
While they themselves find loopholes to avoid paying taxes… all the time flying around in their private jets…
But I’ll show you how to beat it
What You’ll Learn In The Psychology Of Wealth Accumulation?

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – You Were ‘CREATED’ to be Wealthy, But ‘PROGRAMMED’ To Be Poor…
Chapter 3 – Taking Account & ‘Cleaning Your Slate’ For MASSIVE Wealth Accumulation
Chapter 4 – The HIDDEN Secrets Of MONEY & How We Psychologically Relate To It…
Chapter 5 – Breaking the Societal Mindtrap & Setting Yourself FREE To Live Life On Your Own Terms
Chapter 6 – How To Raise Your Financial Thermostat (EXPLODE WEALTH!)
Chapter 7 – How To EXPLODE Wealth! Using These Psychological Concepts/Constructs
Chapter 8 – The Rules & Principles Of Wealth (Break Them At Your PERIL!)
Chapter 9 (BONUS) – The Metaphysical World Of Wealth Accumulation
Chapter 10 (BONUS) – Strategic Wealth Building! (How To Earn Vast Sums) ‘STRATEGY SESSION’
Chapter 11 – Conclusion