Apartment House Riches – David Lindahl


“Who Else Wants An Extra $10,000 A Month, Part Time, With No Tenant Hassles?”Please Read This Letter Carefully To Find Out How You Too Can Make This Happen Month After Month!!Dear Friend, Imagine having an extra $10,000 a month coming into your home month in and month out. That’s ten thousand dollars dropping into your bank account whether or not you decide to get out of bed in the morning, whether or not you decide spend all day at the shopping mall or decide to play 36 holes of golf instead of 18! Like clockwork, month in and month out, that money still comes in! This is ecstasy! Now imagine what you would do with that money. Would you buy a bigger home, a better car, travel around the world…. or take care of a loved one who is struggling? That’s what the money has done from me! $10,000 a Month in Less Than 14 MonthsFrom buying and holding small apartment houses on a part time basis I developed a system that allowed me to create a $10,000 a month passive income in less than 14 months with out getting a single call from a tenant! And I’ll to teach you how to do it too! Does 14 months seem like along time? Well I made an additional $10,000 – $20,000 a month selling the apartment houses that I didn’t keep right from the start, and I’ll teach you how to do that too! Why Would A Group Of People Get Together To Pay My Mortgage, My Maintenance  And Give Me Money To Fatten My Bank Account Each Month?They’re called residents or tenants. You see I’ve always been interested in apartment houses. I like the idea that a group of people will get together (the residents) and pay my mortgage, pay for all the maintenance to keep the property looking good and to give me extra money at the end of the month to either put in the bank or to go out and have a good time with! Seven years ago I was a struggling landscaper. I wanted a better life but could not seem to get my act together. I tried all of the get rich quick schemes I saw on late night television. I tried and tried to make them work but it just wasn’t happening. Then one day I saw a biography about a guy in New York city who started with nothing and made a fortune buying, selling and holding apartment houses. Simple Man Makes Fortune Buying, Selling And Holding Apartment HousesI decided that was what I was going to do. So I went to the bookstore and bought every book I could on buying apartments. Unfortunately, there weren’t too many. Oh, there were plenty on how to buy and sell single family houses and I learned how to do that along the way but I wanted the big bucks! You see, I soon learned that buying and selling single family houses will make you money but buying, selling and holding apartment houses will make you filthy, stinking, rich! I decided I wanted to be filthy, stinking rich so I started learning everything I could about real estate investing. As I started to apply what I learned, my life started to change…for the better. I bought my first 3 unit apartment house with a positive cash flow of $972/month with no money down (I’ll tell you more about that later)! My yearly income zoomed from zero to $11,664, almost overnight! I can’t tell you how scared I was to buy that first building! You see, my father always told me that real estate was a scam, that there was no way that little ole’ me could make any money and that if I even tried, my life was heading for serious trouble. He filled my head with all kinds of “the sky is falling scenarios” each Monday night when I would go over to my Mom’s for supper. So I finally got smart and stopped talking to my father about real estate and only talked to people who were actually doing it… and making gobs of money doing it! I was lucky and found a mentor who had made his fortune in real estate, mostly by buying, selling and holding apartment houses. He took me by the hand and showed me the right way and the wrong ways to invest. That doesn’t mean I didn’t make mistakes. Oh yeah! I made plenty of those, mostly because I didn’t follow the advice of my mentor. And after I made them, I was too embarrassed to tell him about the mistakes so he could tell me how to fix them! In Three Months I Had Three Houses –  Six Months, Nine Houses…After I got over the fear of buying that first house, within the next three months I had three more. Within 6 months I had nine houses. And after that first twelve months I had eleven apartment houses and almost $10,000 a month in positive cash flow! I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my father at the end of that first year. Out of the blue he says to me “You aren’t still thinking about buying real estate are you?” Well, my throat got dry and I swallowed hard and with one deep breath I blurted out, “as a matter of fact Dad, I did buy a house and that worked out so well that I bought 10 more and now I make almost $10,000 a month just owning those houses and nothing bad has happened. As a matter of fact my life is a lot better!…” His eyes got wide, his face went white and I thought he was going to have the big one right then and there! Today, my father asks ME for financial advice! To Make The Big Dough, You’ve Got to be A Transaction EngineerFirst of all, I don’t just buy apartment houses, I also buy and sell lots of single family houses, for a couple of reasons. The first is that when I started investing, I had no money. I actually used a cash advance on my credit cards for the down payment on my first apartment house. This wasn’t my idea, I had gone to a seminar and the guru told us to go out and get as many credit cards as you can, get the ones with out the recurring fees and use them for your down payments. That’s what I did! How the “Chunker Method” Made Me Wealthy and Can Do the Same for You!I did this for my first two houses and then I ran out of credit card money. So I decided to buy single family houses, flip them for a chunk of cash and use some of the money to live (pay my bills) and the other chunk to buy another apartment house (get wealthier). I call this my “Chunker Method”. Though I still needed money to buy the single family houses, I used other peoples money. I got it from partnering with people or using private money. We’ll talk more about that later. Get Apartment House Riches – David Lindahl, Only Price $89The Hidden Advantages of Owning Apartment Houses Vs. Single Family HousesWhy did I decide to hold apartment houses instead of single family houses? There are many money making reasons! They are;Cash Flow (loads of it!)Can Do It Part TimeEventually It Allows You To Quit Your Job And Live BetterLess Competition (only a few of us know about it!)A Lot Less Risk – you don’t lose all of your rent if you lose a tenant as you would in a single family houseTax Free Money – Through refinance or 1031 Tax Deferred ExchangeEconomies Of Scale – owning 6 units in one building is better than owning 6 single family houses. The cost to maintain them is a lot cheaper.Fast Price Rise In An Up CycleSlower Price Fall In A Down CycleGround Floor Opportunity – no one else is teaching this!Why Cash Flow Is King!…Let’s take a look at a couple of these advantages. The first is Cash Flow. Simply put, cash flow equals freedom. The cash flow that you will get from owning apartment houses will allow you to live in the house that you want, drive the car that you want, travel to where ever you like or even take better care of a loved one or friend. Robert Kyosaki states in his “Rich Dad/Poor Dad” book series that everybody’s goal should be to create MASSIVE PASSIVE income… meaning that, no matter what you decide to do with your time each day, that passive income keeps coming in! Not surprisingly, Kyosaki, himself did this through investing in apartment houses. Less Risk, More Cash FlowThe other advantage is less risk. If you own a single family house that has one tenant and a three family house that has three tenants, if you lose the tenant in your single family house, you’ve lost 100% of you income! You’re going to have to dig deep into your own pockets to pay that mortgage until you find another tenant! Then you’ve lost all of your profits for that entire year! If you lose a tenant in your three family house then you’ve only lost one rent or 1/3rd of your income. You can still pay your mortgage and get a little cash flow from the other two renters. You keep your money and actually make more. If you had a 6 family house, you would only lose 1/6th of your rent. You see how there is less risk in apartment houses? Doesn’t keeping your money and making even more money sound good to you? The Six Key Steps To Creating WealthThrough everything that I studied and through my relationship with my wealthy mentor, I discovered that there were six key steps to creating wealth. It is these six steps to wealth that I’ll focus on at the Boot Camp;Finding The DealsPre- Screening The DealWriting Offers That Get AcceptedRaising CapitalManaging For ProfitsKnowing Your Exit StrategiesDuring the three day Boot Camp, I’ll cover each one of these topics thoroughly. I’ll start by assuming that you know nothing. And with my proven techniques, by the time you finish with me on day number 3, I’ll have you molded into an expert! “Where Do You Find Those Bargain Properties?”You’ll not only learn how to find the deals. I’ll show you the super low cost marketing methods I have developed and used successfully for the past seven years. These methods work! They are proven and will set you apart. They will make you wealthier than your competition (and your competition will soon start wondering how you keep finding all these great deals!). How to Prescreen and Analyze at Lighting Speed, Without Burning One Brain Cell!You’ll discover how to pre-screen and analyze the deals at lighting speed so that you’re not wasting time on deals that don’t have a chance of working. You’ll only work on the ones that will bring you in boatloads of cash flow! We’ll separate into groups and perform case studies. You’ll work in teams to analyze actual deals that I’m in the process of buying, have just bought, or have recently decided not to buy. I’ll teach you what a good deal is and how to recognize a bad deal. Watch out! I’m even going to try to trick you! I’ll try to get you to buy one of the bad deals in the case studies. Don’t you think that’s it’s better to buy a bad deal in class than it is to do it in the real world? (That alone will save you 10x the price of the Boot Camp!) Heck, you can even bring in your own potential deals and we’ll analyze them right in class. We’ll determine if it’s a good deal and what you should offer. We’ll call your seller and start the negotiating process. You may even have a signed deal waiting for you when you return home! Get Apartment House Riches – David Lindahl, Only Price $89How to Write Offers That Get AcceptedYou’ve found them, you’ve prescreened them, we’ve determined that we want to buy it, now I’ll show you how to write offers… offers that are loaded with reasons that sellers will accept your offer. Like any good recipe, there is always one or two tricks that separates a good cook from a bad cook. It’s the same with negotiating and writing offers. I’ll show you how to avoid all the traps, pitfalls and mistakes that I made before I learned how to really cook up a gourmet presentation! I’ll show you the psychological tactics that I have learned and used throughout my years that has made me (and will make you) very successful. How to Manage Your Properties Hassle-FreeDon’t want to manage tenants? Don’t! Hire a management company. I’ll show you how to find the good ones. Not worried about tenants? Good. They’re really not that difficult to manage as long as you know what you’re doing. Either way is O.K. You see, most burned-out landlords (the ones with all the tenant stories) never take the time to learn the simple methods of how to properly manage their properties. That’s fine by me because burned-out landlords is where I get some of my best deals.Do you think I share my property management secrets at my local landlord association? No way! That would be like stealing food from right out of my mouth! The big secret behind property management is to train your tenants before they train you! You’ll learn all of my “tough but fair” management systems (no, you don’t have to be “tough” to make these systems work, the systems are tough, not you). Have you already decided that you’re going to hire a management company? You’ll discover how to manage the management company. I’ll give you the 4 essential reports that you must review every month to ensure that you property is being managed properly. It will literally take you 15 minutes a month! Do you think you can spare 15 minutes a month to manage your massive income stream? “But Dave, Where Am I Going To Get The Money? I Don’t Have ANY!”Wondering where you’ll get the money to do this? You won’t be wondering when you leave. First of all, you don’t want to be using any of your own money. Don’t have any money? Good! You won’t need it to get started. If you do have some money, that’s good too. You’ll be light years ahead of where I started. We started dead broke and now control over $11,000,000 worth of property, in just 7 years! You will meet a gentleman who is a master at getting private money. He’ll explain to you how he attracts people with money to invest and how he gets them to give him their money at very low rates so he can go into his deals with no money down. He’ll show you how you can easily do this too! I’ll also have at least two national lenders in the room. They’ll be there to compete for your business, so when you leave the boot camp, your financing will already be in place for your first deal! But Before You Begin, You Must Know Where the Most Profitable Exit Is!There are three explosive exit strategies that you will be using when you purchase Apartment Houses. They are: 1. Sell for a boat load of money! 2. Keep for massive passive cash flow. 3. 1031 Exchange for tax free money. Before you sit down and sign your name at a closing, you’ll know exactly what your most profitable exit strategy will be for that particular property. Sometimes you’ll just want to flip the property for the short term, get a big check and go out and go wild! Life’s short….Live it!! Or you can do a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange and explode your wealth!! This means that you sell your property and use all of the equity to buy a bigger property without paying the taxes on that equity! This Is the I.R.S. Approved Tax Code They Don’t Want You to Know About!The I.R.S Code 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange allows you keep more of your money (instead of giving it to the tax man!) for your next property, so now you can buy a bigger property. And bigger properties produce bigger cash flows!! Did you catch the significance of this revelation? Since the tax man hasn’t taken his chunk, your deposit for your next property comes out of your equity, not from your pocket! Do you think that you might become filthy, stinking, rich… Quickly!, if you were to do a few of these??? It took me five years to collect 105 apartment units. These units were in 33 apartment houses. In the last 2 years, using 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges, I’ve exploded that figure to 628 units. Now my cash flow is HUGE! I’ll show you how you can easily do it too! Here are Some Special Bonuses That You’ll Get When You Come to the Boot Camp;#1 –> I want you to be successful, so anyone who attends the Boot Camp will receive a FREE 90 Day Mentoring Certificate. I will mentor you by fax, phone and/or e-mail for 90 days after the Boot Camp. This way, I can personally help you become wealthy while investing in apartment houses! Some teachers charge $1,000 a month for this type of coaching and handholding. For you, a Boot Camp attendee, it will be absolutely FREE! #2 –> Here is a rare opportunity that I only offer to Boot Camp grads… the opportunity to do special partnership deals. Here’s how it works. A. You come to my 3-day boot camp and I’ll train you to become an expert in apartment house investing. You’ll learn the business inside & out!B. Go home and find yourself a great big deal where the numbers might frighten you just a little…( I’m not looking to partner the little ones).C. Call me at the office and we will go through the step-by-step analysis to determine that …Yes Indeed! It Is A Deal! That’s right, it’s not just fax or e-mail. You will talk with me personally and together we will go through and analyze your deals to make sure that you are making maximum wealth. I will be at your beckon call!D. On three way calls, we negotiate your deal and even tape the conversations for you to review later.E. We close the deal and split the profits.F. You smile at the bank teller as you drop that chunk of money into your bank account!#3 –> Then I turn around and rebate you not only your tuition back on the boot camp, but TWICE your tuition back!!. How’s that for making this an easy decision for you?! (rebate applies to partnership deals only) #4 –> Hold on! It even gets better! I’m willing to pay up to $500 of your travel expenses just to get you to the event! #5 –> I want you to be fully prepared before you come to the Boot Camp, so you can hit the ground running. Therefore, I’ll send you the following material: A) Apartment Houses Riches Manual and Audio CD’s – this is the home study course. In this system you’ll discover;Where the good deals are hidingHow to determine market cycles and what strategies to use when in a particular cycleA simple formula to prescreen any dealTough but fair management techniquesThe basics of 1031 tax deferred exchangesNo money down financing techniquesThe keys to successful negotiatingHow to sell for maximum dollarsHow To buy in the right entitiesThese are the basic skills that you will need to learn before you come to the Boot Camp. At the Boot Camp I’ll take you to the next level and give you the ability to explode your wealth at a much faster rate. $597.00 value B) Apartment House Riches Forms CD – All of the forms, letters, leases, applications, management forms and due diligence checklists (over 28 of them) that are in the course are on this CD. Simply print out the forms and use them over and over again. $99.00 value C) Multi-Unit Profit Finder Software – that I have developed to analyze deals more quickly. Simply input the numbers and the software tells you whether or not you have a deal. With this software you’ll be able to analyze at lightning speed! $249.00 value D) Managing For Profits Home Study Course – This is my complete crash course on landlording. I slaved over the writing of this course, filling each chapter with my best secrets for screening tenants, managing them once they’re in, and yes–evicting them if necessary. But that’s only part of what’s in this course. I also go into great detail on issues like:How to keep your properties full;How to set rents;When and how to raise rents;How to squeeze more money out of your property, without causing pain to yourself or your tenants;vHow not to be eaten alive with maintenance and repair expenses;Working with management companies: 93 questions to ask management companies when you interview them; and even more. $599.00 valueE) Special Report “The 23 Most Costly Mistakes Investors Make And How To Avoid Them” – I made most of these mistakes because I didn’t know any better. Making those mistakes costs me ten of thousands of dollars. You don’t have the luxury of the same excuse. They are all right here, ready for you to read and avoid!! This report is invaluable! I sell it to my old students for: $59.00 valueF) Special Report “How To Write Simple Letters To Have An Endless Supply Of Motivated Seller To Call You” – In my Apartment House Riches Home Study Course, I give you the 7 letters that I have created, tested and proven to get the phone to ring non stop with motivated sellers. In this report I tell you about the little known marketing secrets I used to create these reports and how you can too! This report is sold to my old students for: $59.00 valueLet’s Do a Recap of Everything That You’re Going to Get! I will ship all of the special bonuses immediately so that you can be fully prepared when you come to the Boot Camp. $597.00 – Apartment House Riches – Home Study Course$597.00 – Managing for Profits Home Study Course$99.00 – Apartment House Riches Forms CD$249.00 – Multi-Unit Profit Finder Software$59.00 – Special Report – The 23 Most Costly Mistake Investors Make And How To Avoid Them$59.00 – Special Report – How To Write Simple Letters To Have An Endless Supply Of Motivated Sellers To Call You$1,000.00 (per month) – Free mentoring for one full year$4,495.00 – Plus the 3-day Live Event with meTOTAL VALUE = $7,259.00 All This For Only $4,495 (minus $500 airline ticket discount)Only $1,495 for Your Complete PackagePlus Bring A Spouse Or A Child For Free!Let’s face it, you’ve spent more than $1,995 on frivolous things that never made you a dime. I know I have. I’ve got a Jacuzzi spa that I spent $4,000 on and I now use it to fold and pile my laundry on. I can’t remember the last time I was in it! We’ve all spent our money on something crazy like that. I would have gladly taken that $4000 and invested it into education, especially if I new that I had the potential of getting a return of at least 20x my investment. Why Would I Give Away My Hard Earned Information for Such a Low Price?I must be CRAZY!! Why would I give up all of this valuable information, worth well over $7,259.00 and take valuable time out of my busy schedule (time I could be using to nail down more big deals) to teach my secrets to people who I really don’t know that well? Simple… I Want You As My PartnerI’m buying apartment houses all around the United States. No matter how much marketing I do, I can’t cover every nook and cranny of this great country and I know there are dozens and dozens of good deals out there on any given day. I want to train people to do business like I do business. With honesty and integrity and with the ability to make money hand over fist… I want to partner with my “trained assassins”. Remember, when we close our first deal, I plan on cheerfully handing you back an additional check for $7,990.00 (that’s twice the amount of the Boot Camp tuition). Now, you don’t have to partner with me at all. You could keep all the money on your first deal. That’s O.K. too. Of course you understand, I can’t rebate you without being your partner. Regardless, either way you win!! Here’s My Personal, Super- Strength, Iron-Clad GuaranteeI want you to register for this Event without an ounce of concern over how much it will be worth to you. It is, frankly, a somewhat “pricey” event, so I want you to have an iron-clad, unwavering confidence that you are making a wise, necessary investment for yourself and your family. So, I’m going to go way, way, way out on a limb for you: Attend the entire first day and night through to the lunch break, 2nd day. Then, if you honestly feel I have overstated the value of this event, under-delivered on my promises, disappointed you in any way, and you cannot clearly, inarguably see exactly how you will make back at least – at the very least – 20 TIMES your investment in attending, you can quietly come to me or anyone on my staff-team, express your unhappiness, and you will get:100% Refund Of Your Fee, plusReimbursement Of Your “Blocked” Hotel Room Bill For 2 Nights, plusReimbursement Of Documented Airfare Up To Another $300.00, plusand my profound apology. No hard feeling. No hassles.You put ME on the ultimate “hot seat” to deliver like you have never been delivered to before, by any other teacher or expert, period – or you “fry me” big time. On that basis, you’d have to be crazy to miss this Boot Camp and take advantage of everything I’ve laid out in this letter. Oh Yeah! Here’s another incentive, the Boot Camp is 100% tax deductible*. “Uncle Sam” will reward you for attending the Boot Camp by deducting the tuition of the Boot Camp directly off your taxes! (*talk to your tax advisor about the deductibility of educational expenses)So let’s get you in, before it’s too late…seating is very limited. You gotta jump right now! To register NOW before all the seats are gone, click on the order button below or call our toll-free number, 1-888-683-3052. Registration by Fax or Mail is available on the order page. Long before the date of the event, you’ll get a fat Pre-Event Info-Package with answers to every little question you may have; sign-up forms for group excursions, child care, and so on. Hope to see YOU at the event, so I can turn around and send you home armed and dangerous, ready, able, committed and guaranteed – certain to make an absolute awe-inspiring boatload of money investing in apartment houses. See you soon,Dave Lindahl P.S. At the Boot Camp I’m going to show you a technique I used that will guarantee me a check for at least $1.1 Million dollars. You’re going to be amazed at how simple it is to do! P.S.S. The Boot Camp if filling up fast. To receive your 14 bonuses worth over $6,059 you must act now! The last 27 seats will go on a first come, first serve basis. When the seats are gone, you’ll have missed out on an incredible opportunity to create MASSIVE PASSIVE incomeinvesting in apartment houses. If you don’t do it now, when? What does your tomorrow look like if you don’t change today? Register today! P.S.S.S. – Come to the Boot Camp. Stay until lunch on the second day. If you’ve been disappointed in any way, if you can’t see yourself making 20x your investment in the Boot Camp, then come see me and I will refund your money, plus pay your “blocked” hotel room for two nights, plus give you back up to $300 in verifiable airfare. No hard feelings, no hassles, we still remain friends.Get Apartment House Riches – David Lindahl, Only Price $89Tag: Apartment House Riches – Dave Lindahl Review. Apartment House Riches – Dave Lindahl download. Apartment House Riches – Dave Lindahl discount.