Anthony Morrison – Email Domination



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You’ll Discover How To FINALLY Make Cash Online Sending

Simple Emails Even If You’ve Failed In The Past:

Use my secret weapon Inbox Multiplier software to get insane results.
Simple “Green” or “Red” buttons to make this as simple as possible!
My proven strategies to higher open rates, insane click through rates & profits
My secrets to list building that I’m willing to be you’ve NEVER SEEN BEFORE.
Case studies that will BLOW YOUR MIND…

Hi, My name is Anthony Morrison and basically all you need to know about me is I LIVE for email marketing. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now, and have even written a couple of books (which you might have seen on national television) on how to properly and effectively make money on the Internet primarily using email marketing. My goal with releasing my private software and training here is to help YOU duplicate my success.

Now I will be honest with you right now.
I thought sending emails was pretty ridiculous.. when I first heard about this I was making over $1,000,000.00 a year doing some simple affiliate marketing online.. and I basically had NO interest all in sending emails…
A friend of mine said something that totally changed the my entire business career…
“Anthony, you’ve got an email list just send an email. What’s the worst that can happen? You make no money. Big deal…. but what if you DO MAKE MONEY? How would that change your business?”
Here are the results of that email after just 3 short days..
Now let me be SUPER CLEAR this was in 2012 (remember I said it was my first email ever sent) and it wasn’t to a huge list. Most people think you have to have this massive list in order to be successful..
This is what I am using RIGHT NOW to kill it on with email marketing. You’ll get your copy of my personal software, immediately. You can start using this immediately in your email marketing business. This is the EXACT SOFTWARE & STRATEGY my internal team is using every single day to send our emails. You’ll have full access to all updates/changes/upgrades we do in the future at no extra cost to you.
Are you just starting out? Looking to finally send an email and make your first dollar online? Well I’ve put together the PERFECT training for you in our “Beginners” module of this course.
Modules Include:

List Building
Learning The Email Lingo
Auto Responder Services
BONUS – My Facebook Fan Page List Building Strategy & Case Study

Learn how to properly build your list, setup your auto-responders and getting started by making your first dollar. Once you do.. don’t worry the “Advanced Training” modules will be waiting for you to help you scale and profit even more!
Do you consider yourself an email marketer already? Have a list, but want it to grow more and produce more? You’ll love the “Advanced Training” portion of this course. I focus 100% on strategies to get more of your emails “in the Inbox” and to increase your click through rate, optimize your email copy and more.
Modules Include:
Inbox Optimization In this module I focus strictly on the things that help you get more opens. After all profits only come after someone opens your email. I’ll show you tricks to lower your complaints, unsubscribes and ultimately GET YOUR EMAILS IN THE INBOX.
Copy Writing Optimization – Don’t know how to write emails? Scared you might not be good at it? I went ahead and put an entire course together showing you exactly how to write emails that convert. Properly written copy can increase your revenue by insane amounts. This is an important piece of the puzzle and that’s why I am showing you how to do it the right way!
Profit Optimization – In these modules I show you how to make MORE MONEY from the emails you send. Why not make $1,000 instead of $100 when you send an email? These techniques explain how to get the most profit when you press the send button.
04-MY $1,000,000.00 IM Case Study
A few years ago I came accross a method almost completely by accident that was astounding. I put an exact plan into action and was able to generate $1,000,000 in a single day by sending simple emails. You’ll get the 1MM blueprint. Start to finish ill show you exactly what I did. I tell you the “email strategies” I used to pull off an insane promotion.
Here’s What I Cover:

How to generate insane buzz about your offer (and emails).
The strategies I used to put my list into hyper responsive mode.
What I did to generate $1,000,000 in a single night!

05-MY $100,000 CPA Mailing Case Study
My team has generated over $100,000 this year alone mailing CPA offers. I’ve put everything I can into this case study to show you how it was done. This is a completely new mailing strategy for us and I want you to get in on it. It’s super simple and extremely profitable.
Here’s What I Cover:

What CPA mailing actually is and who’s doing it.
Why CPA mailing is so profitable.
What we did to generate over $100,000 THIS YEAR!

06-MY $89,000 Click Selling Case Study
Did you know you can make a killing just selling clicks? That means you don’t even have to focus on what offer to promote. You literally just PRESS SEND and GET PAID. I invited one of the top click brokers (who’s paid me over $89,000 to date) to go through exactly how this is done for my Email Domination students. We’re leaving nothing out and I bet you’ll be blown away by this one!
Here’s What I Cover:

The basics of “selling clicks”
How to maximize the money you can earn selling clicks.
How to avoid potential issues and mistakes.
How we generated in excess of $89,000 using this method.

07-MY $168,000 “They Didn’t Buy” Case Study
So this one sounds a bit crazy right? I’ve actually got an entire strategy for selling and converting people who initially “don’t buy” from the emails that we send. Most people don’t do this, however, as recently as 2 months ago this strategy added about $168,000 in sales to our business. I want to share this with you because it’s certainly “next level” stuff… you’ll find it right inside Email Domination.
Here’s What I Cover:

The overview of this insane profitable strategy.
The exact funnel and blueprint I am using right now in my business.
The reasons why this strategy added over $168,000 in revenue to my business.
How you can duplicate this strategy in your business.

08-MY $2,000 “T-Shirt Selling Campaign” Case Study
So there are tons of people crushing it on Facebook right now selling simple T-Shirts. I know it sounds crazy, but hey it’s happening every single day. My brother, Adrian Morrison, actually does amazing in this niche. I spent some time showing him email marketing and how to really cash in not just on the T-Shirt buyers, but the email list he was building. In this case study we reveal how he’s turned that list into over $2,000 in the first 30 days.
Here’s What Adrian Covers:

How to write profitable emails to sell T-Shirts.
How to properly mail (what time of day, what type of emails).
How he’s generating thousands of dollars doing this every week!

Have you ever felt like you purchased a course and then were left to try to figure it out all on your own? Well there’s no need to feel that way with us! We actually meet for 6 straight weeks with our Email Domination students on our Live Elite Profits webinars to answer questions, teach strategies and make sure you’re working toward your goal of massive success and profits!
Here’s What We Will Cover:

Basic “getting started” email marketing strategies.
How to build your list without spending a ton of money.
How to CRUSH email marketing with Advanced Strategies.
MANY guest trainers who you’v never seen before!