Anik Singal and Jeremy Bellotti – Instant Impact


What if You Could Live the Dream Lifestyle of a

Coach or Consultant & Earn a 6-Figure Living?

The Step-By-Step Blueprint to Becoming a Highly-Paid Coach or Consultant…

When You Think About Earning Money For Helping Others Do

What Comes Easily to You – It’s Easy to Get Overwhelmed…

Anik Singal and Jeremy Bellotti – Instant Impact

What if You Could Live the Dream Lifestyle of a

Coach or Consultant & Earn a 6-Figure Living?
The Step-By-Step Blueprint to Becoming a Highly-Paid Coach or Consultant…
When You Think About Earning Money For Helping Others Do

What Comes Easily to You – It’s Easy to Get Overwhelmed…
You read blogs about “starting your own business” and books from Amazon about becoming an “overnight millionaire”….
…and success seems out of reach.
Like it will never happen to you:

How do you know what to do?
Hoo you know who we can trust?
Where do you even start?
How can you possibly separate yourself from others and get PAID?

It’s the lack of answers, a plan, and direction that keep you from actually DOING SOMETHING with your talent.
It’s the fear of the future and uncertainty are keeping you from trying something new…
A Business That Fills Your Bank Account and Your Soul…
Since you were young, you’ve probably been told that you had to…
…and then one day, after all that – finally do what you want.
But that’s such a lie.
Because you don’t have to play that game or follow those rules.
You can make your own.
And for most people who are helping others reach their goals, that means…
Making a lot of money doing what they love, having a large platform to impact others, and doing it in a way that allows them to sleep in, work in their yoga pants (or, pajamas), and not have to “be” anywhere.
That life is NOT a fairytale or pipe dream…
It’s come true for people all over the world. These are the ones getting fat paychecks as coaches and consultants..
And you can easily join them because I’m about to show you how…
How Do I Know I Can Help You Start Your Own

7-Figure Coaching or Consulting Business?
Because I’ve done it myself AND helped others do it too…
Meet ..
Everything You Need to Get “Big Fish” Clients &

Start Your Own Coaching & Consulting Business!
5 Step System To Creating A Business You Love And Having An Instant Impact
Choose Your Niche
Make Your Business Known
Find Ideal Clients – Using Inbound and Outbound Methods
Convert Clients
Make An Instant Impact – Scale To 7 Figure Business
To finally be your own person and control your own life and schedule – you need 2 things:

A proven system & push-button simple blueprint
A community of people who are on the same mission as you

Instant Impact offers you both.
When you join Instant Impact, you’ll get 11 powerful modules (71 lessons total) showing you how to start from nothing and create a 7-figure coaching and consulting business.
And trust me – I made sure to cover all the bases.
Here’s What Inside the Course…
Module #1: Introduction to Coaching & Consulting:

What Is Coaching & Consulting?
The Coach Within
Positioning Yourself As The Expert
The Different Types Of Coaching & Consulting Businesses
Who Needs Coaches & Consultants?
Viable Niches

Module #2: Your Target Market & Offer:

Competitive Analysis of Target Market
Define your customer avatar
Creating Your Offer
Create Different Offer Packages
Continuous Action

Module #3: Your Business Presence:

Get Your Business Off The Ground
The Accelerator Session
Other Necessary Tools
How Do You Project Yourself?
Creating Your Authority
Facebook Fan Page
Other Social Media Platforms

Module #4: Finding Clients (the Outbound Method):

Introduction To The Client Getting Process
Introduction To The Outbound Method
Contact Potential Clients
Find Businesses As Clients
Find Individuals As Clients
Finding Businesses Looking For You
Organic Facebook Strategies
The Freelance Introduction
Your Focused Action Plan

Module #5: Converting Clients (the Outbound Method):

The FedEx Box Method
The Six Figure Enrollment Flow
Converting Clients – The Outbound Method
Mastering The Enrollment
Billing & Processing Payments
The Referral Method

Module #6: Finding Clients (the Inbound Method):

The Inbound Traffic Method
Opt-In Funnel
Webinar Funnels
Direct to Sales Page Funnel
Ways To Advertise

Module #7: Converting Clients (the Inbound Method):

The Inbound Method
The Six Figure Enrollment Flow
Mastering The Enrollment
Billing & Processing Payments
Referral Method
The Power Of Persistence

Module #8: Generating Leads From Facebook:

From Facebook
Running Facebook Ads – The Basics
Facebook Compliant Landing Pages
Metrics And Ad Spend
Facebook Pixels
The 3 Most Important Ad Types
Importance of Retargeting
Optimizing Your Ads

Module #9: Managing Your Clients:

Managing Your Clients
Managing Difficult Clients
Managing Group Clients
Growing Your Team
Setting Up Communities
Establishing Boundaries

Module #10: Email Marketing for Your Coaching Business:

What is Email Marketing
2 Ways to Send Emails
Automated Messages vs. Broadcasting
The 3 Types of Emails
Converting Subscribers Into Coaching Clients
Setting Up Your Autoresponder – Sendlane Demo

Module #11: Scaling Your Business to $1 Million:

Marketing Automation
Copywriting For Your Business
Group Coaching
Team Needs As You Grow
Everyone Starts From Zero

This is the ONLY Resource You’ll Ever Need to Start,

Run and Grow A Coaching & Consulting Agency…
Here’s What You’ll Get in Anik Singal and Jeremy Bellotti – Instant Impact