Angelique Rewers – The Corporate Agent – Speaking Remixed


How to Master, Maximize & Monetize™ Unpaid Speaking Opportunities. A virtual online training program delivering a complete step-by-step system for turning speaking opportunities into high-paying corporate clients (and other B2B clients) in as little as 30 days! If you’re looking to deliver a formulaic…

Angelique Rewers – The Corporate Agent – Speaking Remixed

How to Master, Maximize & Monetize™

Unpaid Speaking Opportunities

Here it is. A virtual online training program delivering a complete step-by-step system for turning speaking opportunities into high-paying corporate clients (and other B2B clients) in as little as 30 days!
THROUGH MIDNIGHT on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

If you’re looking to deliver a formulaic, cookie-cutter talk at the front of the room — and then close sales in a mad rush at the back of the room… you are in the wrong place.
If, on the other hand, you…

•Are an agent of change — a genuine tour de force in your field with a powerful message to share
•Know that speaking is a great way to market your business — but you’re still searching for the missing pieces on how to turn those talks into high-profit, high-impact opportunities with corporations, mid-size companies, universities, non-profits and other organizations
•Understand that big-ticket sales are going to happen in private conversations after the fact — not at a sales table located in the back of the room
•Have taken speaking courses before, but are frustrated because the majority of what they teach doesn’t exactly apply when you’re selling to busy decision makers…
•Are no stranger to speaking at events, and audiences love your content, yet speaking is still not generating the kind of money it should be for you

You can’t “swing a cat” as they say and not hit a program teaching business owners how to use speaking to make money.

That’s why I’ve debated with myself for years as to whether or not I should release a program encompassing all of my insider strategies on using unpaid speaking opportunities to win clients.

But when my private clients are blazing trails, building legacies and consistently landing über profitable new clients using these strategies — how can I not?

Plus, there are a lot of smart, savvy business owners out there who are really fed up with putting time and energy into speaking at conferences and other events, and yet still not seeing any results.

Here are some of the big complaints I hear time and again…

+It seems like all the advice out there is targeted either at speakers who want to close sales right in the room with low-cost, manufactured-urgency offers — or for speakers who want to make their living as a paid keynote speaker.
+You’ve gone out to speak at events before, and yet it feels like you are talking to a room full of your competitors or, worse, you’re talking to a room full of mid-level people who don’t have the authority to buy from you.
+You get raving feedback from attendees in your sessions and yet that enthusiasm rarely (possibly even never) materializes into any new business opportunities.

+None of the “Willy Wonka Mobile” of online marketing funnel techniques you’ve learned seem to work very well when dealing with people inside of “real” companies and organizations.
+You feel uncomfortable with all the sneaky sales and marketing strategies being taught today — and if you tried to apply any of them in a room full of “corporate” people you know you would be laughed off stage (or at least never invited back again).
+When you do land a speaking opportunity you become consumed with questions running through your mind about what exactly you’re “supposed” to be doing in order to maximize the opportunity.

If any of that describes your own experience, it’s quite possible that you’ve given up on speaking. After all — what’s the point, right?


Speaking is still the most powerful marketing force in the universe — when you know how to leverage it.

And by change everything, I mean…

You see, when it comes to speaking to win corporate clients, I’ve cracked the code AND I’m laying it out for you so you can easily duplicate my success — and the success of my clients.

In SPEAKING REMIXED, I’m going to walk you through the 7 critical steps for using speaking opportunities to effortlessly win high-paying clients, start to finish.

In just a few weeks, you’re going to walk away with: