
Andy Elliott – 100K To 400K

Original price was: ₹165,751.00.Current price is: ₹23,250.00.


The Secret? It’s Called….

The “100-400k

It Was The “Key” To Transforming A Bored, Guarded Car Shoppers Looking At Me With Hate…To A Customer Sitting On The Edge Of Their Seat…
Listening To Every Word That Came Out Of My Mouth… And Getting Their Hands Ready To Sign The Papers To Buy!

But what was so great about this 400k blueprint was that it was universal for ANYONE selling…
That means even if you NEVER plan on selling cars…
You can still apply the same framework and teachings from this course to ANY INDUSTRY and in ANY niche, and have it work like gangbusters…
Including Tyler Glennon, who went from selling life insurance over the phone in his collage dorm, he learned the “100-400k blueprint” and within a year become the #1 agent in his life insurance agency using the “100-400k blueprint” during his sales process!

And keep in mind Tyler wasn’t a “trained speaker”…
Nor was he trained in the art of selling…
Like you, Tyler simply had a passion to provide people with a solution to their problem… and in his case, it was life insurance policies!

Imagine what you can provide…

Imagine people pulling out their wallets with a huge smile on their face…

ready to give you money!

By now, I’m sure this is all making a lot of sense to you…
Maybe you’re probably thinking to yourself…

“I have a passion… maybe I can do this, too…”

And You’re Right!

You absolutely CAN do this, and you’ll honestly be shocked by how easy it is… (and how much fun you’ll have)!

That’s why on this page right now…

I’m going to give you my “$100k to $400k” that provides the framework to help you LITERALLY sell every customer!

However, before you get all antsy and jump down and add the “100-400k blueprint”…
I wanted to do something EVEN better for you today…
I’m going to give you all the tools and frameworks to help you sell MORE cars than anyone on the lot…

What if I showed you step-by-step

How To Build YOUR Perfect Sales Process….

From Scratch?!

I’m talking about being able to look over my shoulder as I take you from being “average”…

to leading the board month after month!
Where all you have to do is “flip the switch” and start selling almost immediately!
Because if you’re like me, then you probably get the most value out of one-on-one training where you’re able to VISUALLY see how to go from step 1 to step 2 and so on…

That’s why I want to give you my ENTIRE…