
Andrew Warner’S – Interview Your Heroes Standard Edition

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Andrew Warner’S – Interview Your Heroes Standard Edition
Are you ready to

fast-track your success?

What if you could make every conversation meaningful,

interesting and useful?

Is it possible to:

grow your business

create a tribe of raving fans

get more customers

sell without being sleazy and

have better personal relationships

All from just mastering one skill?

Learning to interview – regardless of the

setting – is a skill that will change your life.

You can start meaningful conversations with influential people you admire and high-profile guests, even if you don’t have a track record, and even if nobody knows who you are.

I’ve been there and can show you how. Interviews have changed my life.

If you heard my interviews you know that I used to be socially awkward – and never know what to say. I hated being in situations where I had to carry on a conversation. And dating? That was another nightmare. But I knew that if I wanted to be successful, I had to get better at talking to people.

Interviews are a great way to start a business or grow an existing one.

They help you:
build an audience of raving fans that buy & share your work

connect with customers, investors and advisors

build your own credibility by “piggybacking” on the credibility of your guest

earn revenue through ads and other promotions

and 1000+ other benefits.
But most importantly they force you to spend time on market-facing activities.

One of the traits I admire in entrepreneurs is the ability to quickly go from idea to something tangible. Maybe it’s a website, or an app or a business plan.

But too often businesses fail because they don’t spend enough time on market-facing activities. The entrepreneur builds something great, but nobody ever uses it — nobody even sees it.

With one interview you can land a key client that gives you the revenue and connections you need to grow 10x this year.

With one interview you can create content that gets shared hundreds of times and attracts thousands of people to your website.

With one interview you can learn a key insight worth thousands of dollars (and get it absolutely free).

Interviews help turn businesses with potential into businesses with profit.

Learning to interview – regardless of the setting – is a skill that will change your life.
It’s perfectly normal to be awkward when you start out.

When I first started interviewing I didn’t have anyone helping me. I had to figure everything out myself. I don’t want that for you.

I want to speed up the process for you to get started. Can I teach you what I’ve learned?

Interview Your Heroes

It’s my step-by-step course, designed to help you master the skill of interviewing and create your own interview show. This is the information that I really wish I had when I was starting out. I could have had so much more success and done things so much faster. But I learned the hard way.

When I looked for books or courses or mentors to teach how to interview, there wasn’t anything out there. I couldn’t find a toolkit that included exactly what an interviewer need to get going – so I created this course for you.
Here’s what’s included:

Over 8 hours of video lessons, transcripts and bonus materials

The topics include:

1. Branding & Niching

2. Interviewing Tools You Need

3. Land Awe-Inspiring Guests

4. Getting Anyone to Open Up

5. Interviews as Traffic Magnets

6. Monetizing

What’s in Each Module?

Module 1. Branding & Niching
What kind of site to start with

How to pick a topic

How to figure out which audience to target

The single most powerful page you’ll create

How to ask nervy questions that make your work more valuable

Research that tells you what your audience is dying to know

Tools for creating lead-collecting landing pages
Module 2. Interviewing Tools You Need
How to easily setup a professional studio

What to use to record interviews from your computer

How to edit your interviews

How to post interviews on your site

How to turn your interviews into a podcast
Module 3. Land Awe-Inspiring Guests
Multiple ways to get interviewees

Ways to connect-with hard-to-reach guests

Exact emails to send potential guests

A system for finding and booking guests
Module 4. Getting Anyone to Open Up
How to lead a biographical interview

How to turn your interviews into courses

How to research an interviewee

What to do before the interview

How to get people to open up

What to say after the interview is done
Module 5. Interviews as Traffic Magnets
How to get guests to help you promote

How to get promotion from their “gang”

How to build a tribe around your interviews

How to create events

How to get your content on other sites

What to do to keep your audience

How to podcast your work
Module 6. Monetizing
Basic tools you need to sell

The first 2 things to put on your site

How to run ads if you hate selling ads

How to sell ads if you like selling

How to make & sell your own product

How to create a continuity product

How to monetize if interviewing isn’t your main business