
PHD Course, Andrew Tate – PHD Course, PHD Course download, Andrew Tate – PHD Course review, PHD Course free torent
Andrew Tate – PHD Course
Andrew Tate – PHD
As you probably know, if you buy the course, Andrew Tate will be your guide. Now you probably ask…How does he know all the secret techniques about women? Well…he owned in the past strip-clubs and webcam studios. Not convinced yet? Well, he had 75 women that were working for him. He understands women from the ground-up! He understands how to retain them, how to motivate them, but also how to make them happy.
The Difference…
There is a lot of guys out there that teach you how to get girls. So you might be asking what’s the difference between Andrew Tate and those guys. Well, he not only gets girls like other guys, but he retains women, he makes them loyal to him, in other words, he understands the rules of the game. He knew how to run women before he had money because that’s how he built his businesses. So you don’t need to be rich, or particularly good looking. What you need to be is a person that can attach value to your male attention.

You learn:

How to talk with women
How to approach them
What motivates them
What to say
How to sleep with them
How to find out which woman is a valuable one
How to ensure their loyal
+A lot more content


Stories about women
His current girlfriends + pictures
When he met them, and how long they have been together
Good things and bad things about each one
Who sleeps where
+A lot more content