Andrew Russell – CFI Education – Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning



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Andrew Russell – CFI Education – Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning
Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning

Combine a data set with basic Machine Learning skills to predict which customers are likely to default on their loans.

Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning Course Overview

Machine Learning is about making predictions using data. In this course, you’ll learn to use basic Machine Learning skills to predict which customers are likely to default on their loans.
Once your model classifies each loan, you’ll learn to visualize your predictions to see how well the model performed.
Predicting defaults and creditworthiness is hugely valuable to risk management and pricing decisions.
We will cover the entire Machine Learning process in Python, reinforcing concepts from Python fundamentals. You’ll learn how to create predictive classification models, fine-tune and test your process, and how to interpret the results.
Machine Learning is a hot topic in the world of data, particularly data science. At a basic level, Machine Learning is not as complex as it may sound. If you’ve ever done linear regression, you may be surprised to learn that you’ve already taken steps toward this exciting world.
Join Andrew for a comprehensive step-by-step walkthrough of the Machine Learning process.
Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

Explain and discuss the main steps of the Machine Learning cycle
Load and clean data into a python notebook
Use Exploratory Data Analysis to identify variables with likely predictive power
Use Feature Engineering to transform data into a more useful format
Build a logistic regression and random forest prediction model
Evaluate and compare model performance using common evaluation metrics

Who should take this course?

The Machine Learning cycle is one of the most foundational aspects of Data Science. Using this process, we can learn to make predictions using all types of data and variables. Anyone looking to make predictions in a practical Python environment should absolutely be doing this course.
What you’ll learn


Course Introduction

What is Machine Learning?

Case Study Overview

Course Materials

Student Downloads

Course Outline
Load & Clean Data

Chapter Introduction – Load and Clean Data

Vehicle Loans Data Set

Import Libraries and Data Set

Exploring Basic Data Parameters

Exploring Our Target Variable

Identifying Missing Data

Dealing with Missing Data

Dates – Exploring Date Columns

Dates – Calculating Age

Dates – Extracting Month Number

Strings – Exploring String Columns

Strings – Extract Numbers from Strings

Strings – Strings Function Exercise

Strings – Strings Function Exercise review

Chapter Summary
Exploratory Data Analysis

Chapter Intro – Exploratory Data Analysis

Categorical, Continuous and Binary Variables

Identifying Features (Columns) of Interest

Dealing with Category or ID Columns

Grouping Data by Categories

Looking at Default Frequency Within Groups

Exercise – EDA Function for Categorical Variables

Exercise – Review

Plotting Continuous Variables

Plotting Continuous Variables by Group

Exercise – EDA Function for Continuous Variables

Exercise – Review

Exploring Binary Variables

Chapter Summary
Feature Engineering

Chapter Introduction – Feature Engineering

Exploring Outliers

Creating Bins

Combining Features into New Columns

Exercise – Creating New Columns

Exercise – Review and Calculate Percentages

Dealing with Null Values

Min and Max Scaling

Chapter Summary
Classification with Logistic Regression

Chapter Introduction – Classification with Logistic Regression

Linear vs. Logistic Regression

Train and Test Split

Import Data and Modify Column Types

Exercise – Select Chosen Variables

Exercise – Review

Exercise – Separate the Target Variable

Exercise – Review

Splitting the Data into Train and Test

Dummy Variables

Variable Encoding (One-Hot-Encoding)

Exercise – Train, Test and Split One-Hot-Encoded Data

Exercise Review and Testing Our Logistic Regression

Chapter Summary
Model Evaluation

Chapter Introduction – Model Evaluation

Student Exercise

Review Logistic Regression Model

Evaluation Metrics Theory

Evaluation – Creating a Confusion Matrix

Evaluation – Precision, Recall and F1 Scores

The ROC Curve

ROC Curve – Extracting Predicted Probabilities

ROC Curve – Plotting the Curve

Advanced Evaluation – Prediction Percentages

Advanced Evaluation – Class Probability Distributions

Advanced Evaluation – Plotting Class Probabilities

Advanced Evaluation – Creating an Evaluation Function

Chapter Summary
Classification with Random Forest

Chapter Introduction – Classification with Random Forest

Decision Tree Theory

Random Forest Theory

Creating a Function for Train and Test Split

Review the Train Test Split Function

Exercise – Create a Simple Random Forest

Reviewing the Random Forest

Identifying Overfitting in Our Results


Testing the Impact of Number of Trees

Testing the Impact of Maximum Depth

Chapter Summary
Improving Accuracy

Chapter Introduction – Improving Accuracy

Recap and Theory


Balancing Classes Automatically

Manual Class Balancing

Resampling – Upsampling

Training a New Model Based on Resampled Data

Evaluating the Downsampled Model


Chapter Summary
Qualified Assessment

Qualified Assessment

This Course is Part of the Following Programs

Why stop here? Expand your skills and show your expertise with the professional.
Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA)®

Loan Default Prediction with Machine Learning is part of the Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA)®, which includes 33 courses.

Skills Learned

Data visualization, data warehousing and transformation, data modeling and analysis
Career Pre

pBusiness intelligence analyst, data scientist, data visualization specialist