Andrew Lockwood – The City Traders Course


Jamie Beaton – Stock Investing Course
Accelerate Your Finance Career and Enhance Your Stock Portfolio (11 hours)
Jamie will be delving into his own experiences in the world of investing that helped him achieve success at Tiger Management.
Despite there being a lot of resources to get you started, for an outsider it’s still very intimidating and difficult.
This course will be a nuts and bolts guide to what you need to know to start investing. Jamie will be covering the core foundational concepts such as:

Behavioural economics
Primary research skills
Data scraping

As well as more advanced methods of investing like fundamental equity analysis which is the stock investing method used by Warren Buffett, Julian Robertson, George Soros, Bill Ackman, Carl Icahn and Seth Klarman. It is the most consistent style of investing ever developed, but it’s also the style of investing that is the most difficult to master.
The objective of this course is to help you understand all the core concepts and tools needed to be successful.
Lastly, in this course Jamie will go through actual case studies that have happened in the investing world and walk through the analysis he went through. The discovery process and how he made changes in order to adapt to an ever evolving opportunity.
Why is learning how to invest properly with key strategies so crucial?
Stock picking is a discipline rarely taught in finance or commerce degrees. Most university courses teach highly theoretical curriculums to provide strong foundational knowledge but rarely provide insight on how to successfully invest in the stock market. Individuals tend to develop the ability to stock pick over the duration of their careers or in MBA programs.
Who is this webinar for?

Private investors who want to learn more about fundamental investing and self-managing their investment portfolio
Current university students who want to begin developing their investment portfolio or learn more about Wall Street
Professionals in financial institutions or other professional service firms
Professionals looking to transition into finance or investment companies
Professionals who need financial skills in their line of work
High achieving high school students with intensive skills in mathematics or economics

What You’ll Learn In Stock Investing Course
Free Introductory Miniseries

What is Activist Investing? (0:59)
What is Primary Research? (1:21)
What is Behavioural Finance? (1:12)
What is The Stock Valuation Modelling? (1:20)
What is Risk and Portfolio Management? (1:20)
Case Studies in The Course! (1:27)

Jamie’s Stock Investing Class

Introduction (27:49)
What Actually is a Stock (32:39)
The Bulls – Bear – Types of Investing (58:17)
Does Technical Analysis Work (12:46)
Famous Hedge Funds and Fundamental Investors (16:42)
Relevant Economic Concepts (15:53)
Alpha, Beta and the Fama – French Model (26:58)
Introduction to Accounting (53:22)
Valuation Method (34:17)
Is the Market Efficient (13:27)
Behavioural Economics (17:24)
Elite Hedge Funds – What enables them to succeed (41:09)
Fundamental Analysis and the Margin of Safety (16:34)
Investor Expectations and the Sell Side (20:58)
How are Ideas Generated (46:53)
Process When You Hear About A Company (15:26)
Market Sizing (13:30)
Competitor Analysis (21:12)
Company Recording (9:12)
Fundamental Equity Analysis – Management Team Due Diligence (18:28)
Insider Buying and Selling (6:35)
How are the other Investors Thinking (2:52)
Primary Research – The secret spice of successful equity investing (15:12)
Checks and Ongoing (2:11)
Case Study – Apollo Education (33:24)
Short Selling (7:06)
Case Study – Abercrombie and Fitch – Brokerage accounts (17:21)
Breaking Into Wall Street (19:15)