Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0


Picking international CPA Offers… where to find them… how to get the best commissions… how to set up your ads… how to promote super competitive niche niches and WIN… how to split test… what tracking software to use…Purchase Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0 courses at here with PRICE $1997 $189Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0  -The final installment of the trilogy that has been rated the #1 paid traffic course to CPA marketing from over 100 students….”HOW I SOLD $163 MILLION AS AN ELITE PAID TRAFFIC EXPERT AND TAUGHT MY STUDENTS THE SAME FORMULA- CHECK THE RESULTS FOR YOURSELF”Get DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0 – Andrew Fox & Peter Parks at the CourseAvaiBut You can’t cheat 3 years of history, video proof and over 100 real life testimonials.In 2 Years and 5 Months DNA Wealth Blueprint V 1.0 and 2.0 have produced over$10,000+ per month revenue generatorsSeventy five –  $100,000+ per month revenue generatorsNine 7-figure per month revenue generatorsPlease see full income disclaimer at the bottom of the page“OPEN AND SHOCKING LETTER INTO THE DARK PERVERSE AND SOMETIMES CORRUPT WORLD OF CPA MARKETING”Dear ReaderCome closer my trusted friend…What you’re about to read is the shocking exposing of an industry that has a story of two sides..A world that  has made ordinary people wealthier beyond their wildest dreams…..… But  that hasn’t always been the caseIt’s Made People Into Millionaires  And Changed Their Lives Forever – Yet Brought Others to  Crippling Financial Ruin..And inside this letter we will reveal the shocking truth behind everything.The reason why some people in the paid traffic and CPA marketing world go on to quit their day job, be financially free and in some cases hit the dizzy heights of millionaire statusYet others struggle and just can’t “crack the code”.We’ve heard everything. All the reasons – all the excuses – all the frustration“The traffic won’t convert”“My opt in page doesn’t convert”“What am I doing wrong? – I just don’t understand”LEARN PAID TRAFFIC THE WRONG WAY AND THE RIGHT WAY  – REAL TESTIMONIALS – REAL STUDENTS – REAL RESULTS$233,000 in my first 22 days”This was our first month of launchingthe business.From 4th – 10th June the average sales were around $500 a day On the 11th June , from the training I discovered a new demographic, ramped up the traffic over the next 2 days and we went up to over $8000/day.We contacted Peter, created new campaigns and kept scaling up. One day we had nearly $42,000 in sales on the 17th June.After that day I had to slow down the traffic because we needed to get customer support in place (nice problem to have). Our manufacturers told us told to slow down because we had so many orders!““Over 30,000 Subscribers… and our first six figure month in March .”“I want to say thank you guys very much for allowing us to learn from you. Thanks to your insights into Facebook, we’ve been able to put over 30,000 people on our subscriber list in 2 months… and it also helped us to scale up our business to hit our first 6 figure month last month in March.And thank you Andrew for all the knowledge that you gave us into product launches… thanks to that, we’re putting the final touches on our first ever product being released in a couple of weeks.This has been, by far, the best money we’ve invested in education!”“THE MAGIC FORMULA”” MAGIC, BUT IF IT’S SO EASY WHY HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE  FAILED MISERABLY?”and in the worst cases lost  their homes, even their familIes by risking it all?There’s a golden rule in life…Most of you know it – but don’t realize it often until it’s too late“With great risk comes great reward”However the opposite also true..You screw up and you’re the one left bleeding in the curb and the worst thing is… nobody cares.HERE’S THE NIGHTMARE TRUE STORY OF HOW CPA ADVERTISING  CAN ANNIHILATE YOU AND HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELFYou’re spending $100 a day on ads promoting a CPA offer and returning $150 = $50 profitIn theory the CPA network  pays you once every seven days.In theory 7 days * 100 ad spend = $700 Spend$50 profit per day  =  $350 profit.Everything is running well until one day the CPA network doesn’t pay you. However you have still paid for the traffic in advance.You’re left holding the bill with nothing to showNow imagine this on a larger scale….You’re spending $10,000 per day. End of The Week The CPA Network doesn’t pay.You’re $70,000 out of pocket, with a court order to pay the funds or immediately legal action will take place.It can get ugly REAL fast… and trust me  – it does happenCPA NETWORKS SCREW UP ALL THE TIME – IT’S JUST NOONE TALKS ABOUT IT.. UNTIL NOW.This can happen for many reasonsAdvertiser doesn’t pay outThey claim the leads you’re sending them are “fraudulent”Their merchant processor gets shut downThey had been planning it from the start (Networks know that they are going to disappear, use offshore accounts, etc, and are gone without a trace.HOWEVER GET PAID TRAFFIC + CPA MARKETING DONE THE “RIGHT WAY”AND YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE MASSIVELY FOREVERListen to Liz Benny From Australia “These guys are the masters at what they do and helped change my life”“’These are the best people you want to be involved with to take your results from here to there!They are phenomenal and the level of service is unheard off.Once I jumped into the course I’ve seen things totally different – this is not what other people teach. It’s purely systemized and taught in a way…”do this, do that”.I’d had Skype calls with them to critique my campaigns and take myself to the next levels. Totally changed my life – from me to you, just get it!””INTRODUCING PETER PARKS – ONE OF THE WORLDS LEADING AUTHORITIES ON PAID TRAFFIC + CPA MARKETING   – SEVEN YEARS HISTORY AND $163.2 MILLION REVENUES TRACK RECORDPeter Parks has been a successful Internet Entrepreneur  since 2003. In 2008 he turned his attention to paid traffic and CPA Marketing. He spotted a huge opportunity to enter into rapidly growing markets, scale and capitalize.However it wasn’t all plain sailing. Initially, Peter lost a lot of money “figuring it out” and near gave up.Fast forward seven years later and at his peak, he had a team of over 120 people, 7 project managers and generated over $163 million in revenue. Now he’s semi retired and DNA Wealth Blueprint is a collaboration between himself and fellow Internet Entrepreneur Andrew Fox.While Peter is extremely good at what he does, he will not guarantee any earnings, promises or guarantees. However what we can say is that DNA Wealth Blueprint V3.0 is the result of over 7 years of testing and tracking boiled down into the purest form… What works and the quickest way to get there.What Peter Has Achieved Isn’t What Matters.. It’s The Results Our Students have achieved“$2694 IN JUST THE LAST FOUR DAYS”“$11,460 LABOR DAY WEEKEND WHILE  WE WERE AT A BBQ WITH OUR FAMILY”making money while i was on vacation!“2700/DAY WITH A 45% MARGIN  ($1215 A DAY PROFIT)Get DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0 – Andrew Fox & Peter Parks at the CourseAvaiINTRODUCINGTHE ULTIMATE TRAINING TO BECOMING A PAID TRAFFIC AND CPA MASTERIn 2 Years and 5 Months DNA Wealth Blueprint V 1.0 and 2.0 have produced over125 , $10,000+ per month revenue generatorsSeventy five –  $100,000+ per month income earnersNine 7-figure per month income earners* Please see full income disclaimer at the bottom of the page100’s of student success stories from over 16 countries, 3 continents – a truly global opportunity that can be applied across 100’s if not 1000’s of industries.Here’s what You GetMODULE #1Quick Start – Newbie to $3200 in Seven DaysCase Study  –  Peter takes a newbie  student behind the scenes and shows you a full-blown case study of how he made $3200 dollars in three days  from scratch.It’s literally laid out “step-by-step”.   You get to see the exact offer and why they selected it.You get to see the landing page, you get to see how he split test the headlines,Split test the images,Split Test the landing PagesHow to builds out the campaign from scratchHow to optimize the campaign,You get to see the traffic sources, he reveals everything in this case study.Warning – You’re getting to see a very aggressive offer for a male enhancement product.However, you get to see a very ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at the landing page and how this student angles the offer so it sells quickly. You get to see his blog where he sells multiple CPA offers, from skin care, to supplements, to e-commence products. This is absolutely mind blowing how he positions a multitude of CPA offers from one blog.Breath taking stuff!MODULE #2Super Affiliate Tracking   -$100k >> $1 million >> $10 million and beyond(Peter spent over $70,000  trying and testing out various “enterprise level” softwares with most failing the test.Below you get the results of his hard earned dollars so you don’t have to spend your own)Peter takes a behind-the-scenes approach and shows you exactly how the super affiliates think and track AND why you need to start thinking like the super affiliates do.Why Sub ID’s Are Critical To Your CPA Campaigns And How To Set Them Up For Maximum Profitability (Can be the difference between a 22 ROI and over 140% R.O.I)Which 5 key Sub IDs metrics are the key ones you really want to track. 99% of affiliates drop the ball on this aspect of tracking. (Here’s how you can leverage their mistakes to your own financial benefit)“Step-by-step process” how to technically set up to sub IDs  to help you profit right out of the gate.Peter hates  wasting ad spend, not even one penny if he can help it.The #1 sub ID that you can track – Get this right and this could mean the difference between having a five figure and 6 to 7 figure campaign or get this wrong and you could go bankrupt!the KILLER sub ID to set up for mobile campaigns (where huge profits can be made)MODULE #3Solar Panel Case Study – Top Affiliates Are Making Over $10,000 A DayWatch as Peter takes you behind-the-scenes into one of the most controversial and passionate niches around.How to become a master wordsmith that crafts ads that convert!Discover the 5 key psychological reasons why many affiliates drop the ball in passionate controversial niches!Learn the  difference between demographics and psychographics and why it’s important that you need to understand both to succeed in CPA marketing!Inside this Module Peter revealsactual ad placementsactual bannersactual content rich product landing pageWhy you MUST use a very specific domain for your CPA offer and funnel or it can cost you $10,000’s in lost commissions!NINJA TRICK – You’ll be introduced to a new targeting service that some very smart super affiliates are using and how you can get access to it as well!You’ll also get a very powerful description on why keywords are very important with CPA marketing especially when it comes to media buys using this particular service!This Meaty module is worth the investment in DNA 3.0 on its own – there’s only pure gold kept inside!MODULE #4The Ultimate CPA Campaign And Backend Profit MachineIn this module Peter shows you how affiliates become super affiliates…. and eventually become advertisers to ultimately own the game.The strategies revealed here other super affiliates have gone on to build their empires as advertisers and CPA network owners in excess of $168MM, $350MM, and Beyond.You’ll learn exactly what your secret weapons are with the assets in this space and how to leverage themThe 3 most important competitive intelligence tools (And why you MUST be using these)“Tell Tale Factor” – What is the right amount of ROI you need to decide whether or not you can scale.Why email is so important in CPA marketing yet so many advertisers drop the ball on it (While I laugh all the way to the bank cashing in on their mistakes)Asking advertisers for the “magic wand” (Most affiliates would never be so daring to ask for this) and why you need it to scale  your business past seven and eight figures.And  much, much more, this is a meaty almost 32+ minutes in length. You will need to watch this at least three or four times to grasp all the concepts before taking action, its that good. (Here’s a hint, turn off the phone, send the kids to grandmas house, put the dog in the kennel and lock yourself inside your office, grab a cup of bulletproof and dig in  – this is gold dust!)MODULE #5Mastering Facebook CPA… (Cost Per Action) only for Advanced UsersIn this module Peter shows you one of the most advanced features smart marketers are using to completely dominate FB® platform.This particular strategy is about using CPA bidding on the blue beast platform.This is one of the most powerful forms of bidding that FB® can give you, as many simply don’t use it or know about it.How to use CPA effectively that basically forces the network to send you optimized traffic.How to ethically “use ” the FB® algorithm to send you sub penny clicks and highly qualified traffic.Staying 100% in control of your conversions (and how to track everything from A-Z)SUPER TIP! How to avoid being at the mercy of FB® bidding algorithm and  how to bypass it so you can stay ahead laughing all the way to the bank.Why you should use C.P.A bidding versus the other modules – Failure to understand the bidding strategies will cost you an arm and a leg…. but get this right and it’s just a matter of highly profitable scaling.MODULE #6Building a Traffic Team Like a Boss  (If you ever want to create a truly ‘hands free business this is for you)From over 8 to 9 years of ‘trial and error” experience, Peter takes you behind-the-scenes and shows you the exact processes on  how he built out his team.The EXACT processes he has created for his students and clients have built out teams over the last 8 to 9 years to eight figures and almost 9 figures!This is one of the major roadblocks for lots of marketers, lots of entrepreneurs is team building they don’t know where to go, or how to go about the process!Many fail and have their businesses shut down literally overnight because of it!Hire wrong out of the gate and you will suffer headaches,  endless waste of money and months of heartache!In this “Build a Team Like A Boss” module you  will learn…What positions are the absolute most CRITICAL for growing your business!Where the A+ superstars and high-level players hang out, how to approach and incentive them!The #1 worst  thing that you can do to approaching someone to work with you!Why the old way of hiring people is no longer applicable in the digital age!The best places to vet people out!Why you shouldn’t go to an outsourcing firm…(or you should if you want to burn an unnecessary hole in your back pocket  – 😉CASE STUDY – Peter shows you a real life example in which he recently acquired a brand new “A” player team!You’ll get the actual template that Peter uses to hire a triple AAA player Internet marketing project manager, media buyer, and the rest of the team!MODULE #7High Risk Aggressive CPA Offers That The Most Elusive  Underground Affiliates Are doing $100,000 Per Day WithWarning, Warning, Warning!In this module the unthinkable is happening…This case study it not for the faint of heart, but once again in the last 2 versions of DNA Wealth Blueprint people have been asking to show them an aggressive high risk offer so you’ll see how you can push one through the big blue beast.These are high risk- high reward offers…Case study breakdown of a high octane testosterone booster offer that some affiliates are making $100k a day from!This offer is borderline aggressive and not for some of the networks but you’ll see just how it gets pushed through!Warning – If you run this offer you run it at your own risk and you understand that you can and will most likely lose your account and I am not responsible for your actions!But with the flip side being great risk comes great reward if you have the “advertising balls of steel”!You get the inside peek at some of the metrics and why it so important for you to understand!You’ll see the FB® page and how its set up for conversion which is key and why its been working since 2013!You’ll see the ad and you’ll be shown how the psychology plays into it so it gets “the click” and already “pre-frames” the sale!In an opposite twist You’ll see the “down and dirty” blog that only serves one purpose !…(can you guess what that is)You’ll see the cost to build out the list!A hardcore lesson in banner split testing will be shown and what very few marketers and affiliates talk about, along with how and when to optimize so you can scale for truck loads of the “green stuff”!Whats even better?…You get to see the final banners that made the cut!it’s simple over the edge type stuff that isn’t for the beginner!And much, much more, you simply have to grab the course just for this case study itself!EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FROM A “FB MASTER PRACTITIONER”.  – NICHOLAS KUMISH – $1.2 MILLION FOR A CLIENT IN 7 DAYSNicholas Kumish is one of only FB “Hired Gun” we have ever recommended here at DNA WealthBlueprint – In fact – he’s actually been our secret weapon behind the scenes on several of our own product launches.Nick frequently sells out his high ticket workshops for over $10,000. It’s only due to our close relationship with Nick that he’s graciously agreed to contribute some incredible two incredible modules.Get DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0 – Andrew Fox & Peter Parks at the CourseAvaiNick recently ran a campaign for a client with the following results:Ad Spend $123,693.58Days 8Spend $123,693.58Leads 155,471Avg. CPL $0.80Est Return to Client $1.2 XMYSTERY PETER PARKS ROCK STAR STUDENT  – NEWBIE TO SUPER SUCCESSSix Amazing Videos Spread Over 3 ModulesThis is a special guest module from Peters “mystery student ” – from newbie to massive success. Six videos over 3 modules” Module 1 – Competitive Intelligence”” Module 2 -White Hat Vs Blackhat”” Module 3 – Profitable Campaign Set up”” Competitive Intelligence”Discover What’s Already Working And How To Make Money Using Competitive Intelligence!Why To Never Reinvent The Wheel And Exactly How To Profit From Existing Funnels!How To Do Proper Research Before Starting Any Campaign!The 2 Ways To Find Out What Works In Building Out Profitable Campaigns!When To Use Competitive Spy Tools & Manual Spying!How To Reverse Engineer Traffic Sources And Replicate Similar CampaignsThe Most Specific Questions You Need To Ask Your Affiliate Manager! serves one purpose…(can you guess what that is)Blackhat Vs Whitehat ModuleHow to Know When to Go Whitehat Or Blackhat To Best Monetize A Campaign!How To Get Accepted By Traffic Networks!How To Cloak For Uncompliant Pages You Want To Promote!How To Run Aggressive Campaigns That Can Bring A Lucrative Cash-flow!Learn What Types Of Pages To Never Publish That Networks Won’t Allow!Discover Which Types Of Aggressive CPA Offers That Make The Most Money!See Exclusive Behind The Scenes Techniques On Tracking URLS And Redirects!How To Use Tracking IDs and Tokens To Lock-In Your Commissions!Profitable Campaign SetupHow To Launch Profitable Campaigns Geared To Create Cash Flow!How To Budget, Test And Scale To Become Profitable!Learn How Many Variables To Test When Running Campaigns!Why to Test Tightly And How Many Offers To Start With!Why To Use 2 Completely Different Styles Of Landing PagesHow To Determine ROI On Campaigns In Relation To Payouts!How To Become Successful Starting With A Low Budget!How To Scale Up Faster As You Build Your Ad Budget!EXCLUSIVE GUEST MODULES FROM MATT SCHMITT  – $100,000’S REVENUES USING FB  + SHOPIFY5 Incredible Videos Over Three ModulesSpecial Guest Modules By Matt Schmitt.Matt is a master of selling $100,000’s of revenue on shopify using FB ads.He has generously contributed 6 videos over 3 modules.Module 1 – Niche Product Selection – 2 videos– 1 videoModule 2 – Shopify Set Up – 2 videosModule 3 – Store Sustainability Module 1 – Niche Product Selection ModuleWhy It’s Crucial To Have A Niche & Product Selected Before You Start Building Your Store!How To Continually Grow Your FB Audience For Years Without Burning Them Out!The One Engagement Emotion That Drives Your FB Ads To A Huge Viral Audience!Why Competition Is A Good Thing And How To Use It To Beat Competitors At Their Game!Discover Which Niches Have The Absolute Biggest Pools Of Buyers And How To Select The Best Ones For Your Offers!How To Understand Nuances Of Any Niche Market And How Important It Is To Find Top Opportunities!Module 2 – Shopify Set upDiscover The MVP Model That Gets Your Store Functional And Money Coming In The Door!The One 3rd Party Platform To Build Your Store On To Dominate Virtual Markets Without A Brick & Mortar Presence!How A Relatively Cheap Store Solution Beats The Higher Cost Alternatives!Watch Over The Shoulder On How To Build Out A Minimal Viable Product Store!Discover The Fastest Way To Build Your Store Without A Large Investment!Module 3 – Store SustainabilityHow To Create a Good Customer Experience And Make Them Like And Trust You!Discover How To Optimize Your Store To Convert More Sales!Discover The Crucial Pages That Get The Most Visits And How To Setup Your Site Navigation To Capture The Most Buyers!Discover How To Engage Your Customers To Come Back And Buy Again And Again!STOP CHASING AFFILIATES FOR  DIMES AND NICKLES WHEN YOU CAN BECOME A PAID TRAFFIC OVERLORD AND COMMANDS YOUR OWN  PAYCHECK,Look –  it’s time for a reality check .Maybe you landed on this page from a referral from a friend.Or perhaps…YOU’VE COME THIS FAR – BUT NOW YOU’E GOT TWO CHOICES AND NEED TO DECIDE…WHAT BETTER PERSON TO LEARN FROM THAN PETER WHO DOES REVENUES IN EXCESS OF $100,000.00 PER DAY AT PEAK?Peter is one of the most sought-after and leading experts on Facebook and paid traffic.While there are other courses out there, who else do you know that has managed to scale their Facebook business to over $100,000.00 per DAY?!You’re going to learn Facebook™ in a way NEVER seen before.Picking international CPA Offers… where to find them… how to get the best commissions… how to set up your ads… how to promote super competitive niche niches and WIN… how to split test… what tracking software to use… what ROI you should be getting before you scale… and every minor detail you need to know.The complete A-Z of FB marketing and offer selection that Peter uses to make over a hundred grand a day!HERE’S OUR UNIQUE PROMISE AND GUARANTEE TO YOUWhen you enroll in DNA Wealth Blueprint you are dealing DIRECTLY with Peter and myself.We NEVER pass on your details to some call center to try and upsell you into something else.Our integrity and reputation is the lifeblood of our business.You are not a ‘number’ to us, you are not a ‘prospect’. You’re someone who has invested in ourselves and our premium services.We respect that and in return will do our utmost to give you maximum value 24 years of experience for you to lean on.Get DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0 – Andrew Fox & Peter Parks at the CourseAvaiWE’LL MAKE THIS OFFER TRULY IRRESISTIBLE AN EXCLUSIVE BONUS WORTH $7995.PRODUCT LAUNCH TRAINING WITH ANDREW FOX OVER FOUR MODULES: CREATING $100,000 – $1,000,000+ FIGURE PRODUCT LAUNCHES LIKE CLOCKWORK ON TOP NETWORKS INCLUDING CLICKBANK, JV ZOO AND EVEN WITH YOUR OWN MERCHANT ACCOUNT.Product Launch Training Module #1Picking The Right Type Of Product To Sell & CreateThe free tools I use to study and analyze a market before any sort of creation (If you don’t get this right there is NO WAY you’ll hit 6 figures… let alone 7 and beyond, like I’m doing.)Why understanding how to ‘read a market’ is the most common downfall but when you learn to do it the right way, you crush it every time.The UGLIEST website that made me $100,000s because I understood how to spot the opportunity – I’ll teach you how to do this, even if you can’t design a website for toffee!Tiger Marketing – Timing is everything! You could have a great idea for a product but the timing for the market must be right. Here’s how to make sure.Our secret source for getting software developed for just pennies on the dollar by TOP level programmers (We have paid less than $1k to develop a product that does over $100K the first month it’s released!)The RIGHT way to test a product.. If you ever see people claiming “I got a 23% conversion rate” chances they are in for a BIG fall.How to carry out the ultimate ‘Litmus’ test to ensure you know you are on course for a six figure plus launch.What to structure and implement in your product to help you sell it for up to 24-36 months profits. (A $5,000 profit/month website could be worth nearly $200,000 if you do this right)Product Launch Training Module #2Sales Funnel Optimization + PricingThe number of upsells and downsells you should use in a sales funnel for optimum “Visitor Value” without making your customers hate you.How to get up to a 70% uptake on your first upsell by twisting the knife with the missing piece and make your customer actually thank you for it.The HUGE mistake I made that lost me over $30,237.45 on a recent product launch by “giving away the farm” too early on (I need to share this with you so you don’t make this horrific error.)Why pricing in certain markets is INSANELY sensitive and if you don’t have a ‘Plan B’ people won’t even get to see your sales funnel.How to use “special offer” pre launch webinars with select JV partners to bring in an additional 40% in revenues (We did over $67,467,45 employing this one technique)The pricing structure that never fails and why you MUST use downsells correctly or your launch could fall apart.Using time scarcity within sales funnels to boost sales a further 34.8%. Do it right and it works, but do it wrong and your customer will get confused and chances are refund!The Number 1 FLAW with clickbank and ‘1 click upsells’ that could destroy any launch (Even the gurus don’t seem know about this… I’ve only ever seen it used properly once.)How I accidentally discovered the “Good Copy – Bad Copy” Upsell/downsell personality hack that brought in an additional $16,546,27 in revenue.The split testing software that kicks any tracker’s ass. Do you know what it is?Product Launch Training Module #3Scorching Sales Copy That Will Convert Like A Thunder God!While some sales letters convert like gangbusters, the majority fall flat on their face… how to get it right even if you’re not a great writer.Most people think their sales copy is awesome – in many cases it sucks. Not realizing or admitting that is going to hinder your progress even further. In this mammoth training I cover..The “Double Yes” Engagement factor to decrease your abandonment rate by as much as 327%.Why you must address “2 Core Elements” no matter what niche you are in, within the opening 60 seconds of your sales copy.Why the wrong use of colors will sink your website faster than the Titanic no matter how good your product is.Leveraging brand names like Amazon, Forbes, Ebay using the “power of association” (Do this wrong and you could get sued!)How to use bolding, italics and underlining the right way to make keep your prospect engaged.Understanding how to use external market conditions and 3rd party sources (it’s free!) to double the conversion of your offer.Why you MUST attack and overcome “trust” objections early on or people will never buy from you.What the optimum length for “screen demonstrations” is (get this wrong and it will KILL your pitch!)How to ‘align’ yourself with the viewer and dramatically increase the chance of them handing you over their credit card details.Tapping into “Primal Motive” to twist the knife into super sell mode (The most powerful psychological factor of them all… and few use it properly.)How to leverage the “better than your peers” angle to make it hard for a prospect to refuse your offer.Using scarcity and timers on a page the RIGHT way (most people do it wrong, which results in less sales! Used properly, this has much as QUADRUPLED revenue.)How to close a sale and which factors play the crucial point in getting the prospect over the finish line (You’ve done the hard work – now make the sale!)Product Launch Training Module #4